Selectmen’s Minutes 04.08.19

Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes

April 8, 2019

Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm

Roll Call- John Pfeifle, Michael James, Jason Allen, Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator, and Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer were in attendance

Pledge of Allegiance


  • Bruce Edwards appeared on behalf of the Bradford Area Community Center. A door on the stove is failing and is not safe to continue operating. It needs to be repaired/replaced and is estimated to cost $990.00, versus $13,000.00 to replace the stove. Bruce is still researching options to repair the door. The Select Board asked Bruce to touch base with Karen prior to purchasing a final solution but agreed the repair/replacement was necessary.
  • Peter Isham appeared to express interesting in purchasing 74 Dunfield Road, Map 9/Lot 42, which is owned by the Town. Peter is an abutter and would like to clean the property up and remove the derelict building. Karen noted that, per Article Five, as approved at Town Meeting in 2018, the property must be sold utilizing a competitive bid process. Michael will arrange to visit the property in question. Marlene Freyler commented that the property should be condemned and George Beaton also expressed concerns about the unsightliness of the property.

Public Input

  • Sue McKevitt expressed frustration with the lack of decision regarding a request she had made three weeks in a row to restructure the Selectmen’s meeting hour from 7:00pm to 6:00pm. Michael felt it was too soon to determine whether an earlier hour would be more productive as attendance had been high since Town Meeting and he felt the time schedule may be contributing to that. A decision as to whether the hour should be adjusted will be made at the May 20th meeting.
  • Devin Pendleton asked whether live streaming the meetings would be an option. The Board expressed interest in exploring this option and Karen asked about the costs. Further follow up is needed.
  • Sue also asked about the process utilized in determining who to retain as Timber Monitor, while she expressed no concern about Brooks McCandlish being awarded the role, she felt there was a lack of structured process and consideration given to the two other options that Karen had presented. Michael had a resource in mind but felt that Brooks would be a great option given his experience and local knowledge. Jason and John stated they did review the other two candidates but felt Brooks was the best choice. Michael asked that process concerns be raised at the time they are identified to allow any adjustments to be made at the time of the event.

Regular Business: 

  • Minutes from the April 1st meeting were reviewed.

Motion: John Pfeifle motioned to accept the minutes.

Second: Jason Allen

Decision: vote 3-0 in favor

An amendment to the April 1st minutes is needed.

George Angeli filed a Zoning Violation Complaint with the Board alleging that a commercial sawmill is being run on property located at Map 6/Lot 73, 219 Cressey Road. Michael/Laurie will review the process to address the complaint with the Planning Board as a first action step.

  • Account payables and the payroll manifest were approved and signed. John reiterated his suggestion expressed at the previous meeting. He encouraged the Selectmen review the invoices prior to the meeting.
  • A concern has been raised about trash, and an odor, behind 18 Massasecum Avenue. Karen has reported this to the Health Officer and also spoke with the Police Department who recommended sending the property owner a letter outlining the concern. Michael asked that Karen provide a list of actions that can be taken and draft a strongly worded letter outlining actions the Town will take if the issue is not addressed. Devlin Pendleton asked if this type of complaint incorporates a Wellness Check. The Board manages according to Town Ordinances and RSA’s.
  • Jason Allen provided an update on the Road Committee. The Committee will consist of Matt Ordway, Jim Pickman, Joe Messer, Steve Hall and Jason Allen, as Selectmen’s Representative. Alternate members will be solicited for future participation. The goal of the Committee is to create and maintain a Town road and bridge management plan and advise the Select Board on the maintenance, repair and construction of all Town Roads. Bob Lincoln commented that the Highway Department is a repair and maintenance crew and shouldn’t be utilized for construction. Jason outlined the Committee will in no way manage the Highway Department. He requested the Board support the Committee goals and membership.

Motion: John Pfeifle motioned to accept the advisory committee’s goal and appointment of Matt Ordway, Jim Pickman and Joe Messer.

Second: Michael James

Decision: vote 3-0 in favor

  • Town Hall Update: Karen has been working with Trumbull Nelson to get an itemized schedule of activity, and costs remaining, that were identified as in scope for the Town Hall button up activity. She received a more detailed report today but has not had time to review it yet.
  • Jason requested Michael setup a meeting with the three Selectmen and Mike Bauer to walk through the Town Hall and discuss the pending activity. This was tentatively scheduled for April 15th.
  • Jason also expressed that the Board will need to maintain a General Contractor, as agreed upon with the Fire Marshall, if Trumbull Nelson does not complete the job. John advocated that the Board seek a volunteer for this position. Marlene Freyler expressed concerns about liability with this role and awareness of historic specifications. Sue McKevitt felt the Board should establish a plan now to outline the process to retain resources and address liability.
  • Sue also asked about the engagement of a Town Hall Committee and felt the time to engage is now. Michael had not been able to get inquiries out to folks but felt there was a bit of time still available before work would resume in the spring.
  • Karen will reach out to Jay Barrett, the Town Hall architect, to see if he is available to meet with the Board during their Town Hall tour.
  • The Board discussed bringing in MRI to discuss hiring a new Fire Chief. John would like to meet with Mark Goldberg first to ensure their objectives are aligned. Michael felt it would be more productive to meet with MRI and then meet with Mark to establish a timeline. Karen will setup a meeting with MRI.
  • The Board discussed moving forward with mold remediation work at the Highway Shed. Karen asked that it be scheduled in late May – early June once tax revenue has begun to be collected. Jason asked whether Steve Hall could move forward with the bid he had received. Karen outlined three or four resources being contacted initially and a lack of response or interest in the job. Michael asked that a Request for Proposal (RFP) be published in a local paper requesting proposals by May 3rd. Karen will arrange a newspaper notice.
  • The Board signed a change in scope, as required by the Department of Environmental Services, for private well testing near the brownfield property.
  • The Board signed abatement requests for Map 11/Lot 76/Site 10 for a camper that is registered with DMV and thus not subject to property tax.
  • The Board signed a memo to staff outlining a delay in annual increases that were expected.
  • The Board signed a Personal Action Request to hire Laurie Colburn in the role of Deputy Town Clerk/Tax Collector.
  • John asked the other Board members to make sure that if they make an appointment with someone that they communicate and meet the commitment or, if they cannot attend, that they cancel.

The Board adjourned to Non-Public session per RSA 91-A:3II(a) & (e) Personnel reviews and Legal discussion at 8:47pm.

The Board was updated on a legal matter and discussed the personnel reviews. It was agreed that those eligible would receive a merit increase.

Adjourn to Public Session at 9:30 pm

Motion: Michael James motion to adjourn at 9:31 pm.

Second: John Pfeifle

Decision: vote 3-0 in favor

The next Selectmen’s meeting will be held on Monday April 15th, 2019 at the Bradford Area Community Center.

Minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn, Recording Secretary