ZBA Minutes 01.02.19



January 2, 2019

Bradford Community Center

Members: Brooks McCandlish Chair, Stephen Pierce, Nathanial Bruss, Denise Renk, Bob Hodges (Alternate seated)

Bill Duffy, Nathanial Bruss, Ken Parys absent

Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM

The Board reviewed minutes from the December 5th meeting.

Motion: Bob Hodges motioned to approve the minutes as submitted.

Second: Stephen Pierce

Decision: Vote 4-0


New Business:

  1. The Board debated accepting a Rehearing Application from Brian Rondeau regarding the Board’s decision granting the requested variance to the minimum setback requirements filed by George Neuwirt for property located at Map 17/Lot 35. The reasons outlined to rehear the case had been discussed during the original hearing and deliberations which was approved through a majority vote.

Motion: Stephen Pierce motioned to deny the Rehearing Application as no new information was provided to the Zoning Board of Adjustments.

Decision: Vote 4-0

Second: Bob Hodges

  1. The Board reviewed a draft responsibilities document for the Recording Secretary position. Edits were discussed and the document will be reviewed again at the next meeting.
  2. Brooks asked the other Board members whether there were any areas of the ZBA forms or procedures that should be reviewed. None were identified but the Board will revisit the topic at the next meeting.

Zoning Board Communication:

  1. The next ZBA meeting will be held at the BACC February 6th, 2019 at 7:00pm

Motion: Denise Renk motioned to adjorn at 7:30pm

Second: Stephen Pierce

Decision: vote 4-0

Draft minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn