7:03 pm. Open and roll call: Present: Brooks McCandlish (Chair), Laura Beaton, Jim Varney, Bill Duffy.
Review minutes of February 5, 2025 meeting.
Motion: Laura Beaton made a motion to approve the minutes of the February 5, 2025 meeting as written.
Second: Bill Duffy
Decision: 4-0, all in favor
Receipt of application
Application for Variance from Article III Section I of the Bradford Zoning Ordinance, by Hill & Dale LLC, Pleasant Valley Rd, Map 7 Lot 26.
Bob Stewart appeared representing RCS Designs, delivered an application. After a discussion of whether or not a variance is necessary for this application, the Board decided that a variance was not necessary.
Motion: Bill Duffy made a motion that a hearing is not necessary under the current zoning ordinance for the Application for Variance from Article III Section I of the Bradford Zoning Ordinance, by Hill & Dale LLC, Pleasant Valley Rd, Map 7 Lot 26.
Second: Laura Beaton
Decision: 4-0, all in favor
Public Hearing
Application for Variance from Article III Section D.3 of the Bradford Zoning Ordinance, by Little Projects Investment Realty, 2552 Rt. 103 Bradford NH, Map 3, Lot 35-1
Public Hearing Open: 7:04 pm. Todd Wilkinson, representing Little Projects Investment, was virtually present via Zoom.
This is a lot line adjustment between two buildings. The previous line was interrupted by a building that is no longer there. The new line would be within 20 feet of existing buildings. Abutters present had no concern with the new line.
Fact finding:
The new property line would be less than the required side frontage/setback which is approximately 20 feet from each building. A previous variance lessens the required distance between buildings. Two abutters present had no issues with the variance. Nine abutters were noticed on February 14. Notices were posted publicly in two places and online at bradfordnh.org.
Public Hearing closed at 7:37 pm.
Board Deliberation: Revised answers to the five questions on the application were read and the Board agreed were acceptable.
Motion: Bill Duffy made a motion to approve the conditions of the Application for Variance from Article III Section D.3 of the Bradford Zoning Ordinance, by Little Projects Investment Realty, 2552 Rt. 103 Bradford NH, Map 3, Lot 35-1 as written.
Second: Jim Varney
Decision: 4-0, all in favor
This decision will be sent to the applicant, the Planning Board and posted online at bradfordnh.org.
Motion: Bill Duffy moved to adjourn the meeting.
Second: Laura Beaton
Decision: 4-0, all in favor
Meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm.
Respectfully submitted, Kathleen Bigford, Recording Secretary