Energy Committee Agenda 01.21.25

5:00 pm Bradford Town Hall

Review and approval of December Minutes

  1. Community Power Update
  2. Municipal Weatherization Status – The BEC plans to evaluate the effectiveness of the weatherization projects and to identify other energy saving opportunities at the Fire Station, Highway Garage and the Library. Sandra is obtaining fuel oil and electricity consumption data for the past two years as well as information on the oil burning equipment for these three facilities. In progress.
  3. Solar Energy
  4. Electrification
    a. Geothermal opportunities?
    b. Heat pump installation opportunities?
    c. Other?
  5. New Hampshire Network Update
    a. NH’s Comprehensive Climate Action Plan – Working sessions have commenced and volunteers are needed to assist in the development of one or more of these areas:
    i. Transportation
    ii. Commercial & residential buildings
    iii. Electrical generation & use
    iv. Agriculture, forestry, land conservation
    v. Waste: manufacturing, recycling, composting
    b. Clean Energy Group – presentation on Solar and Battery Storage to Support Community Preparedness and Disaster Response (
  6. Legislative Updates
    a. A good place to stay on top of NH legislative updates is through
    b. HB106 Sponsored by Anthony Caplan Title: establishing a commission to determine the monetary costs of climate damage to the state of New Hampshire and the best means of recouping such costs.
    c. HB306 Establishing a commission to study the short and long-term impacts of pending national and regional carbon pricing mechanisms on New Hampshire’s citizens, businesses, institutions, and environment. (comments due by 1/21/25)
    d. HB96 – Requiring New Hampshire builders to use the 2021 Energy Building codes or a similar code that achieves equivalent or greater energy savings (comments due by 1/22/25)
    a. HB246 – Directing the state conservation committee to implement the conservation district climate resilience grant program and making an appropriation therefor. (comments due by 1/23/25)
  7. BEC Public Outreach in January – None
  8. Proposed articles for February Bridge
    a. Susan to provide an update on Inflation Reduction Act Funds available in 2025. Also a reminder of which energy improvements offer federal tax credits on 2024 tax returns.
    b. Sandra to provide articles on NHSaves energy audits and weatherization for residences and for businesses.
  9. Other Items
    a. KCA – Sandra will attend the next scheduled meeting on 1/27/25 at 5:00pm at the Newbury Library. KCA is working on scheduling Button-up Workshops.
    b. NHSaves opportunities for Bradford businesses? Looking for a case study.
    c. Inflation Reduction Funds availability.
  10. Conclude