Selectmen’s Minutes 04.22.19

Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes

April 22, 2019

Meeting called to order at 6:00 pm

Roll Call- John Pfeifle, Michael James, Jason Allen, Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator, and Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer were in attendance

Pledge of Allegiance


  • Brian Duggan, with Municipal Resources Inc., appeared to discuss MRI’s recruitment process if retained to secure a new Fire Chief. Brian discussed the scope of activities MRI generally covers such as interviewing, background and qualification checks as well as conducting detailed collaboration sessions with the hiring party to outline a full job description and qualities being sought to fulfill the role. The estimated cost for their services is $7,000.00 to $10,000.00. Brian outlined a two step process typically taken with municipalities which incorporates step one as recruiting a new Fire Chief and step two as developing an operational plan with the Fire Department.

Additionally the Board discussed the structure and process behind implementing on-call pay for the firefighters with Fire Chief Mark Goldberg. The process has not yet been established although the pay rate has been discussed and is recommended to be $15.00 an hour with a two hour minimum and is targeted to begin around July 1st, 2019.

  • Ann Eldridge and Seth Benowitz appeared on behalf of the Conservation Commission to present information on studies conducted related to the financial impact to a town budget when conserving open space. Open space was defined as working agricultural land, timberland and conservation land.

The studies were conducted by the American Farmland Trust, evaluating 170 communities across the country, and the University of New Hampshire who studied 13 NH communities including Sutton. Both studies find that for every dollar of tax revenue the cost of services, if land is utilized for residential development, it costs the community more money in services than is raised through taxes.

The American Farmland Trust study indicated residential property median cost is $1.16 for every dollar of tax revenue and the UNH study indicated an average cost of $1.07 in community services costs for every dollar of tax revenue while open space costs were $0.35 and $0.51 respectively. Commercial and industrial uses were also included in the studies and averaged $.029 and $0.37 for every dollar of tax revenue. The Conservation Committee wanted to share this information with the Board as a consideration when looking towards the future of Bradford.

Michael asked how the Conservation Committee is established, their budget and goals or mission statement so he could understand how best the Board could support the Committee. The Conservation Committee was established fifty years ago and members are appointed by the Select Board. The Committee has three funding accounts, one which is funded from one half of the Current Use Tax Penalty when land is removed from Current Use, one Forestry and Land Conservation account and one account funded by the Town’s Operating Budget ($900.00) which is used for dues and printing. The goals are based upon NH RSA’s and the Committee is focused on protecting Bradford’s natural resource, retaining protected areas and discouraging sprawl.

John asked whether there were similar comparisons available for second home communities as those homes would typically have a lower community service demand and felt that encouraging second home development offered a solid means to gain tax revenue. Marlene Freyler expressed concern that second home development may impact existing home assessments and tax burden. There was debate around what impact could be seen as assessments are based upon the individual property.

Public Input

  • Devin Pendleton asked whether there was any progress on determining whether live streaming the meetings would be an option. Michael and Jason had recently attended a municipal training event and this is definitely an option. The Board needs to determine the cost and logistics of implementing a solution. The Board would welcome any volunteer technology expert to assist with this and plans to pursue costing a solution in the next month or two.

Regular Business: 

  • Minutes from the April 15th meeting were reviewed.

Motion: John Pfeifle motioned to accept the minutes.

Second: Jason Allen

Decision: vote 3-0 in favor

  • Account payables and the payroll manifest were approved and signed.
  • The Board discussed evolving employee merit to a goal based merit process based upon establishing Department Achievement Programs. Goals will be established in conjunction with the Departments and is targeted for roll out in 2020. This program is intended to help recognize and reward Town employees and will be fully communicated and agreed upon prior to implementation.
  • John asked that the Board revisit their motion on reducing the Select Board stipends, from $3,000.00 to $1,000.00, to reword the motion in such a way that it does not impact future Select Board members and allows the Board to donate a portion of their salary to the Town so they can receive a tax deduction for their work. Steve Hall asked why the subject had been raised was told it resulted from a Budget Committee review which reduced the Executive budget line recommendation made at Town Meeting. The Committee felt that the Select Board stipend should be $1,500.00 each based upon comparisons to similar towns and had reduced the overall Executive budget total. Michael felt the Select Board should be a fully volunteer position.
  • Town Hall update: No date has been established yet for the planned walk through with all Select Board members but Michael announced that Mike Bauer was willing to provide an In-Kind donation of his time to manage the project for one year. John thanked Mike for his offer and would like to walk the property, establish responsibilities and discuss the oversight process.

Karen provided an update from Trumbull Nelson which outlines approximately $50,000.00 worth of work remaining on the “Button Up” phase against a roughly $70,000.00 available budget. This does not include installing power which needs to be discussed with PSNH.

Marilyn asked whether the gates should be locked now as they had been left open for plowing and fuel delivery. Karen will make sure the gate is secured.

  • The Board signed a Tax Anticipation Note transfer request.
  • Two Veterans Property Tax Credits were approved.
  • A State Surplus Delegation of Authority was signed allowing the Town access to review and purchase surplus government equipment.
  • A Driveway permit was approved for Map 3/Lot 58.
  • The Board signed appointments for Nate Kimball, Jim Pickman, Matt Ordway and Joe Messer as members of the new Road and Bridge Committee which will hold its first meeting Thursday April 25th at the Town Garage at 7:00pm.
  • Appointments were signed for Steve Hall as Road Agent and Tandy Hartford as Trustee of the Trust Fund.
  • The Board signed Appointments for the Bradford Area Community Center Governance Board.
  • Karen shared a note of thanks for condolences extended by the Board to Jim and Carolyn Valiquet.
  • The Health Officer notified Karen that he had received a letter noting an inspection deficiency which had been identified at the Bradford Market. No action is needed at this time by the Board.
  • A concern was raised about possible trailer residences at 340 Fairgrounds Road. Karen will engage Code Enforcement and draft a letter regarding Ordinances as appropriate.
  • John asked about the modular/mobile home located across from the Post Office which was slated to be relocated this spring. Jason will follow up with the property owner to identify a date as to when this will be completed.
  • Karen reminded the Board that Terry Knowles will be attending the April 29th meeting and that the meeting will begin at 5:30pm.
  • Michael asked that discussion around the Tax Relief Incentive program be added to the next agenda.
  • Michael also commented that he had attended the Economic Development event at the Rosewood Inn and was encouraged by the attendance he saw.
  • The Board discussed some pending agenda items which included an update on the purchase of the Masonic Hall. The Purchase and Sales Agreement is with the attorney and a closing date of June 17th has been targeted. A final walkthrough is scheduled for June 3rd at 1:00pm.

Motion: John Pfeifle motion to adjourn at 8:05pm.

Second: Jason Allen

Decision: vote 3-0 in favor

The next Selectmen’s meeting will be held on Monday April 29th, 2019 at the Bradford Area Community Center – Special time 5:30pm.

Minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn, Recording Secretary