Selectmen’s Minutes 03.25.19

Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes March 25, 2019

Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm

Roll Call- John Pfeifle, Michael James, Jason Allen, Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator, and Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer were in attendance

Pledge of Allegiance


  1. Melissa Cloutier, Town Clerk/Tax Collector appeared to resolve an election tie for the role of Trustee of the Trust Fund, the four write in names were placed in a container and Bliss Dayton’s name was chosen as the new Trustee of the Trust Fund. Melissa will follow up with Mr. Dayton.
  2. Melissa also presented the Board with two tax abatements for review and approval. One for a camper that is registered as a vehicle and exempt from property tax, and the second for a Lien Penalty Fee that resulted from an overlap between receipt of the payment and processing of the payment. The Board approved and signed both requests.

Regular Business: 

  • Town Hall Update: An update on installing insulation at the Town Hall was provided by Michael James. Rather than spending any funding, given the majority of the heating season is over, the recommendation is to understand the scope of work left to be done prior to proceeding with the insulation work. Sue McKevitt requested the Board include a specification to utilize an eco based solution such as Soy based formaldehyde free products when the insulation is done.

Motion: Michael James motioned to defer the decision previously made to award the work to Belenger Home Improvements at this time.

Second: John Pfeifle

Decision: vote 3-0 in favor

  • The Board discussed next steps related to hiring a Part Time Fire Chief. Karen will contact MRI to determine what next step recommendations are along with pricing. Karen will research whether a similar vendor can be identified as well to provide a quote. John asked for an update on the Masonic Lodge property purchase. Karen is working on ensuring a secure title can be obtained.
  • The Selectmen reviewed the various Town revenue accounts to gain a greater understanding of the components that contribute to Bradford’s revenue. John Pfeifle noted that revenue from the Transfer Station was increasing year over year and commended the department for its diligence and focus.

Motion: Jason motioned to accept establishment of a Committee as described.

Second: Michael James

Decision: vote 3-0 in favor

  • A driveway permit was issued for Map 3/ Lot 56.
  • Applications for Property Tax Exemptions for a Veteran’s Tax Credit and Elderly Tax Credit were presented per the Assessor’s recommendation. Both were signed by the Board.
  • A Junkyard License Renewal was approved for “Larry’s Salvage”.
  • The Board discussed employee reviews, conducted by Department Heads over the 1st quarter of 2019, for performance during the previous year. The Select Board had voted to recommend a budget that incorporated a three percent increase. Traditionally employees who were recommended for an increase received a standard budgeted adjustment based upon the recommendation of their supervising manager and approved by the Select Board. The Board discussed migrating to a performance based structure with specific goals and objectives going forward. Discussion ensued regarding when conversations about performance should be held with employees and when any monetary increases should be discussed. Sue McKevitt suggested the review and raise conversations be separate conversations, John felt the Select Board review of evaluations should happen prior to any employee conversations. The Board continued to discuss process, including how elected officials should be reviewed. Karen will follow up with other Towns to see if there are standards around Elected Official reviews. Sue added that she would like to understand how public input could be introduced into that process. For 2018 reviews Karen will provide the Select Board with a copy of individual reviews for their independent review. Some concern was raised around how this information would be shared. State Statute and policies regarding the handling of employee related documentation will be reviewed.
  • Michael outlined a desire to have a specific policy established regarding requests for information from Town employees. Jason would like to understand the Personnel Manual and State RSA’s prior to suggesting a policy and the discussion was tabled until the next Select Board meeting.
  • Michael asked about what policies exist regarding purchasing approval amounts. Karen believes an ordinance exists regarding this and will follow up with the Board on this.
  • Michael would like to explore having all Town Equipment go to auction as a standard disposition practice going forward. All Selectmen were supportive of the idea and the Board will continue to discuss this process.
  • Michael requested an inventory list of all IT related equipment. He would like to see a standard revolving replacement program implemented as older equipment can provide a greater security risk.
  • As a security best practice, only the Town Administrator and Bookkeeper have access to the Select Board office now.
  • Designating a Timber Monitor will be added to the next Selectmen’s agenda.
  • Jason raised the subject of the process to begin moving activity forward with regards to the Town Hall project. Michael stated he had walked the property with someone. The septic approval granted in December 2014 by DES has expired and will need to be resubmitted. John commented that the Board needs to incorporate the Town Hall Committee into the discussion. Karen will follow up on an update from Trumbull Nelson concerning outstanding activity they had planned to return for this spring.
  • Karen will scan and email Job Descriptions prior to the next Selectmen’s meeting.

Public Input

  • George Cilley requested a copy of the Masonic Temple deed be provided to him to ensure he understands what Right of Way he retains.
  • Sue McKevitt asked the Board to place a specific Public Business item to the agenda format going forward. She also expressed frustration with the change to the hour that the meetings would be held previously starting at 5:30pm to 7:00pm. She requested the Selectmen consider a compromise to host meetings from 6:00pm to 8:00pm to allow public attendance for folks who have difficulty driving after dark. Michael commented that he hopes to provide additional forums that offer different hours, formats and settings for the public to engage with the Selectmen. No definitive adjustment to the schedule was established but the Board will explore the hour concern.
  • Sue expressed concern that the Select Board has had a year to develop next steps for the Town Hall and would like to see a committee established rather than one person making decisions about what should be done next. She is glad that activity seems to be happening. George commented he was glad the Board hadn’t received any funding the previous year.
  • Minutes from the March 18th meeting were reviewed.

Motion: Michael James motion to accept the minutes.

Second: John Pfeifle

Decision: vote 3-0 in favor

  • Account payables and the payroll manifest were approved and signed. Going forward Michael would like to move approvals to the beginning of the meeting and would also like to see copies of the invoices for the activity they are signing payables for. Marilyn will include the invoice copies.

Motion: Michael James made a motion to adjourn at 8:54pm.

Second: John Pfeifle

Decision: vote 3-0 in favor

The next Selectmen’s meeting will be held on Monday April 1st, 2019 at the Bradford Area Community Center.

Minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn, Recording Secretary