Planning Board Minutes 06.10.08

JUNE 10, 2008

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair called the June 10, 2008 meeting to order at 7:05pm with Barbara Vannata, Marcia Keller, Barry Wheeler, Sonny Harris, Bill Glennie, Jane Johnsen, Alternate, Charles Meany, Selectmen Representative and Ian Thomas, CNHRPC.

Consideration and approval of May 13, 2008 minutes:

Motion was made by Marcia Keller to approve the May 13, 2008 minutes. Seconded by Barbara Vannata.

Page 1, under “To Do Folder” letter to the Selectmen, This is in accordance with RSA 3:64:6.

Page 2, Under Ledgewood Pines, #2. Should read: Need to check out Old Warner Road as being discontinued.

Page 2, Number 3, last sentence should read: He needs to apply for a permit, for a three year period.

Page 3, under O. E. Trucking, Motion carried should be:6-0.

Motion carried with edits 7-0

To Do Folder:

1. Letter to Dave Pickman was sent and a footprint of the building was received, but no amended plan was received. A letter needs to be written regarding the dirt pile which needs to be depicted on the plan as being moved by June 1, 2008. Depiction of signs was received last month.

2. Letter was received by DPX2, Dan Pettiglio regarding lights and plantings, which Phil LaMoreaux, Chair read into the minutes. (Letter on file) The board agreed that Mr. Pettiglio is in non- compliance with the Site Plan Regulations and he is eligible for a fine under RSA 676:17-a. The adjoining property has not been rezoned.

3. Letter was read by Phil LaMoreaux, Chair that was sent to Harriet Hobbs regarding the Code Enforcement Officer checking the status of the gravel pit.

At this time, Phil LaMoreaux, Chair advised he had forwarded a letter to the Selectmen requesting the Code Enforcement officer to check on all gravel pits.

4. Pheifle check was received, but they do need to come in and sign the plans that are already in the office.


1. Geoffrey and Sarah Hirsch, Old Sutton Road. Antique Shop, Map 2, Lot 113

Mr. and Mrs. Hirsch came before the planning board to discuss their desire to open an Antique Shop. Wishes to use the barn and area right outside the door from Mother’s Day to Columbus Day with hours from 10:00 am to 5:00pm. No employee’s will be hired, and there is plenty of parking. No outside modification will be done. Home Business was discussed concerning this operation. Discussion ensued regarding the current sign which is on their property. Phil LaMoreaux, Chair advised that if they do intend to use the sign, then a Site Plan will be required.

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair read into the minutes a letter from the Selectmen, dated August 29, 2007 regarding a non-conforming two sided sign advertising Bowie’s Market on your property. (Letter on file). Mr. Hirsch advised he did call the Selectmen’s office and spoke to them in response to the letter.

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair advised the Hirsch’s if they do want to use the sign, they will need to request a variance from the Zoning Ordinance and then file a Site Plan with the Planning Board.

2. Jessica Selby, 57 West Main St., Child Care Center, Map 16, Lot 96:

Jessica Selby came before the board regarding opening a child care center at the former Video Pursuit location for infants to 5 year olds. This being a change of use, a full Site Plan would be required. Phil LaMoreaux, Chair advised this is a Conceptual Consultation, a non-binding discussion between the applicant and the planning board. There would be a fenced area in the back for a playground. Ms. Selby advised this will be licensed by the State. The Planning Board advised they would like a copy of the State Requirements. DES would be involved for septic approval. Charles Meany advised that a complete water test should be done. It was brought up that it could be considered a community well, being used as a child care facility. There is an existing apartment up stairs which will be continued as such. It was advised that Ian Thomas, CNHRPC is at the office every Wednesday from 10:00am to 1:00pm, and he could help Ms. Selby get started.


George Naughton, 24 Jones Road, Site Plan, Map 6, Lot 101. Represented by Alden Beauchemin.

George Naughton was present as was Mr. Beauchemin, Keeland Enterprises who represented George Naughton and introduced Dick Wood, Wood Engineering and Biron Bedard, Atty.

Mr. Beauchemin provided and went over the revised plans regarding:

Cover sheet to show.

1. Hours for the facility.

2. Commercial trucks

6. Addressed Snow storage

Page 2 showing:

Existing tree lines, existing rental house, reference of existing well to be kept and used for washing, gravel parking, detention area, barn to be removed is shown, parking revamped, correct grades to 10% showing. Also landscaping with proposed and replacement of the trees, as well as illumination proposed on the new building was shown. Boundary of shore land protection was discussed, with copies of the State Approval required.

The Fire Chief questioned what types of recycling will be done in his comments on April 20, 2008 from the Department Head notice he received, as well as what is the building construction, whether wood, metal or concrete to ascertain the need for a cistern. George Naughton advised the recycled material will be metal, cardboard and wood. The building is not sprinkled, and George Naughton advised he does not intend to leave anything in the building overnight, and chemical extinguishers are being considered. It was suggested that he should talk with the Fire Chief.

Motion was made by Marcia Keller to approve the application of the Site Plan Modification for George Naughton with the following conditions:

1. All State permits must be received.

2. Fire protection standards as defined by the Fire Chief must be met.

3. Holding Tank

4. Shore line protection

5. Solid waste.

Motion seconded by Barry Wheeler, and carried 7-0.

Ledgewood Pines, Mark Brunell, Old Warner Road, Subdivision, Map 3, Lots 94 & 96:

Mark Brunell was not present this evening but Phil LaMoreaux, Chair advised he has had some e-mails from him. Deed descriptions on all the lots are needed. Conversation ensued and several items need to be addressed. Phil LaMoreaux, Chair read some of the responses from the Town Attorney after he reviewed the Covenants and Restrictions that were submitted to the Planning Board after the last meeting. (Response dated May 23, 2008 is on file) Discussion continued regarding the age restriction of at least one person 55 years or older who owns and occupies each dwelling. Everett Kittredge suggested that the Planning Board should insure that before any properties get built any future conveyance of those properties convey that requirement. Marcia Keller read the letter dated December 27, 2005 from Jae Whitelaw to the board. (Letter on file)

Motion was made by Barbara Vannata to forward all the information to Mark Brunell, including the 55 and over language, with the request to provide the information to show that he has complied with the over 55 statute, and schedule him to come in at a later date. Seconded by Charles Meany. Charles Meany absent for the vote. Motion carried 6-0.

A letter will be written to Mark Brunell requesting Open space language and documentation to show on plans as well as Covenants and laws in addition to compliance. Also a cistern has to be approved before buildings can be built.

George Carafa, West Road and Fairground Road, Two Lot Minor Subdivision, Map 1, Lot 4:

George Carafa was in attendance as was Jeffrey Evans, Evans Land Consultants who represented Mr. Carafa. Mr. Evans advised there are no wetlands on the lot. DES number is not showing, but has been approved. A Waiver request was presented which Phil LaMoreaux, Chair read: Due to size and character of proposed lots, we are requesting a waiver of the following Town of Bradford requirements. Section VI, General requirements, lot size and shape. The lot the proposed subdivision is on consists of a 4.01 acre lot and 28.98 acres that has frontage on two roads and is split by an abutting property. (Waiver is on file.) The waiver concerns the 1 to 3 ratio, width to depth.

Motion was made by Barry Wheeler, seconded by Sonny Harris to grant the waiver request for the 3-1 ratio. Motion carried 7-0.

Motion was made by Barry Wheeler to accept the application as being complete. Seconded by Sonny Harris. Motion carried 7-0.

Motion was made by Barbara Vannata this is not a Development of Regional Impact. Seconded by Barry Wheeler. Motion carried 7-0.

Motion was made and Seconded to accept the written request for an expedited review. Motion carried 7-0.

Motion was made to determine this does not require contacting the Town of Newbury according to RSA 674:53 Land Affected by Municipal Boundaries by Sonny Harris. Barbara Vannata seconded. Motion carried 7-0.

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair opened the floor to public comments regarding the proposed minor subdivision creating a 4.01 acre lot and a 28.89 acre lot on West Road and Fairgrounds Road. There being none, public comment period was closed.

Motion was made by Marcia Keller to approve the application with a change on the Mylar to show the change to West Road, five paper copies are required signed by the applicant, Mylar signed by the applicant, copies of any state approvals, including State Subdivision Approval. Barry Wheeler seconded motion. Motion carried 7-0.

Public Hearing, Historical Society Simplified Site Plan for Proposed Blacksmith Shop on former Marshall Property, Map 17, Lot 12.

Mildred Kittredge, Historical Society presented 5 Applications and advised abutters have been notified.

Motion was made by Charles Meany to waive the Site Plan Application Fees. Seconded by Marcia Keller, Motion carried 7-0.

Motion was made by Barry Wheeler to accept the Simplified Site Plan for Proposed Blacksmith Shop as complete. Seconded by Sonny Harris. Motion carried 7-0.

Motion was made by Bill Glennie and seconded by Charles Meany that this is not a Development of Regional Impact. Motion carried 7-0.

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair opened the floor for public comments. Frances Ordway, an abutter, questioned how long has this been in the works. Mildred Kittredge advised the Historical Society has been trying to figure out what we could do, what we have the money to do and this project came up as a great idea.

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair closed the public comment period.

Motion was made by Barry Wheeler to approve the application as complete from the Historical Society for a Simplified Site Plan for the proposed Blacksmith Shop on Map 17, Lot 12. Sonny Harris seconded. Motion carried 7-0.

Motion was made by Charles Meany to request the Selectmen to advise the Building Inspector to give the permit to the Historical Society for the proposed blacksmith shop.

No actual vote taken, but was consensus of the board.

Gravel pit’s will be discussed at a work meeting.

Meeting adjourned 9:25pm

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley                                 UNAPPROVED