Select Board Minutes 06.03.08

Town of Bradford
Selectmen’s Meeting
June 3, 2008
6:00pmThe Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Peter Fenton, Chair called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm with Charles Meany, Andrew Pinard, Cheryl Behr, Administrator and Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer present.

Review and Acceptance of the minutes of May 20, 2008:

Page 2 under Letter from Chris Way, fourth sentence from bottom should read “eight thousand ($8,000) estimate for a chain link fence.

Page 3, 4th paragraph spelling of eave.

Move last motion on the bottom of the page to right after ($200,000) dollars raised by taxation, on line 16 up from bottom of page.

Page 4, Cheryl Behr. Under “Community Center Day Care” should read: Andrew Pinard advised as a former member of the Board of Directors of the Kearsarge Pre-School, also the BACC.

Page 5, Under “Other discussion took place”, should read: The Selectmen suggested that the Planning Board.

Motion was made by Andrew Pinard to accept the above minutes as amended. Seconded by Charles Meany. Motion carried 3-0.


Addie Camarie came before the Selectmen and presented a bill to the Selectmen from Nate Kimball for a job that was done, and advised she had given a copy to Mr. Hansen, Hansen Excavation regarding the apron. At this time, the Selectmen advised they would take this under advisement and discuss the situation.

Steve Lucier, Road Agent:

Steve Lucier reported that the Jones Road Bridge is done, and one stripe is waiting to be done at the stop line coming off Center Road, which should be done Friday morning. The road was widened out on both sides, and the corner has been trimmed substantially.

Two of the trucks, a 1995 and a 1998 need complete sets of rear springs at an estimate of $1,000.00 each with the highway crew doing the labor. It was also stated that due to the price of diesel fuel at $4.84 right now, a lot of outside services will have to be cut, such as cutting the mowing down to a week, no tree trimmer will be hired, and the highway crew will do as much as they can themselves. They will be doing some cold patch and do some sealing on some of the roads. Bio fuel was discussed, and was thought to be a little more expensive right now than conventional fuel.

Andrew Pinard thanked Steve Lucier, Road Agent for picking up the sand at the Town Hall as well as at the Church yard. Steve advised he needs to buy some York rake teeth at this time.

Snow Routes depicted on a town map in different colors will be brought in by Steve. No gravel information available at this time.

Salt Shed Material – Relocating in July?

Salt Shed relocation discussed and Steve Lucier, road Agent advised some pine or hemlock would need to be gotten to reline one side of the existing salt shed, and when it gets moved, would also have to reline the other side. Could mix sand and salt now if the shed got relined. For the past several years, cold patch has been mixed and lying on old cold patch at the sand pit, and quite an area is still there. A flexible membrane building could be set up over the pad there. Charles Meany advised he would coordinate the construction of the salt shed with the volunteers that have offered to help to transfer the existing building and make it from 3 bays to 2 at the sand pit. Charles Meany advised he would like to keep the article for the $100,000, but would like to make a contingency plan to start having the existing building taken down by volunteers and move it to the other location, get it back up just in case the $100,000 fails.

Community Center and Kearsarge Area Preschool:

Karen Hambleton, President, Board of Kearsarge Area Preschool explained that extending some hours for the preschool would be helpful to some families. They have been before the Governance Board who was supportive. They do not consider this program a day care, but is an Early Childhood Education. The maximum children allowed in the room is 18, and they have 16. At this time there will be no summer program, just during the school year. Fee is $170.00 per week for a full day, and there is financial aid available for families needing it. They are insured for a maximum of 18 children at any one time, either morning or afternoon, and do have professional employees. Currently there are two days and three days, and the ages are 3, 4 and 5 year olds. In reply to a statement from Marlene Freyler, Fred Hubley advised this is a co-op, and not a business for profit.

Sue Rayno, Live Wire Day Care and Preschool advised the reason she had written a letter was that when the Community Center began, the kindergarten was given a home because the community needed it. Since then, there has been a change, and now there is a public kindergarten, and the space is now a preschool. Now that preschool numbers are dwindling, it seems that because they do not want to give up their space, they are seeing how can they pull in more children. Sue advised that you can call it whatever you want, but it still seems like a day care program. From 7:15am to 5:45pm, day time child care is being offered, in a town building at a rental of only $ 350.00 a month. If a day care can go in that building, she would like to bid on the space, as currently, I am paying $1,500.00 a month rent. Sue also advised she brought this up as she would like to use that room for a snow day program or rent it for $500.00 a month for a summer program. MaryAnn White from KAP Board of Director’s advised there is no slush fund in their budget and they hold as many fund raisers during the year as they can just to keep their head above water.

Kate Dobrowski handed out the Operating Manual, but advised it is in need of updating.

After much conversation, Andrew Pinard suggested there is a lot of further dialog needed and perhaps another meeting including the BACC, Selectmen with Kate Dobrowski and Karen Hambleton. The contract has been signed by the Selectmen for this year. Fred Hubley questioned if the preschool is in jeopardy this year, to which the Selectmen advised no, however, it could be revisited for another year. Kate Dabrowski suggested that more use would make more expenses in: plowing, trash removal, septic use, water, heat.

Discussion ensued regarding plans for the location of underground wiring. The police chief had brought a small tractor over and buried a small boulder, and he could be contacted for further information.

Lead Paint tests-Tom Dunn:

In Tom Dunn’s absence, Trudy Willett advised there is a gentleman who would be available to come out and give safety instructions free, and then there is another concern who would charge around $5,000.00. The results were very high in the lead paint tests that were done. Andrew Pinard inquired if we are going to allow the contractor to assume the risk because they are the professional dealing with the trade? Charles Meany advised there would be a licensed gentleman coming out who is actually an on site evaluator and watch the people do the work. This is going to cost $5,000.00 over and above the actual painting; consequently, the cost of the painting of the town hall will have to be re- evaluated.

Barbara French re: Lake Massasecum flooding:

Barbara French spoke of the major flooding in the 2006/2007 years. The Army Corp of Engineers did a study in 1987, and the feeling is that was quite a while ago, and something needs to be done to update the situation. They have spoken with DES who has come out and looked at the situation, have agreed and understood that Lake Massasecum situation is quite different from other situations. Barbara French advised they put in legislation, had a good hearing, however, it did not pass. Handouts were given by Barbara French for “Upper Warner River Watershed Study” which spells out the Scope of Work, as well as a map from the New Hampshire Dept. of Environmental Services which are on file.

One of the concerns would be to flood proof some of the homes by raising them up, and to do this, a cost analysis would have to be done. The scope of the problem as of now needs to be looked at, evaluated and identify possible solutions by an engineering firm.

Discussion ensued regarding the funding of this study.

Marlene Freyler advised the river needs to be cleaned out of fallen trees and beaver dams; it does not need to have dams and or tunnels build. Also when they open the dam at Lake Todd, they get flooded.

Marcia Keller advised the flood maps hanging on the wall are based on 1992 with no further studies and feels the Selectmen have the authority to ask FEMA to do further studies and provide maps that are accurate for our town. The end of the comment period for the flood maps is July 18 or 20th and there are comments that need to come from the Board to FEMA and she would be glad to look through the material with them. Peter Fenton advised Marcia that the Selectmen would support the effort. It was pointed out that the change of the highway has some influence in the changes of the lake. Barry Wheeler suggests the monitoring of Lake Todd is needed.

Ann Eldridge, Conservation Commission suggested filling of the wetlands along Route 114, increasing pervious surfaces, look at damming the lake, (it is one of the few lakes in the state that is not). Andrew Pinard advised at this point, we do not have funds appropriated for this type of study, and if we decide to move forward with this, we would be looking at appropriating funds in March, at town meeting.

Ken Ritter presented pictures of flooding on properties around the lake, all taken in 2006 and 2007. Sandy Ritter advised the water goes down much slower now, taking a week or two instead of the three or four days after flooding like it used to.

Richard Keller questioned Barbara French in presenting this legislation again, would it behoove the Board of Selectmen to support that effort for the town. Peter Fenton advised the Selectmen would be in support.

Tom Marshall questioned if the floods here weren’t the same flooding state wide. It was stated that the floods of 2006 and 2007 were close to the floods that were in 1936 and 1938. It was also stated that volunteers could work on cleaning up the river, however, property owners would need to be notified first.

Steve Lucier, Road Agent advised two years ago he and a group of men got together and walked the river from Melvin Mills to where originally the two rivers joined and cleaned the river out as well as a beaver dam. There is another beaver dam there now causing the water to be high by the Lumber Barn by 1 to 1 ½ feet higher than normal. However, it is keeping the water from coming into Massasecum Lake. It was also pointed out that there is a correlation between lake heights in Massasecum and the Davisville Guaging Station as a gentleman has checked it for the past 7 years.

It was estimated that the cost of doing just the study of this would run between twenty five and fifty thousand dollars.

Conversation ensued.

Accounts Payable Manifest and Payroll Manifests:

Manifests were reviewed and signed.

Intent to Cut on East Washington end of Deer Valley Road, Map 12, Lot 8.

Personnel Manual – Vehicle use policy adding to personnel manual.

Purchase Order for Fire Dept. for protective gear.

Line of Credit advance and Deposit Pool withdrawal signed.

Rescheduling of Special Town Meeting:

Last day for posting warrants is July 14, 2008.

Last day to give notice of the Budget Committee’s Public hearing is June 27, 2008

Budget Committee will have to meet within next week to review appropriation.

Budget Committee needs to report back to Selectmen by June 29, 2008.

Checklist update needs to be posted by July 1, 2008

Last day for Budget Committee to hold Public Hearing is July 4, 2008.

Last date to hold Public Hearing on proposed bond is July 14, 2008.

Last day to post the Warrant is July 14, 2008.

Motion was made by Andrew Pinard that they petition the Superior Court to consider the Town’s request for a Special Town Meeting for the date of July 29, 2008. Seconded by Charles Meany. Motion carried 3-0.

Cheryl Behr will post this tomorrow.

Selectmen advised Cheryl Behr she should apply for oil.

Andrew Pinard recommended that at their next meeting they dedicate to finalizing the location as all the specifics should be available from the survey for the site issue of the highway department.

Motion was made by Andrew Pinard that they spend a significant amount of effort at the next Selectmen’s meeting dealing with the site issue. Seconded by Charles Meany. Motion carried 3-0.

Retirement of Tim Bates:

The consensus of the Board was to stay with the same firm.

Office Hours:

It was suggested by the Board to have the business window in the Selectmen’s office open from 8:30am to 4:30pm. and notify departments of the hours open unless pre-arrangements are made.

Personnel Manual:

Personnel Manual was handed out for review with the suggestion that when the manual is handed out to employees, they should sign off that they have received it.

Selectmen’s Coffee:

The next Selectmen’s coffee will be held on the Bond Hearing date of July 14, 2008.

Mention was made of the request to all town departments for activities for the June 30, 2008 quarterly newsletter to be published.

Meeting closed at 8:30 to go into non-public session to discuss legal matters per

RSA 91:A:3:II:b and d.

Return from non-public session at 9:05.

Meeting adjourned at 9:05

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley, Secretary UNAPPROVED