Conservation Commission Minutes 1.15.19

Bradford Conversation Commission (BCC)
Meeting Minutes
January 15, 2019 — 7 pm
Brown Memorial Library

Members and alternates present: Judith Ann Eldridge, Meg Fearnley, Scott MacLean, Doug Southard, Seth Benowitz, Nathanial Bruss, George Beaton, Brooks McCandlish

Minutes of 12/18/2018 were accepted.

Treasurer’s report: No new statements received, but the balance of the 2018 budget was placed in the Forest Maintenance Fund in December as instructed.

Annual Report: Ann to prepare and send to Seth and others for proofreading.

Porcupine slide show program will be held March 7 2019 (March 14, 2019 fallback date) at the Library (if available).

ASPLT would like to put on another landowner outreach program in May or later this summer. Possible venues were discussed. George has hosted two at his house and feels it’s time for a new location. As an alternative to having the event in a private home, the library or possibly the Village Café were discussed.

Class 6 Roads: Letters were sent out detailing progress to the Adopt-a-Road volunteers detailing the 2018 accomplishments. Doug also will draft a letter about the Adopt-a-Road program to submit to the Bridge.
Doug and Brooks will review Bradford’s current ordinances relating to Class 6 Roads and develop recommendations for updates and improvements.
The Friends of the Minks will be meeting 1/28/2019 with the three local ATV clubs.

Snowshoe Hike on Knight’s Hill will be held February 23 taking in the once and future State Champion Red Spruce.

Meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm
Submitted by Brooks McCandlish