Selectmen’s Minutes 03.26.18

Board of Selectmen Meeting
March 26, 2018

Pledge of Allegiance
Meeting called to order at 5:30 pm
Roll Call- Jim Bibbo, Chairman; John Pfeifle, Selectman; Michael James, Selectman; Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator and Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer were in attendance

1. Melissa Cloutier, Town Clerk:
a. A tie resulted from votes for the 3 year Cemetery Commission opening, random draw resulted in the election of Thomas Dunne.
b. Melissa also informed the Board that, after the election of a new Town Clerk in Sutton, NH, she was processing vehicle registrations for Sutton. This results in Bradford receiving the Town portion of registration fees normally received by Sutton.
c. Select Board was asked to sign a $25.00 refund request for an overpayment, Select Board signed.
2. Beth Downs resigned from her position on the Budget Committee citing concerns with trust, transparency and respect in a statement to the Board; John commended the service Beth has provided to the Town and added his personal appreciation for her service which was echoed by Jim. Karen voiced an opportunity as a Trustee of the Trust Funds that may be of interest to Beth; John nominated Beth, Jim Bibbo seconded and Michael James endorsed the appointment and Beth accepted.
3. Kelly Gale appeared to request the Town reissue a payment made in 2015 for work done on the Town Hall; the check was never processed by Kelly’s bank; John Pfeifle was uncertain the check should be reissued, as he felt a reconciliation process had previously completed for Gale’s work; Michael James motioned to reissue the check, Jim Bibbo seconded the motion; The vote was 2-1 (JP voted No) in favor of and the matter was closed.

Regular Business:

1. Town Administrator, Karen Hambleton, requested the Board support placement of a Bradford Town Office sign in place of the Kearsarge Area Preschool sign to assist folks identifying the Town Office; The Board supported this but requested consultation with The Bradford Area Community Center Governance Board prior to pursuing.
2. Michael James brought up implementing the Community Revitalization RSA 79-E Property Tax Relief Program which had previously been adopted by the Town, allowing for a waiver on an increase in taxes for a period of time that results from capital improvements made by a business. After discussion about how a plan would be publicly communicated and administered the Board decided to review documentation regarding the regulation and re-discuss the intricacies during next week’s Select Board meeting.
3. Karen noted that the cleanup of 18 Massasecum Avenue had been progressing; A letter from the Town’s attorney stated that cleanup must be complete by April 2nd, 2018 and the property owner was engaged in complying; Jim applauded the cleanup effort, echoed by John, noting that activity was being conducted without State involvement and was a good example of the Town working together on resolution of a concern.
4. The Select Board signed the Tax Map Maintenance Contract as budgeted
5. An Elderly Tax Exemption for Map 1/Lot 25 was executed by the Select Board; Wording was amended from “recommended” to “specifically” as related to the amount of the exemption
6. An Intent to Excavate for Map 7 Lot 26 was executed by the Select Board for an existing pit for Hill & Dale LLC
7. The Board signed a letter in support of the Warner River nomination to become a Protected River; Contingent upon verification, by Karen, that this would have no tax implication in the future
8. The Board accepted a $100 donation made in the name of Elinor Harris for the Town Hall Restoration Trust Fund
9. A question was raised as to whether theft activity at the Town Transfer Station had been resolved; Feedback from the Board and Police Chief was yes, at least temporarily
10. A follow up on the status of how the $170,000 authorized at Town Meeting, for securing the Town Hall was going to be implemented was raised; A meeting is scheduled for April 2nd, 2018 at 3:00 PM at the Bradford Community Center to review a more detailed proposal by Jay Barrett; Discussion was raised by John Pfeifle around a desire to ensure the existing Town Office was safe and secure for employees and a proposal was being developed to outline those demands; Additional discussion was had regarding funding. There was a strong reaction that any safety improvements at the Town Office should not be funded by Article Twenty One. Public comments also outlined a desire to have the Select Board look at all options, including local bids, for work done to secure the Town Hall.
11. Michael James opened a discussion on the acquisition of gravel for use by the road crew; His concern stemmed from transparency into the decision on whom to purchase gravel from and the process implemented that had awarded the current purchase to the Town Road Agent (who owns and operates a gravel pit); Jim Bibbo stated the decision to purchase from the Road Agent had been his motion after reviewing the cost the Town had been paying against the cost presented from the local resource; All members agreed that developing a more transparent bidding and qualification process was needed; Jim Bibbo stated a concern in implementing that immediately as road repair work was starting and he did not feel the Town would want to see any delay in repair work while a process was implemented. He added that he felt that the quality and price of the gravel we were getting now was very competitive; Questions were raised about a Conflict of Interest Policy, Jim Bibbo stated yes there is a policy and it is followed. Michael James was a strong proponent of holding off on any purchase until a transparent procurement assessment had been conducted; Jim Bibbo motioned to buy 2000 yards of gravel in 2018 from Barry Wheeler; John seconded. The Board voted in favor of the motion 2-1 (MJ voted No)

Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest were reviewed and signed

Minutes of March 19th meeting were accepted with the following change:

Jim Bibbo was appointed as the Selectmen’s Rep to the Planning Board, John Pfeifle is appointed to rep on the Historic District and clarification is needed to identify whether a representative is needed for the Conservation Committee

Upcoming meeting April 2, 2018 3:00 pm (Jay Barrett) at the Bradford Community Center to review securing the Town Hall

Public Meeting adjourned at 6:50 PM
Non-public session entered per RSA 91-A:3lla at 6:51 PM

Employee reviews were discussed.

Resumed public session at 8:05

Meeting adjourned at 8:06

The next Selectmen’s meeting will be held on Monday April 2nd, 2018 at the Bradford Community Center

Minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn reposted 4/3/18