Town of Bradford
Needs Assessment Committee Meeting
January 10, 2008
Call to Order and Roll Call:
Tom Riley, Chair called the January 10, 2008, meeting to order at 7:07pm with: Everett Kittredge, Kevin McKenna, Eileen Kelly, Andrew Pinard, Selectman present. Phil LaMoreaux was absent. George Morse, Subcommittee Jon Marden, Subcommittee, John Harris, Financial Adviser, Dawn Rich, Correspondent, Peter Fenton, Selectman, and Cheryl Behr, Administrator were also present.
Review and consideration of the December 20, 2007 minutes:
The December 20, 2007 minutes were accepted as read.
Tom Riley, Chair gave a review of the Interview Process, having interviewed all three of the contractors for the buildings. Many questions were exchanged during each of the interviews. After the interviews, some of the contractors have revised their spreadsheets effecting their end results. CMGC has not had time to make any revisions at this time, having had their interview on January 4, 2008, and were given ten days which would be on Monday, January 14, 2008.
Report on meeting with the Budget Committee.
Tom Riley, Chair advised the NAC committee met with the Budget Committee two days ago, on January 8, 2008 and gave them all the information we have so far. Questions were asked by the Budget Committee, and the final analysis is they accepted the information, and once they get the final numbers they will then make the decision whether to recommend or not. Everett Kittredge reiterated that the NAC will make a recommendation to the Selectmen on January 15, 2008, who will in turn recommend it to the Budget Committee, and if they approve, the Budget Committee decides if they will recommend it to the town. The Bond Hearing will be held after that. Eileen Kelly questioned what questions the Budget Committee asked of the NAC committee. Tom Riley, Chair advised one of the questions asked was “Why are we still looking at the Route 103 entrance”, to which the reply was, “they are still in the process of deciding how much they are going to charge to use that entrance”. Eileen Kelly advised it was the consensus of the NAC committee to not give up on the Route 103 access just because it is taking so long to obtain.
Discuss Bond Warrants for recommendation to the Selectmen:
Robert Stewart added that another question was “How will it be presented, individually, by the road, the police station and Highway, and how will it be put into warrant items or put all into one warrant item, or have three different ones.
Everett Kittredge advised initially the NAC committee meeting with the Budget Committee presented four warrant articles. This can be done with four warrant articles and four ballot boxes and vote on all of them at the same time in the first hour. This was thought to be done with Warrant Articles to include:
1. Road, Highway, Salt Shed, Police Station $2.1 million
2. Road, Highway, Salt Shed
3. Highway, Salt Shed, Police Station (No Road)
4. Highway, Salt Shed
These would require a two thirds vote in each ballot box. Everett also advised that if the Selectmen so choose, they could put the Road as a standard Warrant Article, in the order of two hundred thousand dollars. ($200,000.00) Discussion ensued regarding appropriate method of Warrant Articles.
Discussion and recommendation of contractor:
Everett Kittredge advised there are three bidders for the design built contract which includes their being responsible for the Site Work. The bids were:
Horne Contractor – Rochester $ 1,812,967.00 (If Highway & Police Were done together)
CMGC – Bedford $ 2,161,248.00 Same package
Kinsman – Hooksett $ 2,057,000.00 Same package
Motion was made by Everett Kittredge for a tentative recommendation based on the information before them, subject to revision if substantial change is made before the Thursday night meeting. Kevin McKenna seconded. Eileen Kelly opposed. Motion carried 3-1.
Kevin McKenna recommended provisionally accepting the low bidder which is Horne Construction at $1,812,967.00 for the two buildings to present to the Selectmen, unless more information is forthcoming.
Andrew Pinard, Selectman questioned if anyone has called any of the references supplied by the bidders. It was stated that the Police Chief had called the Rochester Chief
Marcia Keller advised she feels it is a very irresponsible way of approaching the decision by not procuring additional input prior to making a decision.
Cheryl Behr, Administrator questioned if there is a list of questions to be asked each of the references provided.
Motion was made by Eileen Kelly that a list of questions be developed to be asked in order to evaluate the references given by each of the three proposals, by using evaluation criteria already proposed. Kevin McKenna seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0. John Harris suggested the questions might included: 1. Three comparable projects near in scope. 2. Environmental regulations. 3. Completed on time. A list was drawn up on January 11, 2008 to be used.
Everett Kittredge questioned who would do the contacting.
Andrew Pinard, Selectman advised the last proposal to come in from CMGC was surprised at the disparity between them and the other contractors in the Highway Garage and Salt Shed. The Highway built price being discussed is Horne at $885,525.00 which includes the salt shed. In front of that is a $40,000.00 design charge. CMGC design charge was $ 35,500.00, and the built was $1,308,000.00, which is the discussed. disparity. Kinsman came in with a revised package and did not cite a design built, but a build charge of $830,000.00 for the highway garage. Everett Kittredge advised it is the committee’s job to find the disparities between the bidders. Andrew Pinard, Selectman advised that as part Kinsman’s revised spreadsheet, the salt shed is not part of the $885,525.00 fee, making a substantial difference.
Everett Kittredge advised that the question of how much contingency should be carried to which the contractors advised the buildings have been sufficiently designed that they do not need a contingency. The site work would be the area of uncertainty.
Review and recommendation of road contractor:
Everett Kittredge advised that all three contractors chose Hiltz from Ashland for the road site work contractor, whose bid was $201,244.00.
NEM bid was: 197,661.00
SCI bid was: 191,560.00
The town advised they will contract the road contractor. It was suggested that Hiltz be contacted regarding his willingness to submit a revised bid for the road, especially since all contractors have indicated they would use that company for site work. Everett Kittredge will call them. Recommendations on Hiltz will be checked out as well.
Motion was made by Kevin McKenna to tentatively recommend Hiltz Construction as Road Contractor, contingent upon if they will reduce their bid by $10,000.00.
Bindy Glennie volunteered to follow up on road references that are provided.
Peter Fenton questioned if one of the contractors is picked, are they obligated to hire Hiltz. Reply is no, Hiltz is being selected to do the road.
Motion was seconded and carried 3-0. Everett Kittredge and Tom Riley abstained.
Discussion of independent inspection authority:
Andrew Pinard questioned if there was any indication of what an independent inspector would cost. Reply, none at this time. Bruss Construction has been contacted, but has not responded as of today. It is still pending. This would be funded through the bond recommendation.
Discussion of Bond Warrants for recommendation to Selectmen:
Discussion ensued regarding the Warrants as:
1. A Bond Article for the Road Realignment
2. Highway Garage, Salt Shed and Police Station Design & Built (Including Site Work and buildings for the Highway and Police station that would connect to that road).
3. Highway Garage, Salt Shed and Site Work, and Site Work for Police Station
Motion was made by Everett Kittredge for a recommendation that the above 3 articles for bonds be presented to the Selectmen for their consideration. Kevin McKenna Seconded. Motion carried.
Date for Public presentation, other dates:
This date will be set by the Selectmen. The NAC will help with the presentation.
Report of Building Subcommittee:
Jon Marden, NAC Subcommittee member advised in regard to the disposition of the current Highway Garage, they have not had a meeting as yet. Andrew Pinard, Selectman advised there is no access to Route 103 from that property.
Report of Financial subcommittee:
John Harris advised he has one proposal from Lake Sunapee Bank at 4.5% for a 20 year bond with fixed payment mortgage. Also pointed out, by paying twice a year, there would be additional savings. John advised he will be getting two other proposals.
Report of Town Hall Renovations subcommittee:
Tom Riley, Chair advised he was in receipt of a note from Audrey Sylvester that she has nothing to discuss.
Report of Communications subcommittee:
Dawn Rich advised everyone was receptive at Primary when information sheets were handed out. Cheryl had printed off 500 copies and there were only 14 left. Received good feedback. Andrew Pinard added that he is establishing a web site where all information can be retrieved.
Questions or comments from Attendees:
In reply to Bindy Glennie’s concerns about the area off Route 103 not being considered, Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised the access road has not been abandoned, but it does take time. Dick Keller suggested the right side of the access road off Route 103 as a Highway Garage by itself could probably save several hundred thousand dollars. Tom Riley advised that the Route 103 access is not the NAC’s concern at this time, as this is being worked on by the State.
Next meeting is scheduled for Monday, January 14, 2008.
Adjourned 9:05pm
Respectfully submitted
Marjorie R. Cilley, Secretary