Conservation Commission Minutes 04.16.19

Bradford Conversation Commission (BCC)
Meeting Minutes
April 16, 2019 — 7 pm
Brown Memorial Library

Present: Ann Eldridge – Chair, Meg Fearnley -Treasurer, George Beaton, Doug Southard, Scott MacLean, Seth Benowitz, Nathanial Bruss, Brooks McCandlish.

Appearance: Steve Hall, Bradford Road Agent, met with the Conservation Commission to discussed Class 6 road issues with a view to developing policies/ordinances to better protect class 6 roads from damage. Some suggestions included:
Closing all or some or all Class 6 roads during mud season, with an exception process administered by the Road Agent.

Classifying some or all Class 6 roads in Town as “Emergency Lanes” per RSA 295:59-a. This would allow, but not require the Town to work on these Class 6 roads as it sees fit, without creating any precedent or liability.

Steve is open to any or all of these, understanding that they would entail some continuing supervision and administration by the Road Agent. The Conservation Commission is working towards a new draft Class 6 road policy and ordinance, and will run it by the Road Agent and the Road Committee before submitting it to the Selectmen for their consideration.

The beaver deceivers installed last year were also discussed with Steve. The installer is scheduled to address issues with the one on Forest, lowering the permanent level of the pond. George will follow up.

Minutes of 3/19/2019: Meg moved to approve minutes of March meeting; George seconded, unanimously approved.

Treasurer’s Report: After budget approval at Town Meeting, Meg instructed the Town Treasurer to pay the 2019 NHACC annual dues.

Tax implications of housing development versus open space: Ann, Seth, and Nate will make a short presentation to the Selectmen for them to take into consideration when evaluating proposals to build on Class 6 and Class 5 Seasonal roads, or for the Town to adopt.

Junk: George reported on two properties with un-licensed junk and ruined buildings. One on Forest St. has been purchased by an abutter who has contracted to have it cleaned up. An abutter has also made an offer the old school house lot on Dunfield Rd. which includes a commitment to clean it up.

Wetland applications: Under the new DES Wetland rules, Conservation Commissions still have the opportunity to comment on wetland applications. Since the time period for an initial response is quite short, Brooks moved that the Conservation Commission delegate a sub-committee consisting of George, Seth, and Ann to review incoming Wetland Applications, and make recommendations to DES on behalf of the Conservation Commission.; Scott seconded; motion approved unanimously.

Warner River Local Advisory Board: Scott reported that Ken Milender was elected Chair and Bruce Edwards Vice-chair, and bylaws were adopted. Ken also heads up the local Volunteer River Assessment Program (VRAP).

Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust “Landowner Workshop” to be held Sept 12, 2019, in the evening at Brown Memorial Library.

Porcupine Program to be presented by Ann Eldridge and Bill Duffy at the library at 7pm April 18, 2019. CC members will provide suitable refreshments, and arrive early to help set up.

Submitted by Brooks McCandlish