Select Board Minutes 12.10.12

DECEMBER 10, 2012

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Harry Wright, Chair called the meeting to order at 5:30pm with Barry Wheeler, Sonny Harris, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer, Cheryl Behr, Administrator and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.

Public Hearing on Dog Ordinance:

Harry Wright, Chair read the following Amendment to the Town of Bradford existing Dog Ordinance:

All Dog handlers are required to control and remove any defecation for the safety, health and welfare of personnel using the sidewalks and designated areas for sport and/or recreation and walking.

Mandatory dog leash areas:

 Sidewalks on East and West Main Street. (or all sidewalks)

 Brown Shattuck Field”

Harry Wright, Chair also advised there was a petition circulated and signed but not needed, not being a Warrant. The Amendment is to be added to the existing Dog Ordinance. Question was what would the fine be? Also discussed were service dogs being exempt.

Motion was made by Harry Wright, Chair to amend the Amendment to the existing Bradford Dog Ordinance to except Service Dogs, with a warning for the first offense and Twenty Dollar fine for the second offense and to include all sidewalks. Sonny Harris seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0.

Motion was made to close the Public Hearing by Harry Wright, Chair, seconded by Sonny Harris. Motion carried 3-0.

Review and Consideration of December 3, 2012 minutes:

Harry Wright, Chair advised 5th line from bottom of page one it stated Harry Wright, Chair advised he did review the incident report dated October 29th. The continuation of that sentence should read: Mr. Lincoln’s letter stated the information had to come from the town records.

Motion was made to approve the minutes with the edit by Sonny Harris. Barry Wheeler seconded. Motion carried 3-0.

Skid Steer Pictures:

Harry Wright, Chair handed out some pictures of a Skid Steer set up for plowing sidewalks with the plow donated by Barry Wheeler.

Dick Keller – Budget Committee:

Dick Keller, Chair Budget Committee stated that since Barry Wheeler, who had been sitting in as Selectmen to the Budget Committee Meetings is concerned about representing the Highway Department Harry Wright will come to the meetings beginning next Wednesday.

Dick Keller also advised there was a comprehensive Budget Worksheet drawn up by Cheryl Behr and Cheryl advised she had checked with Jon Marden who advised her only the front sheet was needed, so has not presented any others.

Cheryl Behr advised Warrant Articles were going to be gone over this evening.

4140    Election, Registration & Vital Statistics  $4,460.00

Ruth Marden requested a wage increase to $13.00 for Supervisors. Also in the Supervisor’s wages is a fee for training. Police Detail has come out of this budget and is taken care of by the Town Clerk Budget.

Motion was made to approve the Election Budget by Sonny Harris. Seconded by Barry Wheeler. Carried 3-0.

4191    Planning & Zoning:        $8,100.00

Motion was made by Sonny Harris to approve the Planning & Zoning Budget as presented. Seconded by Barry Wheeler. Motion carried 3-0.

4194    Gen’l Gov’t Bldg.         $38,863.00

Motion was made by Sonny Harris, Seconded by Barry Wheeler to approve the Gen’l Govt. Bldgs as presented. Motion carried 3-0.

4312    Highway Department    $397,230.00

Motion was made by Sonny Harris to approve the Highway Budget. Seconded by Barry Wheeler. Motion carried 2-0. Harry Wright, Chair abstained.

Barry Wheeler rescinded his vote to abstain, so vote is actually 1-0.

4445    Welfare Payments         $32,843.00

Motion was made by Sonny Harris to approve the Welfare Payments figure pas presented. Seconded by Barry Wheeler. Motion carried 3-0.

4619    Other Conservation      $ 800.00

Motion was made by Sonny Harris to approve Other Conservation as presented. Seconded by Barry Wheeler. Motion carried 3-0.

Capital Reserve withdrawal for Sidewalks:

Since the Sidewalk project came in at a lower budget than planned, question arose again whether to leave the money in the Capital Reserve or take it out. Cheryl Behr advised leaving the money in could act as a match with other requests for money. The amount there now is about $41,000.00. The Budget Committee will discuss this at their Wednesday evening meeting.

Letter to Trustees to release gravestone repair funds for signature:

Cheryl Behr advised this is on hold until the paper work gets completed.

Status of Road Bond:

Cheryl Behr advised she will do the necessary preparations for the Road Bond as it was indicated by the board that they did want it ready.

Possible Warrant Articles for 2013 Meeting:

Cheryl Behr had a list of Capital Reserves, Other Warrants, Non Lapsing, Bonds as possible Warrant Articles. The Total possible warrant articles was listed as $1,872,750.00 Also mentioned was the roof at the Community Building which will need to be re-roofed in a year or two per Bruss Construction.

Town Maintenance Repair Person:

Cheryl Behr advised Paul Gross has applied for the position of maintenance person for the Community Center. Other names will be taken to rotate if received. Cheryl advised she has asked him for a schedule as some of the rooms up stairs need painting.

Mention was made of the Budget Committee Meeting on Wednesday, December 12, 2012.

Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifests were reviewed and signed.

Health Officer:

It was stated that the Health Officer will be shared from Warner, and Cheryl Behr stated she had talked with Paul D. Geronimo personally and he will be on call as needed at $75.00 per hour. It was suggested that a name of a local person who had shown interest in becoming the Health Officer be kept on file for future reference.

As a result of Planning Board member, Don Jackson’s discussion with the Selectmen, a meeting will be set up tomorrow if possible with Palmer Porter, Building Inspector to discuss some areas of concern relating to set-backs, permits etc.

An amount of $250.00 was estimated to remove the trees on Jason Allen’s lawn, which the town will be responsible for. The Construction Company will be back in the spring to take care of some issues. Harry Wright, Chair advised he has not read the current punch list at this time.

Harry Wright, Chair advised there were 12 people attending the ribbon cutting for the new sidewalks at 3:30pm on December 8th. Some photo’s were taken and will be in the local newspaper.

No other business to come before the board, the meeting adjourned at 6:50pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley, Secretary

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