Select Board Meeting was called to order at 11:01 am.
Roll Call: Beth Downs (Chair), Marlene Freyler, Chip Meany
Also attending: Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator; Kathleen Bigford, Recording Secretary
Review Minutes of November 18, 2024 and November 25, 2024
Motion: Marlene Freyler moved to approve the minutes from the meetings of November 18 and 25, 2024 as written.
Second: Chip Meany
Decision: 3-0, All in favor
Chris Aiken – Highway purchases: Chris Aiken appeared for clarification of how funds received from a New Hampshire block grant for the Highway Department are handled by the Town administration. Karen explained that according to auditing and accounting practice, these funds are placed in the general fund and dispersed to pay appropriate Highway Department expenses. Chris requested that the Board establish a fund to specifically account for the NH block grant, restricted to Highway Department expenses.
Motion: Chip Meany moved that block grant funds be set aside for highway purposes only.
Second: Marlene Freyler
Decision: 2-1, Chip: Aye, Marlene: Aye, Beth: Nay
The motion was withdrawn after Karen suggested that the Board consult with the auditor about the spending block grant funds. Chris submitted a right to know request regarding dispersal of block grant funds.
Bryan Nowell – Fire Department Update
- Fire and EMS incidents: 227 (145 EMS and 82 fire) incidents so far in 2024, 27 since November 4 There have been 39 more calls in 2024 compared with the same time in 2023. Total incidents for 2023 were193.
- The new engine has had servicing and is being outfitted. It is now in service.
- The Red Cross blood drive on November 25 exceeded the goal of 20 units with 27 collected.
- Station service has been completed for 2024.
- The Highway Department, Fire Department and Library decorated the Town’s Christmas tree.
- There will be a food drive on Friday, December 13 at the Fire Department.
- Bryan is submitting a FEMA grant application and is working on a Volunteer Fire Association grant.
- Fire and Rescue reminder of 2024 budget is 18%.
Chip asked about progress on the Town website. Karen responded that there will be a proposal ready for the December 16th Select Board meeting.
Chip has information about work needed on the generator and kitchen at the BACC and is planning for repairs to allow the BACC to be used as an emergency shelter.
Ed Shaughnessy – Police Department Update
- There have been 326 calls since the last report and a total 4,032 calls so far in 2024 which is about the same as 2023.
- The Police budget has about 9.5% remaining
- Ed has been reviewing vacation benefits
- Officers have been receiving Critical Incident Training for responding to elevated incidents. New Hampshire reimburses $1700 the Department for the training and hours paid to other officers filling in during the training.
- End of year reports are in process
Steve Hall – Highway Department Update
- There is a new part-time hire for help with plowing.
- Truck repairs have been done in-house.
- Budget: As of today, there is 4.4% left. Karen reported that there is an overage of about 1%.
- Chip asked about leasing. Steve is putting numbers together.
- Beth asked about truck #6 repair and when it had become obvious that repair is needed. Steve answered the repair become obvious when servicing the truck during the summer.
Public Input: None
Regular and Old Business:
Review Budget worksheet:
- The Board discussed the budget process used in the past and concluded that the present process gave department heads a clearer picture of where their budget requests stood with the Select Board.
- Discussion of CIP plan for $5000 for the Masonic Building. Since the building was not sold the Town needs to set aside funds for removal.
- After a discussion of the Cemetery line items on the CIP it was decided to remove the cemetery trust fund accounts from the CIP.
- During a discussion of a possible overage in the Highway Department budget the Select Board found that funds could be reallocated from other departments to the Highway budget. The Board encouraged Steve Hall to review the highway budget for 2025 to be sure spending is accurate.
Motion: Chip Meany moved that the Board budget an overall pay increase of 2.5% with the ratio of COLA to merit to be determined at a later date, and there be no change to the formula for the employee contribution to health insurance.
Second: Marlene Freyler
Decision: 3-0, all in favor
Warrant Articles – CIP
There was a discussion of the amount planned for salt and sand. Pam Bruss commented from the audience that this is the best the CIP committee could estimate without a plan. The $500 allocation for the Gravestone Repair Fund was removed from the 2025 Warrant Articles as it is not needed.
Tax Rate Update: The Select Board set the 2025 tax rate at$15.73 per $1000 of assessed value on November 25th.
Grant Writing: There was a discussion of how and by whom grant writing for the town will be accomplished. The Economic Development Committee has submitted a request for $5,000 for this purpose. The Board decided to move this amount to the Select Board budget for oversight.
Move the pay day: The Board decided unanimously that the payday should remain as it is.
New Business:
Unanticipated Revenue correction $350. The actual amount received was $351.
Sign Intent to Cut Map 7 Lot 26
Sign Exemptions – 3 Solar, 1 Veteran
Sign Current Use Application Map 7 Lot 60
Sign Driveway Permit Map 7 Lot 43
Sign Personnel Action Form
Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest for review and signature
Non-Public Session
Motion: Beth Downs moved to adjourn the meeting to a non-public session per RSA 91-A:3II (a) & (l) at 7:54 pm.
Second: Marlene Freyler
Decision: 3-0, all in favor
Motion: Chip Meany moved to return to public session at 8:28 pm.
Second: Marlene Freyler
Decision: 3-0, all in favor
Motion: Chip Meany moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:28 pm.
Second: Marlene Freyler
Decision: 3-0, all in favor
Meeting adjourned at 8:28 pm.
Upcoming meeting: December 16, 2024
Respectfully submitted, Kathleen Bigford, Recording Secretary