Planning Board Minutes 5.10.16





May 10, 2016


Meeting called to order by Erich Caron, Chair, at 7:00PM.

Members Present

Erich Caron, Chair; Claire James, Vice Chair; Carol Troy; Mark Keith; Garret Bauer; Sonny Harris, Selectmen’s Rep; Pam Bruss, Alternate; Steve Chase, Alternate; James, Alternate; Suzzanne Simano, Alternate

Members Absent

Miriam D’Angona


Review and Consideration of Minutes

Motion to approve minutes for April 26, 2016 with no corrections, Vote unanimous




  1. Doug Webb: Doug is currently working with the CLD and wants to square off building adding 1000 sq. ft. to existing structure. Would like to start pouring concrete in November but will fill out the application with the CLD and will come back with approval from the State as well as site plan update, to get the appropriate building permit.
  2. Rob Mooso: owns a seasonal residence and would like a new 12by16 ft shed, would need set back. Board denied the request and said he will have to go in front of the Zoning Board.
  3. Ken Anderson: Ken was not able to attend but had Sonny Harris hand out new site plan with Lot Line Adjustment. Motion to approve and seconded. Vote was unanimous
  4. Tony Rossa: Presented board with an application for a Home Business. Tony would like to open a Hunter Preserve on the property on East Washington Rd; he has been in communication with Fish and Game, as well as with the code enforcement officer here in Bradford to make sure that all regulations are being followed. Tony informed the Board that his business will be open during hunting season, September through March, Monday through Sunday. He will allow two “hunts” a day, one from 8:00am-12:00pm and the other 1:00pm-5:00pm and limit each hunting party to four hunters at a time. Tony will have a Boundary that will be marked by his forester of at least 100yards from any other residence. The board suggested having Tony declare Bradford as primary residence before opening any business on property. The Board also read through the definition of a “Home Business” and needed to do further research in if this “is clearly incidental and subordinate to the residential dwelling” Board said they could commit to an answer at the next meeting on 5.24.16 if not sooner. Ann Eldridge and Bill Duffy presented the board with a letter outlining their concerns with the proposal. Michael Andrews also presented a letter with his concerns to the Board as well. Both letters will be filed with the application.


Master Plan:

Per Town Administrator there is $500 remaining in the budget for the Master Plan. Erich will look into how much it will cost to have Staples print off and send out postcards to all land owners of Bradford as a reminder as to where the blank surveys are located and also the new de date. Board members also said that they would donate 30 minutes a day putting in data from the surveys that were sent into the town office so that all surveys will be on Survey Monkey to generate reports.

Other Business:

  1. Elect 7th member onto the Board: Motion to appoint Pam Bruss as 7th member of the board, seconded. Vote 5-0 Erich sustained.
  2. Dunn sign on Rt. 114: Board discussed if this is considered an off premise sign if he does not conduct business in his home on Bible Hill Rd. There was also discussion on whether or not the sign is currently violating any State regulations, Claire James will follow p with Tom Dunn regarding the next steps that need to be taken.


The next Planning Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday May 24, 2016 at 7:00pm at BACC.

Meeting adjourned at 9:51pm


Minutes submitted by Molly Hopkins.