Selectmen’s Minutes 04.15.19

Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes

April 15, 2019

Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm

Roll Call- John Pfeifle, Michael James, Jason Allen, Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator, and Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer were in attendance

Pledge of Allegiance


  • The Board discussed the contents of the letter to be sent to 18 Massasecum Avenue. It was pointed out that the past letters have dealt with the junk cars, now the issue is garbage, in addition to the vehicles no longer intended for use on the road. The attorney will be asked to write a letter stating they must get in compliance and remain in compliance or the Town will take legal action.

Public Input

  • None.

Regular Business: 

  • Minutes from the April 8th meeting were reviewed and approved.

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to accept the minutes.

Second: Michael James

Decision: vote 3-0 in favor

The following amendment was read into the minutes regarding the April 1st meeting.

George Angeli filed a Zoning Violation Complaint with the Board alleging that a commercial sawmill is being run on property located at Map 6/Lot 73, 219 Cressey Road. Michael/Laurie will review the process to address the complaint with the Planning Board as a first action step.

  • Account payables and the payroll manifest were approved and signed.
  • Road Committee Update: Jason mentioned that the Nate Kimball is interested. This gives the Committee a group of 6 to serve. Jason is planning to ride-along with Steve this week. The idea of an inventory list of tools was discussed.
  • Town Hall Update: Michael is still trying to touch base with Mike Bauer. We hope to have a meeting next week. Bob Stewart said that we can easily resubmit the septic plan. Nate is on board with the site work. Michael is also going to reach out to the Rural Heritage Connection to discuss the best path forward for Town Hall. We are still waiting for the list of remaining projects from Trumbull-Nelson.
  • Fire Chief Update: Brian Duggan from MRI will attend our meeting next week, however, he would like to meet at 6:00. The Board agreed. John mentioned that the Fire Department would like to have a different point of contact on the Select Board. It was agreed that while we move through the Fire Chief transition process with the Fire Dept, all three Selectmen should be included in communications.
  • Bement Bridge Update: The Board agreed to have Hoyle, Tanner & Associates initiate a waiver appeal with DES for the shoreline permission we’ve been having difficulty obtaining.
  • Expense Review 1st Quarter: The Board discussed the first quarter expenses. Executive is slightly ahead of budget. Karen relayed to the Board her concern that the Executive line is underfunded. The Selectmen voted to reduce their salaries to $1000 per Selectman for this year.

Motion: Michael James motion to reduce their stipend to $1000 per Selectman for 2019 with this topic to be revisited during budget season.

Second: Jason Allen

Decision: vote 3-0 in favor

Financial Administration is a little ahead of budget as well. This is due to annual expenses already having been made and some training wages. Assessing is a little ahead, but explainable. Michael wondered about the breakdown of the Highway line Winter Salt and Spring Repairs and why that line has 22% left. The remaining lines were reviewed and deemed to be in good shape. The overall budget has 78% remaining.

  • Personnel Action Forms: Personnel Action Forms were signed to enact the merit increases.
  • Intents to Cut were signed for Map 4/Lot 15, Map 4/Lot 32 and Map 13/Lot 22, Map 13/Lot 19.
  • Other: John noted that the Rosewood was named as one of the top Inns in the State. He added that the Appleseed was named as one of the top eating establishments in the State last year. He also said he was going to work on the “Old Timers” banquet and asked the Board to think about the timing for this. He added he’d like to make sure the Board discusses the Purchasing Policy in the next couple of weeks. He also wants to make sure the Board thinks about objectives/goals for Highway next week, and in May for other departments and the Select Board. Michael added that he’d like to the Tax Relief Incentive in the near future. Marlene reminded the Board that Terry Knowles with the Charitable Trusts Unit at the State will attend the meeting on April 29th with the Trustees of the Trust Fund and the Cemetery Trustees. That meeting will be at 5:30.
  • Karen mentioned that the Elementary School may help clean up Sunny Plain Cemetery on Wednesday.

The meeting adjourned at 8:22 pm

Motion: John Pfeifle made the motion to adjourn.

Second: Michael James

Decision: vote 3-0 in favor

The next Selectmen’s meeting will be held on Monday April 22nd, 2019 at 6:00 at the Bradford Area Community Center.

Minutes submitted by Karen Hambleton