Selectmen’s meeting
May 8, 2012
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Review minutes – note from Police regarding Mr. Camarie Jr. – Officer Valiquet removed Mr. Camarie at Chairman Harold Wright’s request.
1. Laurie Buchar and Harriet Douglas
2. Marlene Freyler re: July 7th
3. George Cilley regarding cutting trees
4. Marge Cilley -Town hall restoration committee
Regular Business:
1. Accounts Payable Manifest and payroll manifest for review
2. Forest Street Barn falling into road. Who to contact?
3. Timber taxes for signature
4. Tax abatements for signature
5. Personnel change forms for signature (4) Town office storage issues
6. Tax bills to be run on May 11
7. Delivery of Maps to Planning Board Secretary.
8. Laura Spector-Morgan’s comments regarding the budget committee requests. What to do?
9. When do to selectmen wish to meet with employees regarding the personnel manual
10. Cartographics tax cards available on line
11. Non public session per RSA 91-A:3II(a)