Select Board Minutes Town Hall 04.19.08

APRIL 19, 2008

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Peter Fenton, Chair called the meeting to order with Charles Meany, Andrew Pinard, and Cheryl Behr, Administrator present at 10:25AM. Also present was Ethan Wilensky-Lanford from the Concord Monitor.

This meeting was a continuation of the 9:00am meeting held at the Town Sheds with 35 town’s people attending regarding the concerns of the town sheds, and where we want to go from here.

Andrew Pinard advised there is a need to get someone to give rough numbers for rehabilitation of the building, so we have a comparison to provide to those who think this might be the best way to go.

Motion was made by Andrew Pinard to engage someone to do a Site Survey, and to get concrete information done at least for that section of that lot. Seconded by Charles Meany. Motion carried 3-0.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator was instructed to call three surveyors, and word will also be gotten out around town for anyone who wishes to step forward who is a licensed surveyor.

It will be put in the newspaper, posted around town as well as on the Web Site.

Peter Fenton, Chair advised the consensus of the people attending the meeting held earlier at the Town Shed was that a new facility is desired.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator requested to know the size and configuration for information..

Suggestions are:

Size of building being: 60’ x 100’

2 – 14’ x 16’ wide doors on each end, with electric openers

2 – Doors for people

Standing seam roof

Insulation: High R value

Building would have 4’ down and 4’ above ground foundation

Plans would include building to be on Site Work done by Volunteers

Finish on the inside: to be done by volunteers

Motion was made by Andrew Pinard to have Bruss give some numbers for rehabilitating the existing town sheds, as well as Hank Thomas’ input. Charles Meany seconded. Passed 3-0.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator suggested she work on the Warrant Article to forward to Tim Bates, Town Attorney, to be able to move forward for the Special Town Meeting. Another thought is a lease/purchase metal building and length of time was discussed.

Barry Wheeler volunteered to check out exactly how much sand is left at the Jones Road pit.

Another idea is a design and build salt shed which can be built instantly with a soft roof which would last around seven years per Steve Lucier, then could be re-roofed. He will check further on this.

Charles Meany suggested calling Construx in Plymouth, and Bricks and Stix in Concord, as well as Sailer in Warner, and Morton, Bedford. Bob Stewart, Jr. RCS Design will be asked if he would be interested in working on the septic design.

Steve Lucier, Road Agent will work on placement of the buildings with the help of Barry Wheeler and Brewster Caswell. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised that the BACC is planning on a skating rink at the ball field.

The Special Town Meeting is still being worked on, with a hopeful date in June.

Currently the town has $25,000.00 for Town Shed maintenance/repair

100,189.00 Highway Capital Reserve

56,187.00 Town Facilities

Motion to adjourn, seconded and carried 3-0 at 11:10am.

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley
