Budget Committee Agenda 01.24.19

Town of Bradford
Budget Committee Meeting Agenda
January 24, 2019
6:30 pm at the Bradford Area Community Center

Members: Marlene Freyler (Chair), Jason Allen (Vice Chair), Claire James, Mark Fournier, Cheryl Croto, David Nunnally, Michael James (Select Board Representative)

Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Receipt of Correspondence
Review & Consideration of Meeting Minutes from January 17th, 2019
Old Business – On hold
Review of Budget & Expenditures
1. Review Library budget request with Nora
2. Review Police Department budget request with Jim Valiquet – Police Chief
Receipt of Information or Proposal’s
Future Business
1. Next meeting will be held January 31, 2019 where the Budget Committee will vote on the General Budget
2. Public Hearing on General Budget February 7th, 2019 and February 13th if needed at 6:30pm at the BACC