Select Board Minutes 04.06.10

APRIL 6, 2010

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Peter Fenton, Chair called the meeting to order with Jack Meaney, Harry Wright, Cheryl Behr, Administrator and Marilyn Gordon present.

Peter Fenton, Chair announced that Millie Kittredge passed away last week, and he recognized that she was a good friend of the Selectmen’s office and the Town of Bradford. She had filled in at the Selectmen’s Office doing whatever was necessary. She was on the Zoning Board, Member of the Historical Society, and if you wanted to know anything about Bradford, Millie was one of the few people you could check with. Millie was also Assistant Moderator. She will be missed.

Rhonda Rood, Country Houses Real Estate:

Rhonda Rood, came before the Selectmen regarding property of Irene Kocis, Map 2, Lot 55, on Woodview Heights. This is on a road that is not finished all around the cul-de-sac. Rhonda Rood presented the original sub-division plans for their perusal. Part of the road is a class VI road at this time. Rhonda Rood’s question is can the next lot on a class VI road be built on? The original agreement was that the developer was going to finish the road, but it was never developed in the back, and because the town has not done any work on the back section for a period of years, the Selectmen discontinued that section of the road per Cheryl Behr, Administrator. The lots have all been sold, but the road is not developed. Cheryl Behr, Administrator also advised that Building Permits that are issued today are bound by today’s requirements, not by those that are 5 to 10 years out.

If the next lot is built upon today, the Town will NOT upgrade the road, the builder would have to be responsible for it and make it passable enough for any safety vehicle to get to the property. It was suggested they go before the Planning Board for the next step.

Karen Hambleton, Kearsarge Regional Pre-School:

Karen Hambleton came before the Selectmen regarding the Pre-School insurance. Jack Meaney questioned who was covered by their liability insurance on the fenced in playground. Karen advised it was the Pre-School children only, and any other’s there are not covered. Karen advised that she had spoken to her insurance agent and the blanket liability policy covers the Pre-School while in the classroom, on the playground, walking to the library as well as anything they do while operating as a Pre-School. It was suggested that the playground be locked up during off time for the Pre-School so neither they nor the Town would be responsible. The play area does get used over and above the use of the Pre-School and Karen advised the toys are all picked up on Friday afternoons and Monday mornings, they are scattered all around the area. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised that the town cannot insure any of the equipment in the playground, but they do own the land and the town would be responsible for that area. The consensus of the Selectmen is to let the public use the playground however; they will follow through with checking with the Town Insurance.

Jeff Remillard, Road Agent:

Jeff advised the crushing project is almost done. The estimated numbers that Jeff came up with through tomorrow are: $1.84 a yard, and they are doing a little more than anticipated by grinding up some asphalt that had been left behind. Jeff advised there will be about 4000 yards of crushed material. That is 1 ½ ton per yard. Jeff stated that this gives them material ready when needed and not have to hunt for it on a Saturday afternoon. There is about 5% of the highway equipment maintenance budget left, without fixing the backhoe per the Road Agent. The current plan is to take the motor apart on the backhoe to see if they can rebuild it. The estimate for the transmission is $11,000.00.

Harry Wright requested the Highway Dept. take the stumps beside the Historical Society building away. Also, if the Church yard could be swept before Monday as there is a funeral service there.

The new sign for Brown Shattuck Park has been redone and is up.

The follow up on the burned property on East Main Street is the Attorney has drawn up paper work and given to the Sheriff’s Dept. to serve to the owner.

It was brought up that the Kearsarge Regional School District budget was voted in at the reduced rate. This amount was the pay increase for some of the employees which was voted down. However, the District is going ahead with the pay raise anyway. Question was, if they can find that money elsewhere, why wasn’t the budget cut by that amount?

George Cilley asked if he was right in thinking the town is going along with both proposals for the Town Clock. One for the repair amount, and one for the maintenance. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised she had forwarded a letter to the Clock Repair person, Phil D’Avanza and that Proposal #1 and Proposal #2 is being signed and 30% of payment for proposal #1 has been sent as well. Bills will be sent to the Town office.

Accounts payable and payroll manifest were reviewed and signed.

Payment agreements were signed.

Tax Deeds were signed.

The Payroll Manual was gone over.

Cost of current use discussed and Trudy Willet reported on a meeting held in Bradford a couple of weeks ago with Tim Flurry, a Forrester with UNH. Tim indicated that other towns charge anywhere from $40.00 to $50.00 per application for current use.

Joint meeting of Selectmen will be set for May 6, 2010 here. The Community Center will open and available for that night.

Intent to excavate signed.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator read the following letter into the minutes.

Motion was made, seconded and carried to go into Non public session regarding legal matters per RSA 91:A-3II c

Meeting Adjourned at 6:15pm

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley