Parks and Recreation March 2010 minutes

Bradford Parks and Rec
February 11, 2010 – MinutesPresent: Kate Dobrowski, Margaret Raymond, Debbie Flinkstrom, Martha Barron

 Minutes of January meeting distributed for review.
 French’s Park – Continued discussion regarding the Road Crew assuming responsibility of the maintenance of the park. Kate spoke with Andrea Lamaroux who has been involved in the improvements of the past year or so. Andrea suggested P&R have a meeting with the Road Crew to review the issues and determine responsibilities. P&R wants to stay involved with French’s since it is a “park” and we have put a lot of time over the years bringing it to where it is today. We do agree that there are things that the Road Crew could/should be responsible for since it is a town park. Kate will try to arrange for a meeting to take place some time in April. Kate asked about a railing that Toot purchased for French’s. She doesn’t think it’s been assembled but does think that Cheryl was given a bill. Margaret advised she would check with Toot.
 Discussion about when to invite the Preschool and Dance Depot to a meeting to talk about their participating in future events with P&R. Kate will talk to Karen Hamblin from KAP to check on interest and will try to have interested parents and Dance Depot present at our April meeting. Discussed the “Bike Parade”. Thought of having one in the spring after the bike tune ups that should be taking place. Discussed also having a “bike parade” (motorcycles and/or bikes). Will check at tune up event if there is an interest. Would be for all ages.
 Snow shoeing/Cross-country ski group: Kate advised there may be an event the weekend of February 20/21. She will call or email P&R when she has more information. Margaret advised that there were skiers at the Hopkinton Fairgrounds recently. She is going to check into what is available there.
 Kate attended a meeting at the LGC regarding “Revolving Funds”. She advised it was very informative. RSA 35-B defines what “revolving funds” can and cannot do. She provided us with a copy of the RSA. Discussion took place. RSA is very interpretive.
 February Vacation: There has not been a lot of response to the programs that Kate has set up during the vacation week. Tuesday – Computer class; Wednesday – snowshoe/hike; Thursday – Movie from 3 – 5 (movie not determined yet); Friday – SnowArchery at 10:00 ($10 Kids/ $15 Adults?)
 Still thinking having a “Movie” or “Game” night or afternoon. This will be brought up again. Still trying to get more people involved in P&R.


Next Meeting: March 11, 2010 at 4:30