Be it ordained by the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Bradford, New Hampshire, as follows:
1. It shall be unlawful for any person to possess an open or unsealed container of any alcoholic beverage or consume any alcoholic beverage while on any public way, sidewalk or common or upon any own owned property within the boundaries of the Town of Bradford.
2. It shall be unlawful for any person, while in any motor vehicle to consume, transport, carry, possess, or have any alcoholic beverage within the passenger area of such motor vehicle while on any public, town or state-owned properties within the boundaries of the Town of Bradford, except for alcoholic beverages in the original container with unbroken seal. Securely capped partially filled or filled containers of alcoholic beverages shall be stored and transported in the trunk of the motor vehicle. If the motor vehicle does not have a trunk, such containers shall be stored and transported in that compartment or area of the vehicle which is least accessible to the driver.
3. Violation of this ordinance will result in a fine of not less than twenty ($20.00) dollars and not more than two hundred and fifty ($250.00).
4. This ordinance is authorized under powers granted to Selectmen under RSA 31:39, 47:17 and is to take effect upon passage.
Revised this 27th day of April 1992.
Revised this 21st day of October 2024 by the Bradford Board of Selectman.