Conservation Commission Minutes 03.18.25

Bradford Conservation Commission Secretary’s Draft Report
March 18, 2025, 7pm at Brown Memorial Library
Present: George Beaton, J Ann Eldridge, Meg Fearnley, Patty Furness, Becca Herman, Brooks McCandlish, Doug Southard, and Rett Weber.
Secretary’s Draft Report: The draft minutes of 2/18/25 were reviewed. Meg motioned to accept the report as read, Brooks seconded, followed by unanimous approval from members present.
Treasurer’s Report: Meg presented the accounts spreadsheet. Discussion ensued to move 25K from the Land Protection Savings Account into the Land Protection CD to earn monthly interest. A motion was made by Doug to do as such, seconded by Brooks, and approved by all present.
493 Center Road, Map 6 Lot 26: The site walk by the Planning Board was held 2/25/25, but the hearing for the Conditional Use Permit for the wetlands at this site was postponed for lack of a quorum. It is on the agenda to be discussed at a public hearing, and decided upon, at the next PB meeting Tuesday 3/25/25 at 7pm.
Masonic Hall Request for Proposal: The Select Board will be considering a Request for Proposal in regards to the Masonic Hall demolition, which was petitioned and passed at the Annual Town Meeting 3/12/25. Ann received the RFP information in an email, but was unable to open the document. Any comments need to be submitted to the Select Board before they convene 04/07/25. Ann will email the document to BCC members when available, Brooks made a motion that members of the BCC will look at the RFP and submit comments to Ann to be compiled and sent to the SB for the April meeting.
Friends of Mount Sunapee: Ann received an email seeking our support in requesting a public meeting with the Commissioner of Natural and Cultural Resources with the Mount Sunapee Advisory Commission. The Newbury Conservation Commission has documented leakage from the Mount Sunapee Resort sewage holding pond into Beck Brook, which flows into Lake Sunapee. DES monitoring has detected high levels of E Coli, as well as other toxins in the discharge. Ann will draft a letter of support in demanding this meeting take place to address this issue.
Saving Special Places 2025: This NH annual land conservation conference will take place on Friday April 18, 8:30 am-3pm at the Grappone Conference Center in Concord.
UNH Bradford Bog Research Study: A recap of the 2024 research study and plans for the continuation in 2025 will be presented by the UNH grad students involved in this study at the Town Hall on Wednesday April 2, from 3:30-6:30pm.
Bradford Bog Cedar Seedlings: A request by a Vermont resident to collect White Cedar seedlings or cuttings for private use was received. After discussion, it was decided to formalize a statement to submit to Ausbon Sargent that prohibits the collection of plant and animal specimens from the Bradford Bog by individuals (with exclusion of our Memorandum of Understanding with the Abenaki), as well as banning hunting and trapping. Ann will email Mike Andrews to inquire if he would be willing to assist this Vermont resident with this cedar seedlings request.
NH Volunteer River Assessment Program: Becca reported on data from VRAP ’24, involving 14 testing locations and covering Andrew Brook, Hoyt Brook, the Warner River and the West Branch. Water testing was done monthly for 4 months. Overall conditions were good. Low pH levels were probably related to low water levels. Rett volunteered to take the data collected and create visuals with graphs to aid in comprehension and significance. Rett also offered to assist in troubleshooting any problems with testing equipment used in the water studies.
Election of Officers: Brooks made a motion to reelect the current officers, Doug seconded, and all approved. Ann Eldridge will remain Chairperson, Meg Fearnley Treasurer, and Patty Furness Secretary.
Brooks McCandlish will step down from full member to alternate, and Rett Weber will step up from alternate to full member. All proper paperwork was signed by BCC members.
Summer Environmental Camp: Patty reported that the Bradford Community School is in the process of selecting three students to offer a one week Audubon summer camp scholarship. Patty will notify Meg when the selection process is completed, so dedicated funds can accompany the student’s application.
With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:15pm. The next meeting will take place Tuesday, April 15, 2025, 7pm at Brown Memorial Library.
Respectfully submitted,
Patty Furness, Secretary