Standard Operating Procedure: Inclement Weather Conditions




During the course of the winter snow season, there are different types of storms that could develop. That could possibly require that many different solutions to maintain safe public highways. Therefore, this policy is to establish the general parameters of Bradford’s highways snow and ice maintenance objectives.


As feasible, appropriate equipment will be prepared for use prior to the storm.

Snow removal equipment shall be assigned specific routes or roles for the winter season. As required, the Road Agent may redirect equipment or personnel to assist in other areas.


Media resources shall be monitored to plan for approaching storms.

All Town employees shall be responsible for alerting the Road Agent and/or Police Department of hazardous conditions created by weather conditions.

The Road Agent and the Police Department shall establish and maintain a procedure by which the existence of hazardous road conditions are communicated to the Highway Department as the Police Department or Selectmen’s Office become aware of them.

The Road Agent shall provide road condition information to school representatives as requested.


Snow removal operations, depending upon storm forecasts and as determined by the Road Agent, shall commence when approximately 2 1/2″ to 3″ of snow has accumulated on the Town’s roads. Prior to plowing, other preparatory work may be completed as determined necessary.

Exceptions to the normal start of plowing operations may include such times as predictions of freezing rain to follow accumulations of snow. Snow may be left on the streets and roads to provide some traction that may be better than smooth ice. Other exceptions may include those conditions in which gravel surfaced roads are not frozen and plowing could create a more hazardous condition due to moisture of the road surface.


A. School bus routes shall receive priority maintenance. These routes shall be depicted on maps as part of the annual planning.

B. Emergency Service buildings shall receive necessary maintenance to provide for emergency personnel to arrive and for vehicles to depart and return safely.

C. Emergency vehicles: As necessary snow and ice control equipment shall be redirected by the Road Agent from assigned routes to assist emergency response vehicles in reaching their destination.

D. Sidewalks will not be maintained.

E. Center of Town parking areas: Snow from parking areas shall be removed as much as possible during normal business hours. After midnight, all cars are required to depart from these areas. At that time or as equipment and personnel are available, the in-town parking areas shall be cleared. Every effort shall be made to have these areas clear prior to the start of the following business day. All specific areas will be marked with signs.

The Police Department is to be notified of vehicles obstructing snow removal equipment and is responsible to have the roads cleared of these vehicles.

Snow removal equipment is not to attempt to squeeze through or between obstructing vehicles.

Snow removal equipment is not to be used to tow, push or otherwise move any vehicles.


J.O. Battles, Chairman

David Pickman

Marcia Keller

Town of Bradford, NH

Effective Date: 06/18/90