Planning Board Minutes 04.24.18

Draft Meeting Minutes
Town of Bradford
Planning Board
April 24th, 2018 7:00 PM

Meeting called to order by Pam Bruss at 7:03PM

• Roll Call

Pam Bruss, Chair Claire James, Vice Chair
Carol Troy Tom Dunne
Carol Meise Jim Bibbo, Selectmen’s Rep
Doug Troy, Alternate seated Marlene Freyler, Alternate

o Steve Chase, Alternate absent
o Garrett Bauer in attendance, participating in a public appearance

• To Do:

1. Review & Consideration of April 10th Minutes:
a. Minutes were amended to note the presence of Mike Bauer at the meeting and acknowledgement of Mike Bauer & Michael James as owners of Unless, LLC (Sweet Beet/Bradford Inn)

Motion: Jim Bibbo motioned to approve minutes
Second: Claire James
Decision: vote 5-0 in favor; Doug Troy & Carol Meise abstained

2. The Board received a copy of the 1st quarter expenses which outlined 28% of the budget had been expended year to date. For future reviews the Recording Secretary will highlight changes and conduct a follow up on invoicing with the engineering firm that supported work on the Motor Vehicle Junkyard, Map 9/Lot 45, Site Plan Review.

• Appearances:

1. Central NH Regional Planning:

Claire James provided an update that the Conservation Committee had been able to review the 2006 Master Plan and the 2016 Master Plan Survey and would be reviewing a few more items at their next meeting, May 15th, 2018. Mike recommended inviting JoAnne Casewell and Katie Nelson, from the Planning Commission, to attend that meeting to help provide guidance.

Mike Tardiff, from the CNHRP, appeared to provide the Board with more insight into the Master Plan update process, focused primarily on the Visioning session structure, which will be a public meeting held on June 7th at 6:30pm at the BACC. The Board reviewed:
a. Physical mechanics of the meeting:
a. Meeting will be held in upstairs room at the BACC w/ the Projector.
b. Planning Commission will provide 3-4 folks to aid facilitation of discussions, take notes and provide a final summary.
c. The Planning Commission will bring data on economics, demographics and updated maps.
d. The Planning Board will bring a few full copies of the Master Plan survey results and several summaries for attendees.
b. Strategies to attain attendance:
a. Advertise extensively; Website, new print, postings in local locations. (Intertown, The Messenger, The Village; Flyers at the Post Office, Library, Sweet Beet, Town Office, etc.)
i. Mike Tardiff to supply Claire with sample outreach and article documentation.
b. Seek attendance from other Town Boards & Committees; follow up sessions to be held with relevant groups/organizations post initial session for input.
c. Offer food/refreshments.
c. Meeting Structure;
a. Mike outlined opening the Session with general objectives, then breaking attendees into sub groups allowing for folks to participate in multiple sub groups.
b. Mike will draft an agenda and a list of open ended questions designed to generate feedback and attend the May 22nd, 2018 meeting to review it.

2. Unless, LLC Site Plan Review, Map 16/Lot 105:

Claire James recused herself from the discussion at 7:18pm.

Pam Bruss read the Site Plan Review application into record for a Change of Use to the property to encompass a café, kitchen, market and office space.

Motion: Doug Troy motioned to accept the application as complete
Second: Jim Bibbo
Decision: vote 6-0 in favor

Public Hearing scheduled for May 22nd

• Planning Board Communications:

1. Legal findings related to Home Business Compliance Form:

Pam Bruss read to the Board a legal opinion received by the Zoning Board of Adjustments, related to roles and responsibilities of the Planning Board and the Home Business Compliance Form, a voluntary form, which outlines seven criteria a Business must meet to be considered a Home Business, under Bradford Zoning Ordinance. Pam outlined the Board should not vote on, or sign, anything that does not go through a required Public Hearing. Furthermore, the Planning Board is not responsible to interpret Zoning Ordinances, this responsibility falls to the Code Enforcement Officer.

The Board also determined that a review of the current Home Business Compliance form, along with the Planning Board processes, would be added to their fall agenda for review.

2. Gravel Pit Inspections:

The Planning Board tentatively scheduled annual Gravel Pit inspections on May 19th. This includes verification that an Intent to Excavate has been filed and a physical site inspection. Claire James will contact Bruce Edwards and Barry Wheeler to schedule a site visit. The Board debated the value of including the Town pit in the inspection process, with no final conclusion. Laurie will contact Steve Chase to verify if he would be able to participate in conjunction with Carol Troy and Claire James. Walter Royal will also be contacted by Claire for participation.

3. NFI North, Map 3/Lot 35B Change of Use follow up:

Claire read a legal opinion from the Town’s legal service regarding whether the change of population served by NFI constituted a Change of Use. The legal opinion found that there was no justification to constitute a Change of Use. The Planning Board had originally found no Change of Use in December, after inquiries from the public the Planning Board had requested NFI North submit a Change of Use in error. If a complaint or concern were to arise over a decision made by the Planning Board, it would be communicated to the Select Board who would determine the appropriate action that should be taken. Once the Planning Board has made a determination the decision stands unless the Select Boards finds a need for additional action.

4. Parking Lot Expansion, Ayer & Goss, Map 6/Lot 104, Public Hearing will be May 8, 2018 all notices will be out this week.

5. Autocraft, Map 3/Lot 1:

A site walk needs to be scheduled as part of the Site Plan review. Items that were approved on the final Site Plan were reportedly never implemented and a site walk will be conducted to insure the Site Plan on file is accurate. Target date for site visit will be May 19th in conjunction with the Gravel Pit inspections. Claire James will coordinate.

5. Antique Store, Map 17/Lot 61:

Claire James read through a letter that will be sent to the Select Board requesting they provide assistance in enforcing the zoning violations identified.

6. Planning Board schedule:

a. May 8th 7:00pm – Ayer & Goss, Map 6/Lot 104 Public Hearing
b. May 19th time to be scheduled – Gravel Pit inspections, Autocraft Map 3/Lot 1 site walk
c. May 22nd 7:00pm – Unless, LLC., Map 16/Lot 105 Public Hearing
d. June 7th , 6:30pm – Visioning Session for Master Plan Update
e. June 12th 7:00pm – Legal training for Planning Board by Gardner Fulton & Waugh PLLC, no new business or hearings

Motion: Carol Troy motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:37 PM
Second: Jim Bibbo

Meeting adjourned

Minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn