Conservation Commission Minutes 11.20.18

Bradford Conservation Commission Secretary’s Draft Report
November 20, 2018, 7pm at Brown Memorial Library

Present:George Beaton, Seth Benowitz, Nathanial Bruss, J Ann Eldridge, Meg Fearnley, Patty Furness,
Scott MacLean, Brooks McCandlish, Doug Southard.

Secretary’s Draft Report: The draft minutes of 10/16/18 were reviewed and accepted as read.

Treasurer’s Report: Meg researched the guidelines for length of time to retain BCC records (RSA 33-A:3-a), and reported her findings. An invoice for Bog walkway boards will be submitted and paid to John McDonald before end of year. Current NHACC handbooks will be purchased to replace BCC member’s outdated copies.

Select Board: Doug Southard’s nomination for BCC alternate was approved. Members enthusiastically welcomed Doug on board.

Adopt a Road: A compilation of all reports from the Class VI road monitors was presented to the Select Board on 10/22/18, where a request for BCC recommendations regarding Bradford Class VI road use was made. In response, Doug drafted several guidelines to consider in the policy development of priorities for enabling Class VI roads to be usable, which he presented to BCC members. Doug and Brooks formed a subcommittee to flesh out these ideas to present to the Select Board at a future date per their request.

Woodland ATV Public Hearing Hillsborough: Ann reported the Hillsborough Select Board denied the request of Woodland ATV Club use of additional town roads.

Alder Plains Road Signage: There are ‘no trespassing’ signs on Alder Plains Rd, a Class VI public road. Information has been sent to the Select Board.

Warner River Local Advisory Committee: Scott reported on the 10/23/18 meeting. The NHDES has gifted the WRLAC $7500 to provide assistance in writing the Warner River Corridor Management Plan, a primary responsibility of the WRLAC. The NHDES has also donated all equipment used in testing water quality. The next scheduled meeting of the WRLAC is Wednesday 11/28/18.

Zoning Board Map 17/Lot 35 Variance Application: Ann reported on the site walk taken on this substandard lot on Rte 114. The property lies in between wetland areas, and a stream flows under the property. The applicant is to hire a wetland scientist to study the impact of building on this site. It was decided to reserve comment until these findings are known.

Agriculture and Zoning Ordinances: Members discussed a zoning change petition to allow agriculture in all zones. After much discussion and consideration, the issue was tabled.

NH Office of Strategic Initiatives: Ann and Brooks will attend this meeting which will discuss the administration and permitting of Bradford’s floodplain regulations on November 30 or December 3 at 9:30 am.

NH Association of Conservation Commissions: Scott and George attended this annual meeting and reported on workshops, including forest fragmentation, community forest benefits, life in sand and gravel pits, coyotes, and wetland rules update.

Champion Trees: George has located 2 new record breakers in Bradford to add to the NH Big Trees list. A Red Spruce on the Knight’s Trail spur is a state champion and a Red Maple at the Battle’s Farm trailhead is a county champ.

With no further discussion, the meeting adjourned at 8:50. The next meeting will be held Tuesday December 17, 2018, 7pm at Brown Memorial Library.

Respectfully submitted,
Patty Furness, Secretary