Budget Committee Minutes 01.31.19

Town of Bradford
Budget Committee Meeting
January 31st, 2019 Draft Meeting Minutes
Marlene Freyler called the meeting to order at 6:32pm
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll call
Marlene Freyler Chair, Jason Allen Vice Chair, Claire James, Cheryl Croto, Mark Fournier, David Nunnally, Michael James (Select Board Representative),

Selectman John Pfeifle, Town Administrator Karen Hambleton

Correspondence Updates:
1. Minutes from the January 24th meeting were reviewed by the Committee.
Motion: Claire James motioned to accept the minutes with the revision on the word conscience to conscientious.
Second: Jason Allen
Vote: 7-0 in favor

Old Business:
1. All pending follow up items are deferred to allow the Budget Committee time to review the draft Operating Budget.
Review of Budget & Expenditures:
1. The Budget Committee held of vote on the General Budget to recommend an appropriation amount of $2,017,818.00. There were eight, of thirty-two, lines that disagreed with the Selectmen’s recommendation as of January 30th, 2019 for a variety of reasons:
a. 4130 Executive – Budget Committee recommends $177,125.00 versus Selectmen’s recommendation of $181,000.00. The Committee Members felt there was opportunity to reduce the Selectmen’s annual stipend. Karen expressed concern that only 8% of the budget line is not directly related to employee expenses and if the amount passed at the lower rate and stipends were not adjusted it would have a significant impact on that budget line. Michael James feels there should be minimal stipends; running should be a civic responsibility. Cheryl agreed. David felt some stipend was appropriate but it should be closer to $1,500.00 rather than the $3,000.00 currently in place. Marlene felt the stipend was appropriate and the Town would want Select Members that do more than “show up to meetings” and should compensate their efforts.
b. 4140 Elections, Registration & Vital Statistics – Budget Committee recommended an appropriation of $4,500.00, Selectmen’s recommendation was also $4,500.00. Claire referenced a previous Budget Committee meeting in which the Committee had discussed whether a $4,000.00 budget would be sufficient. Karen felt the $4,000.00 amount would be adequate. The Budget Committee voted to adopt the $4,000.00 recommendation 7-0.
c. 4220 Fire Department – Budget Committee had an initial recommendation to appropriate $58,475.00 versus the Selectmen’s recommendation of $57,000.00. After discussion of previous year trends, 2016 at $54,546.85, 2017 at $55,657.88 and full year spending for 2018 reported at $55,343.61 (against a budget of $57,000.00), the Committee voted to recommend $57,000.00, 7-0.
d. 4312 Highway Department – The Budget Committee had recommended an appropriation of $520,000.00 which had coincided with the Selectmen’s recommendation. Michael raised concerns that overtime costs were increasing but the change in Road Agents should result in lower overtime costs. The Committee also had concerns at the rate of increase over the last 4 years for fuel costs, an initiative to implement a dust control program, electricity, equipment rental and tree removal costs. Ultimately the Committee voted to recommend an appropriation amount of $507,000.00 in a vote of 6-1 with Marlene disagreeing.
e. 4316 Street Lighting – Budget Committee recommend an appropriation of $2,650.00 while Selectmen have a recommendation of $2,500.00. The Committee felt the budget amount was reflective of a full year utilizing the new LED lighting and 2019 would be comparable to 2018’s spending of $2,616.91. The Committee voted to recommend the amount of $2,650.00 7-0.
f. 4324 Solid Waste Disposal – Budget Committee recommend an appropriation of $23,800.00 while Selectmen have a recommendation of $21,000.00. Jason Allen felt that costs to dispose of recycling may be rising and the revenue received for recycling is decreasing. John commented that the market is very volatile and hard to predict. Revenue from the sale of recycling does not hit the Solid Waste Disposal line in the General Budget so any reduction in revenue would not be reflected there. The Committee voted to recommend an appropriation of $22,500.00, 7-0.
g. 4520 Parks & Recreation – Budget Committee recommend an appropriation of $2,000.00 after a vote of 7-0 while Selectmen had a recommendation of $1,500.00.
h. 4619 Other Conservation – Budget Committee recommend an appropriation of $900.00 after a vote of 7-0 while Selectmen had a recommendation of $750.00. Karen commented that the Conservation Commission generally spends one half to three quarters of their budget annually and transfers the balance to a Trust account at the end of the year.
A full register of motions and vote by line is available at the Bradford Town office
The Committee recessed from 7:53pm to 8:03pm

2. The Budget Committee reviewed each of the proposed Warrant Articles provided by the Selectmen. The Selectmen presented Warrant Articles totaling $414,050.00. There were 9 Articles that the Budget Committee was not in full support of and the Committee provided the Select Board with their feedback and recommended funding amounts. The Select Board is expected to vote on final recommendations February 4th and the Budget Committee will hold a vote as tp whether to recommend the Selectmen’s final Warrant Articles at 6:00pm on February 7th. Articles spending amounts that varied from the Selectmen’s draft amounts were:
a. Fire Truck Cap Reserve – The Selectmen’s draft outlined an appropriation of $35,000.00, the Budget Committee voted to request the Selectmen increase the amount to $90,000.00.
b. Shim Roads – The Selectmen’s draft outlined an appropriation of $30,000.00, the Budget Committee voted to request the Selectmen move the $30,000.00 into a new Roads & Bridges Repair Trust account. Michael and Jason felt a plan needs to be socialized that prioritizes activity which the Roads & Bridges Repair Trust account would be used for. Marlene voiced support provided the account was constructed in a way that allows the Highway Department to access the funds as needed.
c. Town Hall – The Selectmen’s draft outlined an appropriation of $30,000.00. The Budget Committee requested the appropriation amount be raised to $60,000.00 which coincides with the CIP recommendation.
d. West Main Street Sidewalks – The Selectmen outlined an appropriation of $0.00, the Budget Committee would like to see an amount of $10,000.00 requested to continue to build upon this existing fund to demonstrate the Town’s commitment to the project when seeking grant funding in the future. John outlined $50,000.00 having been raised and that grant funding would not be available to the Town for 2 years. He felt there were other needs in the Town that were more pressing and is trying to limit any impact to the tax rate.
e. Salt & Fuel Cap Reserve – The Selectmen proposed $0.00, while the Budget Committee requested the appropriation amount of $1,000.00 be included on the Warrant Articles.
f. Road & Bridges Repair Trust – The Selectmen’s draft recommendation was $55,000.00. The Budget Committee requested an amount of $90,000.00 be included on the Warrant.
g. Highway New Plow (Sam’s Trk) – The Selectmen had a draft amount of $11,000.00 for this Warrant item. The Committee requested an amount of $0.00.
h. Highway LED Lights – The Selectmen had a draft amount of $5,000.00 for this Warrant item. The Committee requested an amount of $0.00.
i. Masonic Building – The Selectmen had a draft amount of $25,000.00 for this Warrant item. The Committee requested an amount of $0.00.
A full register of motions and vote by line is available at the Bradford Town office
3. Karen outlined some additional Warrant Articles that are being discussed:
a. A TIF District correction may be submitted, it is still being researched.
b. A petition to allow KENO was being discussed.
c. A correction to the Revaluation Reserve account language will be submitted. Intent remains the same but verbiage needs to be edited.
d. A petition for $35,000 for a part-time Fire Chief and on-call pay has been received.

Receipt of Information or Proposals:

Future Business:
1. The next Budget Committee meeting will be held February 7th at 6:00pm.
2. The Budget Committee will hold a Public Hearing on February 7th, 2019 with the community at 6:30pm.
3. A Public Hearing continuation will be held on Wednesday, February 13th if needed, at the BACC Youth Room at 6:30pm.
Motion: David Nunnally motioned to adjourn at 9:25pm.
Second: Marc Fournier
Vote: 7-0 in favor

Draft minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn