Budget Committee Minutes 11.21.24

Present: Jen Richardson (Chair), Kim Firth (Vice Chair), Laurie Colburn, Justin Dohrn, Tim McKenna, Beth Downs (Select Board Representative), Marlene Freyler (Select Board), Chip Meany (Select Board), Dawn Gezelman joined via ZOOM.

Absent: Justin Dohrn

Also attending: Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator, Kathleen Bigford, Recording Secretary

Meeting called to order at 6:31 pm

New Business: None

Old Business:

Review minutes from November 7, 2024 meeting

Discussion: Correction: Meeting began at 6:32 pm. The Budget Survey appeared in the November Bradford Bridge, not December as stated in the November 4 minutes. Also, the survey will be closed at the end of November, not December as stated in the November 4 minutes.

Motion: Beth Downs moved to approve the November 7, 2024 minutes as corrected and written.

Second: Laurie Colburn

Decision: 6-0, all in favor

School Board Meeting Update: Kim reported that she contacted Eric Gregoire, the Bradford KRSD representative about a special information session about KRSD funding in Bradford. Eric will bring the request to the School Board. After discussion it was decided that Laurie and Tim would organize the meeting and update the committee on timing.

Department Budgets: As an overview, this part of the meeting was generally information gathering from various departments.

Bradford, Newbury, Sutton, Youth Sports (BNSYS): Jared Lamothe and Mike Howley appeared to discuss the request increase from $2,750 to $5,000. They reported that 52% of the participants in BNSYS programs are from Bradford. Laurie asked about the percentage of program costs raised by fundraising. Jared reported that between 50% and 60% of programs costs were covered by fundraising. They also pointed out that this is the first increase requested in six years.

Town Clerk: Erica Gross appeared. Erica emphasized the 20 hours per week needed for the new Deputy Town Clerk to do the job and be fully trained so that the Town will have a trained Town Clerk when Erica eventually retires.

Economic Development Committee: Scott McCaskill appeared to discuss a $5000 request for grant writing purposes. The funding would be used by any department for upfront grant writing fees and for other grant writing costs such as matching funds required by a grant. Jen asked how the funds would be accessed. Scott agreed to work with the Select Board to develop a strategy and report back to the Budget Committee on December 12.

Highway Department: Steve Hall appeared. There was a discussion of a $50/week stipend paid to employees from November to April. This stipend, approved by the Select Board, will compensate employees for being on call 24/7 during winter weather. The committee asked what was included in the $30,000 request for “general contract services”. Steve explained that pays for contracted work for sweeping, roadside mowing and clean up. Laurie asked if Steve had investigated the possibility of towns sharing resources. Steve said the complications of sharing resources were too many to pursue the idea. Jen asked about equipment rental to do this work. The answer to this was part of a larger discussion of renting, leasing and/or purchasing equipment. At this time, there is a truck in need of $6,600 in repairs and a backhoe that has repaired brakes costing $16,000 with another $40,000 needed in repairs. Steve recommended leasing a truck and backhoe. The committee asked for an analysis of the cost/benefits of renting/leasing/purchasing large equipment. After discussing leasing options Chip said he would work with Steve to prepare a cost analysis and tax impact of renting, leasing, and purchasing a truck and backhoe.


Election. Supervisors of the Checklist. Budget Committee would like clarification. Kathleen will contact the Supervisors about the $500 request for a laptop computer.

Revaluation: Karen reported on the assessing cycle. With the impending retirement of the current assessor early in 2025 Karen will be soliciting bids for assessor services.

Legal: Karen reported that there are some outstanding court cases. The amount requested also reflects on-going work for the Planning and Zoning Boards.

Planning & Zoning: No questions.

Gen Govt. Bldg.: The Budget Committee made a suggestion to the Select Board that the heating fuel line item in this budget be distributed to the departments. The Select Board will discuss the suggestion at the next meeting. Laurie had a question about why the landscaping for the Cemeteries is separate from the Town Landscaping line in Gen. Govt. Bldgs. The Cemetery Commission will discuss this at their next meeting.

Other General Govt.: Regarding sanitation units, the Committee asked about the increase of $350. Karen gave the explanation that the units at French’s Park are being used through September instead of stopping in at the end of August.

Building Dept – Code Enforcement:  Laurie asked for the number of building permits issued and the revenue generated.

Solid Waste 4323. No questions

Welfare: No questions

Community Center: Laurie asked questions about the generator request of $15,000 and the amounts for heat and electricity.

For the next agenda:

  • Update on KRSD budget and funding information session for Bradford residents.
  • Update on strategy for departments to access available funds requested by the Economic Development Committee.
  • Cost analysis and tax impact of renting, leasing, and purchasing a truck and backhoe by the Highway Department.
  • Clarification from the Supervisors of the Checklist about $500 request for a laptop.
  • Kim would like to know how to report the survey results. She will attend the December 9th Select Board meeting.

The Select Board decided to move their December 23rd meeting to the 16th


Motion: Laurie Colburn made a motion to adjourn the meeting.

Second: Kim Firth

Decision: 6-0, all in favor

Meeting adjourned at 9:27 pm.

Next meeting of the Budget Committee will take place on December 12, 2024 at 6:30 pm at the Town Hall.

Important Dates:

CIP Presentation to the Planning Board is November 26, 2024 during regular PB meeting.

Target Date for Public Hearing on the 2025 budget is January 30, 2025 (must happen by Feb.

14th; noticed by Feb. 7th).

Respectfully submitted, Kathleen Bigford, Recording Secretary