Planning Board Agenda 05.28.19

Members: Pam Bruss, Chair; Claire James, Vice Chair; Michael James, Selectmen Rep; Carol Meise, Tom Dunne, Carol Troy, Laurie Colburn

Alternates: Steve Chase, Marlene Freyler, Doug Troy

  • Call to Order and Roll Call
  • Review & Consideration of May 14, 2019 minutes
  • Appearances:

Mike Tardiff, Central New Hampshire Regional Planning – Master Plan draft review

  • Pending:
    1. Claire to present summary of “Hard Road to Travel Conference”, hosted by the NH Municipal Association
    2. Follow up on Chestnut Hollow – Petition at Town Meeting to have the Town adopt the road
    3. Sign Permit and Site Plan Revision for Rosewood Country Inn, Map 1/ Lot 19 – Confirm done
    4. Home Business Compliance Form – Pam to follow up on whether or not this can be mandatory
    5. Municipal Lawyer Update – Confirm Date
    6. Harry Wright and Jim Bibbo update from CNH Planning – Confirm Date
    7. Shopper and Messenger ads for PB Secretary – Confirm posted
    8. Annual Municipal Association Document – Confirm it was sent to board members
  • New Business:

Review site plan application for Map 3, Lot 52-2a (formerly Kearsarge Fitness)

  • Planning Board Communications:

There will be a site walk on June 6th @ 6pm, at the former Autocraft property, Map 3, Lot 1.

The next Planning Board meeting will be June 11, 2019 at 7:00pm

  • Adjournment