Select Board Minutes 12.03.12



DECEMBER 3, 2012


The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Harry Wright, Chair called the meeting to order with Sonny Harris, Barry Wheeler, Cheryl Behr, Administrator, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.

Review and Consideration of the November 26, 2012 minutes:

Harry Wright, Chair advised they will take Chris Frey’s suggestion made last week that the town make a policy that in the future only information the Selectmen generate can be released by them to the new Attorneys for consideration.

Motion was made to approve the minutes of the November 26, 2012 by Sonny Harris, Seconded by Barry Wheeler.

On page 2, under Police Department, third paragraph from the bottom, the Sign they were talking about is for: $14,000.00, not the $3,500.00 that was brought up by a member of the public. Page 8, Last sentence, 4th paragraph, “Barry Wheeler advised he contacted the Attorney General’s Officeand it is now off Face Book.

Motion carried 3-0 with edits.

Harry Wright, Chair advised he did not respond to the letter that had been requested to be put in the minutes by Mr. Robert Lincoln, however, it has been published in the Bradford Bridge. He advised he is not going to respond via theBradfordBridge, but will here, tonight. The Bridge did edit some of the text for size and they also edited some of the grammar, spelling and punctuation which to me is not something the newspaper should be doing, it should be published like it was handed in.

The paragraph regarding releasing the information from the Sheriff’s department was beat to death last week. Mr. Wright read the next paragraph: “I purchased a copy from the town administrator. Upon reading same I find several social security numbers beginning with Mr. Remillard, Mr. Wheeler, and Mr. Harris plus others. I do not see yours or Cheryl’s the present town administrator. The information had to come from the town records and just wondering why those two social security numbers were not included. I believe that one is part of the problem or part of the solution. Which side of the fence are you and your administrator on? “ Harry Wright, Chair stated that is nasty.

Harry Wright, Chair questioned whose other Social Security was in there and Sonny Harris advised Justin’s was as he actually called me and complained about it. Harry Wright, Chair advised he did review the incident report dated October 29th, and the information had to come from the town records. Harry Wright, Chair advised he did speak with the Deputy Sheriff and asked him where those Social Security numbers could have come from, and he said two places. One, if those names were on file for something else in the Sheriff Department and two if those people whose social security numbers were listed were given to him by them, that is the only way, they did not get them from the town. Harry Wright, Chair went through the report and advised if the Social Security numbers were there or not, listing Jeff Remillard, Barry Wheeler, and Delbert Harris were the only ones listed, the others were reported as unavailable. Mr. Robert Lincoln questioned Barry Wright and Sonny Harris if the Sheriff’s Department had asked them for their Social Security numbers to which they both advised no. Robert Lincoln asked each of them if they were on the criminal list to which they both advised no. Mr. Lincoln questioned if he could go and ask the Sheriff. Are you implying there is some sort of conspiracy where Cheryl and I are trying to do dirty deals and set up Barry and Sonny is absolutely (unclear). Robert Lincoln stated he asked what side of the fence are you on, could you tell me what side you are on? Harry Wright, Chair stated, the right side. Robert Lincoln questioned what side is that? Harry Wright, Chair stated the side that is for the best interest of the town. Harry Wright, Chair stated that people are working for the town and not any personal gain. What personal gain do you think I am getting for sitting here? Mr. Lincoln stated he did not say you are sitting there for personal gain, I’m just stating a fact. Much more conversation ensued from several people.


Marlene Freyler –Patriotic Purposes Budget:

Marlene Freyler requested the Secretary put her comments into the minutes. The Secretary advised if a printed form was provided for the contents of her concerns as others do. Marlene went on to state she is here for the Patriotic Purposes Budget which is the same as last year at $14,500.00. $10,000 for fireworks, actually $8,500 went for fireworks last year and the remainder for the parade, band, porta potty etc. The $500.00 is for flags.

Motion was made by Harry Wright, Chair, to approve the Patriotic Purposes Budget as presented. Seconded by Sonny Harris. Motion carried 3-0.

Marlene went on to refer to the six page letter from Sonny Harris with all the names going into it and questioned if the new attorney will have that information as well. Harry Wright, Chair replied that yes, he has the whole package. And, if so, for what reason? It was reiterated by the Selectmen that the Selectmen are not allowed to discuss this at this time. Marlene went on to state how much money has been paid to Mr. Remillard ($68,500) including salary and benefits as well as what Barry Wheeler has earned ($14,000) filling in as being a Supervisor to the Highway Department. She stated she just does not understand.


Accounts payable and payroll manifests were reviewed and signed.

Mention was made that the Police Station Lease has increased to $900.00/month and was signed for the period of January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013.

Personnel action forms were signed

The second requisition for sidewalks in the amount of $184,875 was signed.

There is a walk through on Wednesday for the punch list, time to be confirmed by Mike Croteau. The Selectmen were given a copy of the items on the list showing what is outstanding at this time. A cost for removing the tree that Jason Allen is concerned about is being checked upon per Cheryl.

Sidewalks were washed to prepare them to be sealed now and they will be resealed in the spring.

Intent to cut was signed for John W. Mock – Map 17,Lot18 –6.9 acres. Personnel Action Manual forms for the first of the year with changes .

Cub Scouts were thanked for their taking over the flags on a regular basis. The State House alerts them.

Estimate of damage on theFairgroundsRoadBridgeis $5,900 and has been forwarded to the insurance company for the person who did the damage.

Cheryl gave a reminder of the Sidewalk Walk to be held at 3:30 pm December 8th followed by the tree lighting at 4:00pm.

Additional lighting in the front and back of the Community Center is being worked on.

It was stated that LGC has given 30 hours as a full work week to include benefits.

Chris Frey question who determines the hours worked? Reply is it would be Department Heads and Selectmen. Another change is instead of waiting until April first salary increases would take effect January first.

It was noted that there have been some applications received for the repair person that has been advertised for.

Dave Pickman questioned if the Highway Department is making budget to which he was answered in the affirmative.

Harry Wright, Chair read into the minutes wording to be considered as an Amendment to the Town ofBradford Dog Ordinance.

“All Dog handlers are required to control and remove any defecation for the safety, health and welfare of personnel using the sidewalks and designated areas for sport and/or recreation and walking.

Mandatory dog leash areas:

Sidewalks on East andWest Main Street. (or all sidewalks)

Brown Shattuck Field.

There will be a Public Hearing regarding the above at the next Selectmen’s Meeting.

There will be no non-public hearing tonight.

There being no other business to come before the board, meeting adjourned 6:20pm.

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley


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