PB Minutes 04.09.19

Meeting called to order at 7:03pm

Members Present: Claire James, Pam Bruss, Carol Troy, Carol Meise (left meeting at 7:18pm due to illness), Laurie Colburn Alternates: Marlene Fryler Members

Absent: Steve Chase, Doug Troy, Tom Dunne, Michael James, Selectman Rep.

To Do:

1. Review and consideration of March 26, 2019 minutes. Motion: Claire James motioned to approve the minutes. Second: Carol Meise Decision: Motion carried, 5-0


1. Kristen Branzetti, Nourish Holistic Health & Nutrition, 9 Old Sutton Rd. (Map 2, Lot 113) – Change of Use Kristen recently purchased 9 Old Sutton Rd. and is looking to move her business, Nourish Holistic Health & Nutrition from New London to Bradford, to this property. The business will be consulting based and will also sell some food related items (eg.- fresh eggs). The initial plan is to move the practice to where the Hirshes had their old B&B, and then eventually move it to the barn. Kristen inquired as to what was needed by the Planning Board in order to move the business forward, and also asked about signage requirements/regulations. It was determined, after asking the appropriate questions and referring to the regulations pertaining to home businesses, that this business would fall under the category of a home-based business. There was a question about signage within the state right-of-way for Rt. 103 and the required set back. Claire advised that someone from the state would need to come out and advise regarding specific setback based on precise location along Rt. 103. She volunteered to call DOT and have someone come out to take a look. Pam advised that any new signs would need to conform to zoning ordinances and that nonconforming signs would need to be approved by the zoning board. Home businesses are permitted to have one sign. A second would need to be approved by the zoning board, unless a directional sign is purchased by the state. Pam also advised that upon moving the business into the barn, a site plan review would very likely be required. A copy of the home business compliance form as well as a copy of the sign regulations were provided to Kristen. Other suggestions by the board were to reach out to the Bridge and the Intertown Record, to provide them with info. about the new business and also keep neighbors in the loop with respect to any changes on the property in general.

Pending Business:

1. Chestnut Hollow Rd. Pam is following up to see if a street plat was approved by the Planning Board for this road and will review the file for this property. If the planning board approved a street plat, then they essentially have approved a road. If so, a vote can go to town meeting with a 51% vote required for approval of the road paving. If a street plat was not approved by the board, then a 2/3rds vote is required at town meeting for approval.

2. Planning & Zoning Board Secretary opening – to be posted in the Bridge. A conference coming up about driveway permits was discussed. Claire will be attending and will forward the details of the conference to the rest of the board.

Other Business:

1. Appointment of Marlene Fryler as an alternate

Motion: Laurie Colburn made a motion to appoint Marlene Fryler as an alternate.

Second: Claire James

Decision: Motion carried, 4-0

Planning Board Communications:

1. The next meeting will be on April 26, 2019.


Motion: Claire James made a motion to adjourn the meeting.

Second: Carol Troy

Decision: Motion carried 4-0.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:38pm.