Call to Order and Roll Call 7:03 pm: Attending: Katie Olohan, Chair, Vice Chair, Carol Meise, Shanna Griffin, Chip Meany (Selectmen’s Rep). Laurie Colburn joined via Zoom.
Also attending: Matt Monahan, CNHRPC via ZOOM, Kathleen Bigford, Recording Secretary.
To Do: Review & Consideration of the January 14, 2025 minutes.
Motion: Carol Meise moved to approve the minutes of the January 14, 2025 meeting.
Second: Shanna Griffin
Decision: 5-0, all in favor
Public Hearing: Fisherfield Townhouses Condominium Conversion. Map 16, Lots 73, 77 & 82, 64 West Main Street Bradford, New Hampshire. Discussion of the conversion plan.
Open to public: 7:04. Peter Weeks of J. E. Belanger. Gave a summary of the application. Four Buildings on three parcels. Legal documents are complete for conversion. Would like to change the name of the driveway to a private street. Needs an association document to cover the care of the road. Needs to designate where snow is pushed. Provisions for maintaining the road.
Andrew Pinard: Andrew, an abutter, had several questions: Is there a condominium association document? Who is responsible for sale of the units? Is this a change of use? Is there an updated deed for the water cistern and septic system? Are there plans for future traffic patterns and safety? Does this establish precedence for future development? What is involved with a change from a driveway to private road? Concerns about future use of property. Fencing will be needed between Pinard property and condo property showing boundaries. Clarification that “sheds” are not part of the condominium.
Pam Bruss: Expressed concerns about the driveway/road that there’s no intent on the part of the condominium owners of the road being maintained by the town.
Aaron Weschler, environmental engineer in the audience: If the septic is working there is no need to present a plan for a replacement.
Hearing closed to public comment at 7:35 pm, open to Planning Board discussion.
Carol Meise: Wants to see the road brought to State standards. Condo docs must show clear plan for maintenance of the driveway. Boundary with Pinard must be secure. Condominium may not be expanded.
Katie Olohan: Property is zoned residential/business. Declaration needs to state that the properties are strictly residential.
Matt: There should be a plan note about residential use only. Commercial use in any unit would require a permitting process.
Shanna Griffin: Is there anything that defines the number of people who can occupy?
Shanna Griffin: What role does the State play in the replacement of the septic system? The state is not involved at this time.
Katie Olohan: As there are several unanswered questions, the hearing will need to be continued.
Motion: Carol Meise made a motion to continue the hearing on February 25, 2025.
Second: Katie Olohan
Decision: 5-0, All in favor.
Public hearing closed at 8:15.
Application: Subdivision Application: Hill & Dale, LLC, Map 7 Lot 26, Pleasant Valley Road, Bradford, NH.
Submitted on January 31, 2024. Bob Stewart appeared. Application is acknowledged. Fees accepted: $605 plus escrow fee of $500. A public hearing was scheduled for February 25, 2025 at 7:00 pm. A site walk will take place on February 24 at 4 pm.
Appearances: Aaron Weschler appeared for a Conditional Use Permit, 493 Center Road. Wetlands Permit. Public Hearing required. Map 6, lot 26. A public hearing was scheduled for February 25, 2025 at 7 pm. A site walk will take place on February 25 at 5 pm.
Planning Board Communications: A SWOD information sheet for voters will be written by the board to explain the differences between this ordinance and NH regulations.
Motion: Carol Meise moved to adjourn the meeting.
Second: Shanna Griffin
Decision: 5-0, all in favor
Meeting adjourned at 8:44 pm.
Respectfully submitted, Kathleen Bigford, Recording Secretary
Next Planning Board Meeting, February 25, 2025.