Review and approval of February Minutes. Introduction of a new member of the Energy Committee: Rett Weber has expressed his willingness to join the Energy Committee. Sandra will make it official through Karen.
Note: This is Kathleen’s last meeting. The Energy Committee was initiated in 2019 with Kathleen as co-chair, and she initiated the Eversource Energy Audits that led to the successful weatherization of three town buildings. She also co-chaired the Community Power Coalition initiative for the town of Bradford. Many thanks to Kathleen for her commitment to the town, which will continue as a newly elected member of the Planning Board.
- Community Power Update
Notice of rate change was printed in the Bridge. Rates for electricity supply with higher renewable content were also listed. Residents may contact Community Power at 1-866-603-7697 to opt up from their 25.2% renewable supply to 33%, 50% or 100% renewable supply. - Municipal Weatherization Status.
a. Margaret Dillion, of S.E.E.D.S, who was contracted by NHSaves to conduct the energy audits of Bradford’s municipal buildings, has agreed to assist the BEC to quantify the energy savings from implementation of energy saving measures at the Highway and Fire Department buildings. Sandra has provided the data of electricity and fuel oil use. Margaret will be able to do this within the next month.
b. We have not brought the BACC forward yet for recommended weatherization. The present insulation contains asbestos, and removal will be costly. Depending on the future use plans for the BACC, there may be grant funding available for weatherization. - Solar Energy Update
The non-profits, Clean Energy NH and SolSmart, are partnering to help municipalities establish smart solar zoning and permitting at the local level. This program is free to municipalities. Sandra will
contact the Bradford Planning Board to present this opportunity to work with experts and peers to decide
whether Bradford should create a solar ordinance and start working on a draft. First group meeting is
next week with Sarah Brock on March 27th. Sandra will send the link to the Energy Committee. - Electrification
a. Geothermal opportunities. Sandra is requesting estimates from consultants on the cost of conducting a feasibility study to determine if geothermal is a good fit for heating/cooling at the Highway Department. Sandra spoke with a consultant who estimated that it would cost $10,000 to do a feasibility study for the installation of a geothermal system, or $15,000 to include in the study the possibility of using air source heat pumps to water for heating and cooling. Laura will get information on the geothermal installation at the Fish and Game Great Bay Discovery Center. Note that the current oil burning furnace at the Highway Department was installed in 2008.
b. Are there other Air Source Heat Pump installation opportunities? - New Hampshire Network Update
a. NH Network is sponsoring a petition to eliminate single use plastic bags in NH, as the other New England states have already implemented. Members of the BEC will circulate their petition through the month of April. More info below. Also, Sandra is writing an article on micro and nano plastic pollution for the April Bradford Bridge.
b. For more info: NH Network: Environment, Energy, Climate Re-Think Plastic with the Ten Towns • Ten Actions Toolkit - Legislative Updates
a. A good place to stay on top of NH legislative updates is through
b. Another good place is the NH Network Bill Action website. Online testimony can be given using this website at the NH General Court. Sandra has been forwarding the links to these websites to an informal email distribution group of climate advocates. It has been an extremely active month in the legislature with many bills that impact the health of NH’s environment and the support of cleaner energy options and fair pricing.
c. From CENH – In late 2024, the NH Department of Energy (NHDOE), launched a process to update the State Ten-Year Energy Strategy. This Strategy is updated every three years and is used to inform deliberations of the NH Public Utilities Commission, program development and administration by NHDOE, and as reference for the NH legislature. Your comments will assist NHDOE staff in compiling a comprehensive document that highlights the fact that the clean energy transition is the most cost-effective, affordable, clean, and reliable means to power a competitive New Hampshire economy. Please submit all written comments, ideas, and recommendations via email to by March 31, 2025. All comments will be posted publicly on the DOE website. Sierra Club, NH Network, and League of Conservation Voters are hosting a meeting: Looking for public input on experiences.
When: Monday, March 24th at 6:30pm Susan and Sandra will attend.
Where: Unitarian Universalist Church of Concord, 274 Pleasant Street in Concord - BEC Public Outreach in March
a. A letter to the Editor of the Bradford Bridge from the BEC advised residents to reach out to federal legislators to deliver federal funds that were promised through the Inflation Reduction Act to reduce energy costs and improve economic competitiveness. On a local level tell Governor Ayotte to set meaningful greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals for NH and comply with them. - Proposed articles for April Bridge
a. Micro-plastics impacts and reduction options from Sandra. (See #5.)
b. Button-up Workshop in Warner April 24, 2025. We are partnering with several area towns to promote the workshop sponsored by NH Saves on how to save on energy costs in our homes. (Note: Bradford held a Button Up Workshop at BACC in 2023.) We will also post info around town to help people realize how much there is to gain from signing up for an energy audit with NH Saves. They provide customers with a plan of action and significant rebates on weatherization (air sealing and insulation). - Other Items
a. NHSaves opportunities for Bradford businesses? Sandra has started paying visits to some of the businesses in Bradford to explain the energy audit process and opportunities for reducing energy usage and resulting costs. - Federal Inflation Reduction Funds are still on hold, but NH Saves and EV rebates are functioning.
- Conclude: April 15 next meeting 5-6pm