Conservation Commission Minutes 10.16.18

Bradford Conservation Commission Secretary’s Report
October 16, 2018, 7pm at Brown Memorial Library

Present: George Beaton, Seth Benowitz, J Ann Eldridge, Meg Fearnley, Patty Furness, Scott MacLean, Brooks McCandlish, Doug Southard.

Secretary’s Draft Report: The draft minutes of 9/18/18 were reviewed and accepted as read.

Treasurer’s Report: Meg summarized the remaining 2018 expenditures which included payment of new Bog boards (invoice needed from John MacDonald) and reimbursement to attendees of upcoming NHACC conference. The 2019 BCC budget proposal was reviewed and discussed. Meg suggested no change in the 2019 budget request from the previous year, and all were in favor.

Adopt a Road Program: All reports are in from volunteer Class VI road monitors and have been compiled in a report to be presented to the town Select Board at their next meeting.

ATV Usage Impact on Natural Resources: The request by Hillsborough Conservation Commission for comment in preparation of the Woodland ATV Club public hearing was sent, but the hearing was postponed by the Select Board. Due to the regional impact of decisions made by surrounding towns regarding ATV usage on Class VI Roads, it was discussed and decided to draft and send a letter of concern to the Hillsborough Select Board, as well as those in Warner, Washington and Henniker. Ann and Doug were authorized to do so.

Low State Forest Special Use Permit: George reported that the permit has been filed with the State, and is good for three years. The only alteration in the permit is that there is no longer any designated parking. BCC also retains a copy of this permit.

NH Office of Strategic Initiatives Meeting: A request came from Karen to schedule a meeting to discuss the administration and permitting of Bradford’s floodplain regulations, in compliance with the town’s participation in the National Flood Insurance Program. FEMA maps of Bradford are being reviewed and revised, being done previously in 2006. This meeting will address the town’s permitting and enforcement process for floodplain development, review permit files for recent development or improvements in the floodplain area, review floodplain regulations and maps, and discuss any floodplain-related issues or training needs. Brooks volunteered to attend as our representative.

Bradford Website Monitoring: Ann requested a volunteer to vigilantly peruse the town website for agenda topics of the Planning Zoning and Select Boards relevant to BCC. Meg stepped up to the task.

Warner River Local Advisory Committee: Scott attended the first meeting of the LAC, in which work on a grant was done. Another meeting is scheduled tomorrow. Thanks to Scott, Bruce Edwards, and Carol Meise, all chosen by the Select Board as Bradford representatives to the LAC.

New Hampshire Association of Conservation Commissions: Scott and George will be attending this annual meeting on Saturday November 3 at Pembroke Academy.

Forest Street Beaver Deceiver: The pond level has been rising and encroaching upon Forest Street, and the road crews have lowered the level by breaking down dam sections. However, it has been determined that the current drainpipe inserted in the dam is not sufficient for the job. Ann and George have been in communication with Skip Lisle, who has agreed to make necessary adjustments. Any costs will be paid out of the remaining 2018 budget and the BCC land protection fund.

Bradford Bog: Repairs have been done, with heaps of thanks to all of the enthusiastic volunteers! George noted that the platform stairs are in need of replacement as a future project. Ann will try to remember to put a request for more than one chainsaw and two hammers on the list next year!

Battles Farm Trail Maintenance: Adam Cummings has generously volunteered to assume this position, and has expressed interest as property monitor. George has notified Andy Deegan of this interest.

With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:35. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday November 20, 2018, 7pm at Brown Memorial Library.

Respectfully submitted,
Patty Furness, Secretary