Selectmen’s Minutes 02.25.19

Board of Selectmen Meeting

February 25, 2019

Meeting called to order at 5:07 pm

Roll Call- Jim Bibbo, Chairman, John Pfeifle, Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator, were in attendance

Michael James absent

Non-Public Session per RSA 91:-A3II a – 5:07pm

Adjourn to Public Session at 5:17pm

Adjourn to Recess at 5:17pm

Meeting reconvened at Public Session at 5:30pm

Pledge of Allegiance


  1. None scheduled

Regular Business: 

  1. Karen provided the Selectmen with a Town Hall update; a onetime extension was granted for the LCHIP Grant until December 31st, 2019 which allows continued use of funds to support granite work at the Town Hall. Karen also provided the Board with quotes received from John Belanger, Energy Improvements and Chey Insulation to insulate the basement ceiling of the Town Hall. Karen will follow up with John Belanger to insure the square footage is accurate and insulation type meets specifications requested.

Motion: John Pfeifle motion to move forward with John Belanger provided his price remains competitive after a clarifying conversation with Karen.

Second: Jim Bibbo

Decision: vote 2-0 in favor

  • Easement and Right of Way drafts, between the Town and Tall Pines Realty, have been received from Sulloway Hollis P.L.L.C to support the Bement Bridge project. Legal review is underway and should be available for review at the next Selectmen’s meeting.
  • Karen informed the Selectmen that the Executive Budget line for Selectmen’s stipends is underfunded by $7,500 driven by the Budget Committee’s opinion that the Selectmen’s stipend should be reduced. Funding for this line item will be over budget with the March stipend payment. John felt it was a discussion for Town Meeting and would not vote to reduce the stipend as that may be added incentive for folks to run for the role in the future. Jim agreed.

Motion: John Pfeifle motion to petition the Town at Town Meeting to continue the stipend at the current level.

Second: Jim Bibbo

Decision: vote 2-0 in favor

  • The Board reviewed a draft Selectmen’s Commentary statement for the Town report.

Motion: John Pfeifle motion to approve the draft for use in the Town Report.

Second: Jim Bibbo

Decision: vote 2-0 in favor

  •  Karen provided an update on 2019 Warrant Articles which required Selectmen review:
    • Article Nineteen – Language revision driven by the Department of Revenue Administration review. John Pfeifle motioned to approve the revised language, Jim Bibbo seconded, vote 2-0 approved.
    • Article Twenty – Removed as no fund will exist per amended language to Article Nineteen. John Pfeifle motioned to remove Article Twenty, Jim Bibbo seconded, vote 2-0 approved. This removes a request for $60,000 for funding Town Hall renovations. The Board will review how to present this to the Town for inclusion in the budget next week.
    • Article Twenty Three – Remove Selectmen’s request of $19,000 to add responsibility to the Police Chief’s role to include Fire Department oversight. The Board will instead support the Petition Article to raise funds to hire a part-time Fire Chief. John Pfeifle motioned to remove Article Twenty Three, Jim Bibbo seconded, vote 2-0 approved.
    • Article Twenty Four – Remove Selectmen’s request of $7,500 for on-call stipends in favor of the Fire Department’s Petition Article. John Pfeifle motioned to remove Article Twenty Four, Jim Bibbo seconded, vote 2-0 approved.
    • Karen presented a new Warrant Article (Twenty Two), to change the organization of the Fire Department, pursuant to RSA 154:1, 1-A, which would have the Select Board appoint the Fire Chief and the Fire Chief appoint the Fire Fighters. John Pfeifle motioned to approve the Article, Jim Bibbo seconded, vote 2-0 approved.
    • Article Twenty Three – Petition Article to raise $35,000 to hire a part-time Fire Chief and pay on-call stipends for Fire Fighters. Jim Bibbo motioned to recommend. John Pfeifle seconded, vote 2-0 approved.
  • The Selectmen signed the Call to Vote for the Town Clerk.
  • Police Chief Valiquet spoke with the Board regarding a promising candidate he recommends fills the vacant part-time officer position. The Board supported his decision.
  • Karen let the Board know, Road Agent Steve Hall has also indicated he has a promising candidate for an open Highway position.
  • $1,070 was raised during a community snowshoeing event hosted by the Scholarship Committee and donated to the Bradford Town Scholarship Trust Fund.

Motion: John Pfeifle motion to accept the funds.

Second: Jim Bibbo

Decision: vote 2-0 in favor

  1. The Board signed a renewal for $810 to continue a subscription to IamResponding software for the Fire Department.
  1. The Board reviewed the upcoming meeting schedule:
    1. March 4th & March 11th are the next two regularly scheduled meetings
    1. March 12th will be Town Elections
    1. March 13th will be Town Meeting
  1. Karen requested the board support making lease and bond payments in the amount of the budgeted dollar value rather than the actual invoice if the budget dollar ends up being more than the invoice.

Motion: John Pfeifle motion to support Karen’s decisions.

Second: Jim Bibbo

Decision: vote 2-0 in favor

  1. The Selectmen will support April as National Donate Life Month.
  1. Account payables and the payroll manifest were approved and signed.
  1. The Board discussed operating versus capital budgeting philosophies.
  1. Minutes from the February 11th and February 28th, 2019 meetings were reviewed.

Motion: John Pfeifle motion to accept the minutes.

Second: Jim Bibbo

Decision: vote 2-0 in favor

Motion: John Pfeifle motion to adjourn at 6:10pm.

Second: Jim Bibbo

Decision: vote 2-0 in favor

The next Selectmen’s meeting will be held on Monday March 4th, 2019 at the Bradford Area Community Center.

Minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn, Recording Secretary