Planning Board Agenda 04.24.18

APRIL 24TH, 2018

Members: Pam Bruss, Chair; Claire James, Vice Chair; Jim Bibbo, Selectmen Rep, Carol Meise Tom Dunne, Carol Troy
Alternates: Steve Chase, Doug Troy, Garrett Bauer, Marlene Freyler

Call to Order and Roll Call
To Do:
1. Review & Consideration of April 10th, 2018 minutes
2. Expense Review
1. Mike Tardiff, Central NH Regional Planning; Review mechanics of Master Plan update with Board
New Business:
1. Site Plan Review Application – Bradford Inn/Sweet Beet Market and Café (tentative, pending submission)
Planning Board Communications:
1. Review legal findings regarding Kraken Ammunition, LLC Home Business
2. Discuss Gravel Pit Inspections
3. Previous Meeting Follow Up:
a. NFI North Map 3/Lot 35B:
I. Legal feedback on Change of Use – Claire James
II. Additional community communication – Claire James
b. Parking Lot Expansion, Ayer & Goss, Map 6/Lot 104
I. Public Hearing readiness – Laurie Colburn
c. Autocraft, Map 3/Lot 1
I. Review letter from Select Board – Pam Bruss
II. Site walk request – Claire James
d. Antique Store, Map 17/Lot 61
I. Review draft letter for Select Board – Claire James
4. May and June Planning Board tentative schedule:
a. May 8th standing meeting
b. May 15th special hearing (tentative)
c. May 17th Visioning Session
d. May 29th standing meeting
e. June 12th standing meeting with Legal Training for Planning Boards by Gardner Fulton & Waugh PLLC – no new business or hearings