Selectmen’s Agenda 04.02.18 – 3 pm with Jay Barrett

Select Board Meeting Agenda

April 2, 2018

3:00 pm

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call –


  1. Jay Barrett – Protection of Town Hall

Adjourn until 5:30

Regular Business:

  1. Community Revitalization RSA 79-E
  2. 18 Massasecum Avenue Update
  3. Sign Appointments : Trustee of the Trust Funds

Deputy Town Clerk/Tax Collector

  1. Sign Junkyard Permit
  2. Sign Treasurer Request for Town Hall Funds
  3. Sign Treasurer Request for Tax Anticipation Funds

Pending issues:

Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest for review and signature

Review minutes of March 26th meeting

Non-Public Session – per RSA 91-A:3IIa

Upcoming meetings:   April 9, 2018