Planning Board Minutes 07.09.19

Meeting called to order by Pam Bruss at 7:03PM

Roll Call Pam Bruss (Chair) Carol Troy Marlene Freyler (alternate) Carol Meise Tom Dunne Steve Chase (alternate) Claire James (Vice Chair)

Absent – Doug Troy (alternate), Michael James (Selectman’s Rep), Laurie Colburn

To Do:

1. Introduction of Andie Ormiston, temporary Planning Board Secretary

2. Marlene Freyler was seated in place of Laurie Colburn

3. Review & Consideration of June 25th, 2019 minutes.

Motion: Claire James motioned to approve the minutes.

Second: Carol Meise

Decision: 6-0 in favor

4. Sign Michie Site Plan – Pam Bruss (Chair) signed Site Plan (Map 3/Lot 52A)


• Mike Tardiff, Central New Hampshire Regional Planning – Review of Land Use and Housing Chapters of the Master Plan. Mike Tardiff reviewed essential highlights for both the Land Use and Housing Chapters of the Master Plan. A lengthy discussion followed amongst the board members, who offered individual feedback and opinions.

1. Mike Tardiff gave an overview of housing analysis for the town of Bradford over the next 30 years. Specifically, 111 new housing units over the next 30 years are expected. This translates to an average of 4 new housing units per year (approximately 3 owner occupied units and 1 rental unit).

2. He also advised the board regarding new state regulations pertaining to ADUs (Accessory Dwelling Units), which mandate that all single family dwelling units may have an ADU. He suggested that the board review our ADU regulations so that they are in line with the new state regulations.

3. The board discussed the idea of increasing the business residential zone area, and the density of the zone via adjusting the minimum acreage requirement and road frontage. Pam Bruss pointed out that an increase in density in the residential business district should be offset by a decrease of some sort in the density of other zoning districts. A brief discussion followed about the transferring of density credits between high and low density areas, but this has been shown to be difficult to manage administratively. Pam Bruss commented that the town has existing developments with multiple unsold lots. Mike Tardiff commented that he has observed a recent upswing in sales of empty lots. Marlene Freyler questioned how increased density downtown would be achieved. Pam Bruss reiterated the possibility of increasing the business residential zone area and Mike Tardiff commented on a couple of larger parcels that have room for development. Claire James commented that it would be helpful to revisit the Master Plan survey in order to confirm the support or lack thereof for density increase in the specific zones. Marlene Freyler commented that the younger population is moving out of the town and state due to affordability issues. Claire asked Mike Tardiff where the younger population is moving when they leave NH. Carol Troy and Claire James commented that New Hampshire is very affordable relative to New England. Steve Chase commented that due to the projected increase of 4 units per year, discussing increasing and decreasing density has a very minimal immediate impact on the town. Yet he stated an increase in residential units will benefit the town economically. He also mentioned the importance of keeping the “buildable” parameter in the regulations. Mike Tardiff explained that he will develop a build-out analysis of different zones in Bradford.

4. A discussion of cluster developments was had amongst board members. Mike Tardiff noted a greater demand in the market for cluster development, but suggested a simplification of the regulations. There was a misunderstanding regarding where exactly cluster development regulations would be relaxed, and Mike’s build-out analysis would help the board understand how to move forward. Mike Tardiff posed the question of how to retain vitality and viability, in Bradford and in other towns. He commented that the younger population are leaving small towns and moving to Boston and NYC. Claire James mentioned that the cost of living may not be the catalyst due to a higher cost of living in Boston and NYC. The Board discussed the possibility of Mike Tardiff speaking to the Select Board on July 29th.

5. Mike Tardiff discussed three key tools to the Board for financing of future project in town: TIF (tax increment financing) district status, RSA-79E, and an economic development committee.

6. Mike Tardiff stressed that the Planning Board needs to define the table of uses and criteria, having specific standards for special exceptions, establish an ADU ordinance, possibly revisit residential rural district zoning, and establish agriculture zoning. The Planning Board will receive the Housing and Land Use chapters before Mike Tardiff returns to the next Planning Board meeting.

New Business:

• Agricultural Zoning Toolkit Review – Pam Bruss emailed the board members the Agricultural Zoning Toolkit Review and suggested a Subcommittee for Agriculture be formed.

Motion: Carol Meise motioned for the creation of an Agricultural Subcommittee consisting of Pam Bruss, Carol Troy, and Carol Meise.

Second: Claire James

Decision: 6-0 in favor

• Review what constitutes a Kennel and validation of Site Plans – The board reviewed the definition of a kennel, and discussed the suggestion made by Pam Bruss to create a separate section for the Kennel Facilities Regulations and to update this in the Table of Contents. Claire James discussed with the board the 4 mentions of kennels in the meeting minute archives. The board discussed the existence of 3 kennels, 2 of which are no longer operating. After reviewing the meeting minute archives, no site plans were found by Claire James. The State was contacted to determine if any licenses were submitted at the state level, with confirmation still pending. Any kennel business created prior to the kennel ordinance (in approximately 2004) is grandfathered.


• Follow up on Chestnut Hollow Road – Claire and Pam scheduled a meeting to discuss and research Chestnut Hollow Road.

• Master Plan – Natural Resources & Transportation Chapter Review – Mike Tardiff previously emailed the Natural Resources & Transportation Chapter Reviews to Claire James, who forwarded the Natural Resources, Housing, and Land Use chapters to the board. Claire James will email the outstanding chapters of the Master Plan to the board.

• August agenda to include meeting with the Economic Development Committee – The Economic Development Committee will present what they’ve been discussing to the board at the first meeting in August.

• Follow up on Map2/Lot 102 – 69 West Road, USDA grant recipient – The board will follow up to determine if a Site Plan is needed. The board discussed the question of whether or not the owner of the property is running a home business or a commercial business.

• Adding a Conservation easement question to applications –Andie Ormiston and Laurie Colburn will follow up on this.

Planning Board Communications:

• The next Planning Board meeting will be July 23rd, 2019 at 7:00pm

Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 9:01pm

Minutes submitted by Andie Ormiston