Selectmen’s Amended 09.17.18 Minutes

Board of Selectmen Meeting
September 17, 2018 Amended 10.03.18

Pledge of Allegiance

Meeting called to order at 5:30 pm

Roll Call- Jim Bibbo, Chairman; John Pfeifle, Selectman; Michael James, Selectmen; Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator and Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer were in attendance


1. Bruce Edwards, EMD, appeared to discuss the Bradford Hazard Mitigation Plan update that is currently under development which includes a hazard risk assessment, community facility vulnerability assessment and capability assessment and a mitigation action plan. He provided the Board with maps that outlines areas of risk and discussed a seven (7) page action plan statement that addresses these risks. The plan will need to be adopted by the Selectmen, upon completion and review, which allows the plan to be submitted to NH Homeland Security and Emergency Management (NH HSEM) as well as the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). This is required to ensure the Town is eligible for funding in the event of a disaster. A public Plan Adoption meeting will be held upon completion of the plan.

2. The next steps are outlined as follows:

• CNHRPC submits to Bradford Plan to HSEM requesting conditional approval (APA) on Friday 9/28.
• HSEM provides minor revisions (typically), CNHRPC revises the Plan and resubmits it to HSEM for conditional approval (APA), which can take up to 45+ days.
• APA notification is received via email to CNHRPC; the Town Administrator, EMD and Board of Selectmen chair will be cc:ed on the email.
• Once APA is received, NO CHANGES can be made to the Plan.
• CNHRPC coordinates with the Town to hold the Board of Selectmen meeting to adopt the Plan (no changes!). This might occur sometime in November based on the APA review time necessary.
• The Board signs original copies of the Certificate of Adoption and postal mails the pages to CNHRPC.
• CNHRPC submits the Plan, COAs, etc to HSEM requesting Formal Approval of the Bradford HMP.
• Formal Approval notification is received via email to CNHRPC. The Town Administrator, EMD and Board of Selectmen chair will be cc:ed on the email. This date resets the 5-year “approval clock.”
• FEMA follows up with a Letter of Formal Approval confirming the State’s approval.

The Board also discussed hazardous waste concerns on Town Property behind the Community Center (Map 17/Lot 12) and the ability for future development on that lot which was tabled for future discussion.

Regular Business:

1. The Board reviewed nominees to participate on the Warner River Local Advisory Committee who will work with the NH Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) on river management and protection. The Board nominated Bruce Edwards, Carol Meise and Scott MacLean to participate and encouraged others who had an interest to support the nominees as sub-committee members.

Motion: Jim Bibbo motion to approve the Nominations
Second: John Pfeifle
Decision: vote 3-0 in favor
2. An update was provided concerning the appointment of a new Road Agent. The Board has offered the position to Steve Hall and will be using current part time help until the end of the year, at which time a decision about filling the vacant full time Equipment Operator position will be made. A new email address has also been established for the Highway Department,
3. Karen asked the Board to provide an update on the future of the Town Hall Revitalization effort post the activity that is currently underway. Michael James has proposed that a plan be established to identify how much money the Town can save each year towards the project and that activity continues based upon funding availability utilizing local resources to complete the pending work. He feels that, given the Town now has architectural plans, and the work to bring the structural components up to code has been completed, managing the remaining activity locally is attainable at a considerably reduced cost versus having Trumbull-Nelson manage the remaining work. The other Selectmen asked to see a plan outlining the activity and costs. The Capital Improvement Plan Committee is working to assemble a schedule of capital improvement expenses to include the projected amount that can be put annually toward the Town Hall. John noted that the Town was clearly divided at the 2018 Town Meeting and would need a comprehensive plan to vote on at the 2019 Town Meeting.
4. Karen provided the Board with an NH Public Education Funding Fairness Campaign communication soliciting the support of the Town of Bradford. The Selectmen declined to join the letter writing effort as it was unclear what the final objectives of the organization are.
5. The Board signed a tax abatement request for Map 11/Lot 76, Site 08, for a camper that was registered as a vehicle at the time taxes were assessed.
6. Karen provided an update from the Economic Development Committee. They are working on establishing their key focus area which includes Cell Service in Bradford.
7. Karen is also working on evaluating vendor pricing for electricity and is working with the Town of Sutton on this opportunity.
8. Department Heads received a request to begin working on establishing their budget needs for 2019. Proposals are due back by October 19th.
9. Quotes are being sought for mold remediation work to address issues at the old Town Highway shed.
10. Walter Royal was contacted to provide a Code Enforcement signoff on an Insurance Inspection Report and he estimated the time involved could cost around $300.00. Karen will investigate whether or not a private inspector could be hired by the property owner.
11. The Board received a request from Kearsarge Magazine to write a summary about living in Bradford. The Board will have a response drafted for review.
12. Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest were reviewed and signed.
13. Minutes from September 10th meeting were reviewed.
Motion: John Pfeifle motion to accept.
Second: Michael James
Decision: vote 3-0 in favor

The Board adjourned to Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A3II b at 6:36pm
Motion: John Pfeifle motion to move to Non-Public session
Second: Michael James
Decision: vote 3-0 in favor

After a 3 minute recess, the meeting resumed. Compensation for the Road Agent was discussed.
The Board adjourned to Public Session per RSA 91 – A3II b at 6:53pm
The Board adjourned the meeting at 6:54pm
Motion: Jim Bibbo motioned to adjourn
Second: Michael James
Decision: vote 3-0 in favor

The next Selectmen’s meeting will be held on Monday September 24th, 2018 at the Bradford Area Community Center.

Minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn, Recording Secretary