Selectmen’s Minutes 06.03.19

Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes

June 3, 2019

Walk-Through of Masonic Hall at 1:00pm John Pfeifle, Jason Allen, Karen Hambleton, Ed Geffken (St Peter’s Lodge) were in attendance.

Meeting called to order at 7:00pm

Roll Call – John Pfeifle, Michael James, Jason Allen, Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator, and Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer were in attendance

Pledge of Allegiance

Michael James read into the record his email response to Marcia Keller who had requested information for her article in The Bradford Bridge. Marcia had asked for feedback on retaining video streaming services related to the Purchasing Policy and budgeting for 2019. Michael provided an email response to the inquiry and summarized that email into the record.

He outlined a concern that previous Boards did not adhere to the previous Purchasing Policy which had been in place but feels the current Board does, and will continue to, abide by the Purchasing Policy recently implemented. He also outlined the Select Board as the governing body over usage of the General Budget and feels the access to real time video, as well as archived videos, will aid in transparency and involvement of the community.

The response included an unrelated request to publish an article about the Sanborn Garden Lot and a desire to utilize the property as a community based, non-profit run, location in the future.

John questioned whether the Select Board would begin justifying their actions at every meeting. Michael indicated they would not but felt it would be appropriate to have any email exchanges read into record during the meetings.

Andrew Pinard requested the Board not conduct business via email except in extreme emergency situations.

Marlene Freyler expressed concern that the video streaming service was not part of the 2019 Budget plan and that there had been discussion about not being able to pay the Recording Secretary which was a budgeted expense but had been reduced during budget discussions.


The Board signed a parade permit presented by Bruce Edwards.

Several community members met to discuss establishing a Town Hall Committee. Michael outlined the Board’s desire to understand concerns or important items the Select Board should know about the Town Hall activity. Chris Frey asked what the charge of the Committee would be. Michael reiterated the intent of the meeting and asked to understand what worked well and what didn’t in the past. Andrew Pinard asked whether the Board was looking to put a Committee together or just looking for information. Michael outlined wanting to understand how the Committee operated in the past and wanted to know if there are things that the Select Board may not be aware of.

Harry Wright also questioned the objective of the meeting and stated the Committee’s efforts had suspended when Jay Barrett and Trumbull-Nelson had taken on the job. Previously he felt the Committee’s role did provide good guidance but was challenged with determining financing and expressed concern that he did not have a good understanding of spending activity over the last couple of years.

Brackett Scheffy stated he did not think the Committee was qualified for some of the decisions they needed to make. He also felt they had a lack of authority and a lack of control over spending. He felt the role would have been better suited to a professional resource. He was not sure where he would see a new Committee fitting in and understood that the Select Board would be making decisions with guidance from Mike Bauer.

Jim Bibbo outlined participation in the Committee over a 5-6 year period prior to the first bond being secured. He had also been engaged with the Rural Heritage Connection who had been involved with the project and fundraising efforts. He felt the Committee and the RHC had generated a lot of enthusiasm and which resulted in some private donations. He did feel the Committee was given too much autonomy and authority. He felt they had the right attitude but lacked experience and hired the wrong architect initially. He advised that the Committee should act as an advisory resource and should not be autonomous. A future Committee should make recommendations to the Select Board and the Board should make the decisions.

Andrew Pinard felt the Committee had presented numerous proposals that were brought forth by the Select Board. He also expressed that the Town should rely on the services of a professional, qualified contractor who can manage the scale of the project. He expressed concern that the Select Board is not qualified to resolve conflicting opinions nor that the Board would have time to perform the duties of a “Clerk of Works” for the project. He also felt that the Town needs to have resource that can develop schedules, scope and finance requirements outside of current Town resources.

Pat Moreland expressed an interest in participating in a future Committee if one is established. She has a background in Property Management and Finance and feels her background would have a positive effect on the project.

John expressed confidence in Jay Barrett and Trumbull-Nelson and feels the Town has been well served. He believes the Select Board should have a Committee to act in an advisory capacity and ensure there is input from the community rather than the limited view of the 3 Selectmen.

Andrew commented that he would like to see the list of activities, their priority order, and the financial considerations for each line, prior to committing to participate in a Committee.

Chris Frey felt there should not be a Committee. He believes the project is a construction project now. He thought a Committee would cause more delay and result in higher project costs. He felt the Board could hire a Clerk of the Works but the Board of Selectmen need to be responsible for the project.

Harry Wright stated a new Committee would need to have a specific role defined by the Board.

Jim Bibbo believes that the Board is focused on getting the Town offices in on the 1st floor but feels a large portion of the community would like to have the whole building completed and that a Committee should be established to work on fund raising and generating enthusiasm for the project.

Andrew Pinard asked about the plan for moving the offices back into the Town Hall. Michael stated there is not a plan written down yet.

Jason Allen commented that right now the Town Hall work is a construction project and does not think a Committee needs to be engaged. He did think it would be helpful to gather up the information collected over the last 13 years to inform the Select Board of activity that has happened. Jim Bibbo commented that there was a donation of $500 from Edmunds for paint that should be tracked down.

John Pfeifle felt that the Board should have a Committee engage now to generate engagement and establish community confidence.

Andrew asked that the Board publically discuss the activity happening with the Town Hall to build community confidence.

Karen took names for folks that are interested in participating in a Town Hall Committee if one is established.

Public Input:

Laurie Colburn stated that she felt the Board should establish a Town Hall Committee now so that a documented plan can be established and presented at the next Town Meeting.

Pat Moreland asked for clarification on where the topic of a Town Hall Committee is ending up. Michael stated no decision will be made tonight.

Marlene Freyler requested the Board write down their Town Hall plan. All 3 Selectmen outlined that there is a short term plan for the “Mothball” activity. Jason outlined the additional $60,000 would allow some of the “Mothball” activity to be more completely finished. Marlene questioned the utilization of the $60,000 approved at Town Meeting. Multiple options were discussed at Town Meeting but ultimately the $60,000 was added to the General Budget for use on Town Hall. Marlene expressed a desire to have the Board provide greater clarity on how exactly the money will be used.

Andrew Pinard commended the Board on their initiative to be transparent and engage with the public. He would like to see the Board continue to develop and abide by Town policies. He asked that the tent purchase considered for the Town be included in the budget for 2019. He also provided the Board with use information related to MP3 playbacks for comparison to use data from the new live streaming solution.

Tom and Trisha Dunne appeared to request the Board review their tax assessment as they incurred a substantial increase after sub-dividing their property. Karen asked that the process be followed to submit an Abatement Request Application to the Assessor. Michael stated the Board would follow up to understand the increase based upon the feedback from the Assessor based on the Abatement Request process.

Regular Business: 

  • Minutes from the May 20th, 2019 meeting were approved.

Motion: John Pfeifle motioned to approve the minutes.

Second: Jason Allen

Decision: vote 3-0 in favor

  • Account payables and the payroll manifest were approved and signed.
  • Marlene asked who the Selectmen’s representative for the Planning Board is. Michael James said he is and is talking with Pam Bruss, the Planning Board Chair, about participation.
  • Jason raised a question about the status of moving forward with the mold remediation work at the Highway Shed. Karen is working with Steve Hall, Road Agent, to move the activity forward.
  • Steve Hall presented 3 quotes to do work on the overhead doors at the Highway garage. Steve explained the contents of the quotes and requested the Board approve utilizing Overhead Door Company. The Board signed a proposal for $1,777 with the Overhead Door Company. Andrew Pinard asked what the scope of the work would be and where the funding would come from. Steve stated 5 doors would be repaired and the activity is being funded from the Highway department budget.
  • Jason Allen asked that the Community Center Repairs Article be utilized for exterior repair work and not utilized to do any LED lighting work until all exterior repairs are complete. Jason will share his feedback with the BACC at an upcoming meeting with Parks & Recreation. Michael James supported his opinion.
  • Bruce Edwards said he would like to see the LED lighting done. Bruce also asked who is on the BACC Committee and whether they had by-laws. Karen will follow up with the BACC and outlined that Committee members are listed on the Town website.
  • Andrew asked about goals and objectives and whether clear rules and procedures exist. Karen believes there are and all Boards/Committees should ensure they have this type of document. Michael requested the BACC provide a long term list of objectives related to use of the facility. Michael also asked that all Committee members be listed on the website. Karen and Melissa are currently working on updating all Committee information.
  • John discussed the walk through conducted at the Masonic Hall. The building has been materially cleaned out and is ready to close upon.
  • Karen asked the Board to approve the job posting for the part-time Fire Chief. The cost for the posting, as recommended by Municipal Resources Inc. is $1,474.98, and was not budgeted. Karen verified Mark did receive the recommendation and reviewed the job description. Michael stated the expenditure should go under the Fire Department budget and the Board will determine whether money needs to be moved from another budget line to cover the expense at the end of the year. Andrew asked whether the Fire Department had involvement in the process. Karen and Michael believe so, Mark has been part of the process and it is assumed that he has been discussing this activity with the Department.
  • The Board signed appointments for Seth Benowitz, Nathaniel Bruss, Ann Eldridge, Scott MacLean and Doug Southard to the Conservation Commission.
  • Karen provided the Board with a slightly revised Purchasing Policy for consideration which added clarity to the policy. The Board signed the amended policy. Andrew asked about the term of the contract in relation to the policy and whether the policy was applicable to the multi-year amounts or just an annual amount.  John stated the policy is applicable to an annual expense. Michael will follow up with NH Municipal on multi-year activity. Steve Hall asked about pricing for activity that spans years. The intent is that pricing can be negotiated based upon multi-year volume but purchasing activity would be annual based upon budget allocations.
  • The Board signed an Intent to cut for Map 6/Lot 116. There were also 2 Intent’s to Cut presented for additional signatures, from the previous week, which were already approved, but did not receive all 3 signatures.
  • The Board signed driveway permits for Map 6/Lot 48-11 and Map 6/Lot 48-10.
  • Michael would like to review overtime expense for a period of time to understand how overtime is being used. He would also like to receive a weekly update from the Highway Department for the upcoming 2 weeks of activity for an undetermined period of time with the level of detail to be determined by Steve.
  • John felt that there is historic trending activity available for overtime and felt there was not a need for a formal schedule of work from the Highway Department. He commented that stopping in and having a conversation is sufficient to inform the Board of the upcoming activity. Jason expressed that a formal schedule is not what he thought was needed. He can stop in and see where the crews are working and conversations regarding future plans were helpful. 
  • Steve explained scenarios and specific activities that drive overtime with the Highway Department. He expressed some concern about having to take time to do weekly schedules for the Board and felt that there is good communication now that informs people where and what the crew is working on. He expressed that it does feel like there is some micro-managing happening. Andrew Pinard supported Steve’s thoughts about spending his time in the field rather than working on reporting. Marlene Freyler felt having the Road Agent speak with the Board on a monthly basis about upcoming plans is sufficient and that the Board needs to let Steve focus on getting work done.
  • Jason felt that the micro-managing comments were overstated. He wants to be able to relay information to citizens when asked. There was feedback that the Board can always follow up, direct inquiries to the Department Head or utilize the Town Administrator to gain knowledge. Michael expressed that he and Jason are trying to gain an understanding of what is going on in the Town and building trust in the processes. John expressed frustration with the other Board members making decisions that do not involve him and/or do not involve the Department affected.
  • Andrew Pinard commended two Selectmen on their passion and interest but expressed concern that the Board may not be managing public perception well with their conduct.

Motion: Michael James motioned that the Select Board review overtime at every Select Board meeting for the next 3 months with each Department Head providing a rough summary update on what drove the overtime activity. Amended to a monthly schedule.

Second:  The motion was not seconded.

Motion: Michael James motioned that the Select Board receive a weekly schedule that notes activity that will be happening on a daily basis for the upcoming 2 weeks of activity.

Second:  The motion was not seconded.

Andrew asked the Board to recognize Karen. Karen asked the Board to utilize her, as the Town Administrator, to gain information. Michael does not care where the information comes from but wants to understand what is happening.

Steve Hall also commented that he is in contact with Karen on a regular basis and feels she can provide the Board with the information Michael is asking for. He is comfortable providing a monthly update but feels that a weekly update of a daily schedule would take a lot of time away from doing work.

Marlene Freyler updated the Board that the Budget Committee is lacking a member. Karen will explore trying to identify a volunteer.

Karen asked that the Select Board follow the agenda process by providing her any agenda requests by Thursday.

Marlene also asked about when she could start gravestone repairs. Activity can begin now.

Andrew asked what the process is to speak with the Board about an employee concern. Andrew will be added to the next Select Board meeting for a non-public session.

Steve provided the Board with a recap of work done at the BACC and an update that work will be happening on Water Street in mid-June.

Bruce Edwards let the Board know that culvert inspections by NH Fish & Game will start the week of June 10th, 2019.

Michael asked whether the Tax Incentive program was available on the website. Karen has not posted it yet but will get it posted shortly.

Motion: Michael James motioned to adjourn to non-public per RSA 91-A:3II(a) & (c) personnel and legal at 9:35pm.

Second: John Pfeifle

Decision: vote 3-0 in favor

Motion: Michael James motioned to move to public session at 10:40pm.

Second: John Pfeifle

Decision: vote 3-0 in favor

Motion: Michael James motioned to seal the minutes from the non-public session.

Second: John Pfeifle

Decision: vote 3-0 in favor

Motion: Michael James motioned to adjourn the meeting at 10:41pm.

Second: Jason Allen

Decision: vote 3-0 in favor

Minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn, Recording Secretary