Memorandum of Agreement between Warner and Bradford Selectmen based on tour of roads where boundaries of the two towns meet and/or intersect.
A meeting of the parties was held on August 14, 1994 and the following were present, from the Town of Warner: J.D. Colcord, Selectman and Allan Brown, Road Agent; Town of Bradford: David Pickman, John Signorino, Marcia Keller, Selectmen; and Arnold Anderson, Road Agent.
The following roads were agreed upon, as follows:
1. Bagley Hill Road-lies within the Town of Warner’s boundary.
2.Bible Hill Road-the paved portion is partially in Warner, and partially in Bradford, The unpaved portion lies in Bradford and is Class VI. Residences along the road are divided between Bradford and Warner. Warner assumes responsibility for full maintenance, winter and summer of the paved, Class V portion.
3. Davis Road to Latvian Camp-Davis Road begins in Bradford and extends into Warner. The road into the Latvian Camp lies in Warner. Bradford assumes year round maintenance of these roads.
4. Day Pond Road-From Route 114 up to Warner town line. A portion of Day Pond Road starting at Route 114 is in Warner, a Class VI road. The remainder is in Bradford. Bradford will maintain entire road.
Dated this 17th day of October, 1994.
TOWN OFBRADFORDBOARD OF SELECTMEN: David Pickman, Chairman, Marcia Keller, John . G.Signorino
TOWN OFWARNERBOARD OF SELECTMEN: J.K. Colcord, Chairman, Carther-Lynn Bean, Ralph C. Kemper
cc: Allan Brown, Road Agent, Warner; Arnold Anderson, Road Agent, Bradford