Select Board Minutes 01.30.25

Select Board Meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm.

Roll Call: Beth Downs (Chair), Marlene Freyler, Chip Meany (arrived at 6:05)

Also attending: Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator; Kathleen Bigford, Recording Secretary

Regular and Old Business:

Review and approval of the 2025 operating budget and warrant articles.

Discussion: The Board agreed to decrease the Election, Registration and Vital Statistics line, account #4140 of the operating budget by $400.

Motion: Chip Meany moved to approve a total operating budget of $2,946,569.

Second: Marlene Freyler

Decision: 3-0, all in favor

The Board reviewed the warrant articles for accuracy and agreed that there was no motion needed as the articles already carried the Board’s recommendations.


Motion: Beth Downs moved to adjourn the meeting.

Second: Marlene Freyler

Decision: 3-0, all in favor

Meeting adjourned at 6:25 pm.

Upcoming meeting: February 10, 2025

Respectfully submitted, Kathleen Bigford, Recording Secretary