Selectmen’s Minutes 12.10.18

Board of Selectmen Meeting

December 10, 2018

Pledge of Allegiance

Meeting called to order at 5:30 pm

Roll Call- Jim Bibbo, Chairman; Michael James; Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator and Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer, were in attendance

John Pfeifle absent


  1. Erik Croto appeared to request the Selectmen sign a New Hampshire license application that allows him to sell pistols and revolvers in accordance with NH RSA 159. Croto currently holds a Federal license to sell pistols and revolvers. The State license allows him to access the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) database, in conjunction with the New Hampshire State Police, to conduct background checks in addition to the FBI managed background checks he complies with as part of his Federal license requirements.

Michael James raised a concern that he’s received complaints from Townspeople related to noise and selling of firearms at the Croto property. He felt an opportunity should be given for abutters to provide input into whether they felt the Board should sign the application. He was willing to sign the application on a short term basis but felt anything on a longer term basis should be discussed with the community prior to signing.

Mr. Croto stated that he doesn’t sell from his house, unless engaging with a close personal friend or family member, but rather attends gun shows and conducts business there. He stated that his insurance would not cover him to allow someone to test shoot a firearm at his home and that he sells new pistols whose monetary value would be compromised if it is shot before it’s purchased so there is no noise impact from that results from this request. Chief Valiquet added that he is not aware of any complaints since Mr. Croto began his home business, manufacturing ammo, and that Mr. Croto has had his Federal license to sell handguns for sometime without issue. Chief Valiquet encouraged the Board to sign the request as it would now allow for interaction with the New Hampshire State Police. Bob Herbert added that Mr. Croto is in compliance with Bradford’s Home Business Compliance regulations as well as Federal regulations.

Jim Bibbo voiced concerns about safety related to storage of any handguns or pistols. The Chief stated that Croto holds a Class 7 Security License (levels 1 thru 11) and can be inspected by ATF anytime during business hours and with notice outside of business hours. Mr. Croto has had 2 random inspections with no issues.

Michele and David Halsted, of West Road, appeared and expressed concerns with the noise from shooting and explosives and felt allowing the sale of handguns from the property disrupts the rural nature of the area and are concerned about safety.

Fran Chelland, of West Road, expressed appreciation for the opportunity to have a discussion related to the request and felt the discussion was a reasonable expectation and a great opportunity to gain knowledge about the request.

Marlene Freyler felt the Board should not include a discussion about noise in their consideration of the request as a private property owner has the right to shoot on their property.

Michael James motioned to sign the license request on a short term basis and hosting a follow up discussion for feedback from abutters and the community. Jim Bibbo declined to second the motion and preferred to hold a vote when a full Board is in attendance. The Selectmen agreed to discuss the request at the next Board meeting December 17th, 2018.

  1. Police Chief Valiquet informed the Board that an inspection was done by New England Mold Remediation as a follow up to finding mold at the Police Station. The company provided an estimate of $3,791 to clean up the mold along with additional recommendations to address the issue. A Workmen’s Compensation Claim related to health concerns in the Police Dept has been submitted. The Landlord for the building has been contacted but no clear path of action has been identified. Karen will review the lease terms on the building and draft a letter to the Landlord for the Selectmen to review requesting a response and action plan.

Regular Business: 

  1. Chief Valiquet provided the Board with an estimate to reinforce the downstairs hallway door at the BACC and install high security transaction windows for the Town Office and Tax Collector Office. The estimate will be included as part of the Town’s budget preparation process.
  1. The heating system for the Town Hall has been delivered and installation activity is beginning.
  1. The Board was informed that the modular housing components, currently residing across from the Police Station, have been sold but will not be relocated until spring. Karen will follow up with the property owner to determine a specific date they anticipate the units being moved by.
  1. Karen provided the Selectmen a draft budget and reviewed any significant variances from the previous year. Budget components are still being worked on and a revised document will be distributed as the final requests are received.
  1. Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest were reviewed and signed.
  1. Minutes from the December 3rd meeting were reviewed.

Motion: Michael James motion to accept.

Second: Jim Bibbo

Decision: vote 2-0 in favor

  1. There will be no Select Board meeting December 24th or December 31st regularly scheduled meetings will resume January 7th, 2019 unless specifically called for by the Select Board.
  1. Continuation of the discussion on the Economic Development applications will resume at the next meeting, December 17th.

The meeting adjourned at 7:28pm.

Motion: Jim Bibbo motion to accept.

Second: Michael James

Decision: vote 3-0 in favor

The next Selectmen’s meeting will be held on Monday December 17th, 2018 at the Bradford Area Community Center.

Minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn, Recording Secretary