Planning Board Minutes 08.13.19

Town of Bradford Planning Board

August 13, 2019, 7:00 PM

Meeting called to order by Pam Bruss at 7:00PM

Roll Call: Pam Bruss Carol Troy (arrived at 7:02PM) Laurie Colburn Carol Meise Tom Dunne Claire James Doug Troy (Alternate) Marlene Freyler (Alternate seated)

Steve Chase (Alternate) Michael James, Selectmen’s Rep – Absent

Marlene Freyler was unseated at 7:02pm, and Carol Troy was seated at 7:02pm.

To Do:

1. Review & Consideration of July 23rd, 2019 minutes.

Motion: Laurie Colburn motioned to approve the minutes.

Second: Carol Troy

Decision: 6-0 in favor Pam Bruss abstained due to her absence at the previous meeting.


1. Stan Ovrevik, Rosewood Country Inn – preliminary site plan change discussion. Stan Ovrevik appeared in front of the Planning Board to discuss his plans to improve their property by using a historical piece of Bradford. He presented two different proposals to the Board. The first proposal includes combining two train cars, while the second proposal includes two train cars with a larger building in between, that would be used as bathrooms. He explained to the Board that their property includes a space for overflow parking. Pam Bruss spoke to the Board members surrounding a conflict of interest, as she is friends with the train car builder’s wife. The Board discussed this and had no concern with the conflict of interest. Stan Ovrevik presented the possibility of purchasing the old casino, opposite to his property. This would alter the initial plans Stan Ovrevik had presented to the Board. The Board discussed the historical value of the old casino, and Stan Ovrevik added the possibility of renovating the old casino if purchased. Stan Ovrevik followed by asking the board if there are any problems with the initial proposal. He explained the use of the building, which would be two additional room accommodations, adding to the existing 11 room accommodations, which would be ADA compliant. He noted that in either potential plan, a train car would likely be purchased and present on the property. The Board discussed the question of whether or not the train car would be considered an accessory dwelling unit, and if it is considered a mobile home, since the train car is able to be moved. The Board asked if there are any other ADA restrooms present in the building. Stan Ovrevik explained the property does not include living accommodations on the first floor of the building. Pam Bruss offered to call the Central Regional Planning Commission in the following week, and later follow up with Stan Ovrevik regarding the ability of the train car to be moved. Stan Ovrevik discussed the dimensions of the train cars with the Board, which are 24 feet long, and 9 to 9 ½ feet wide. The Board reviewed the Bradford Zoning Ordinance for the Rural Residential area to see if Stan Ovrevik is able to purchase the old casino lot and do a boundary line adjustment.

2. Sue Murphy, 176 Rowe Mountain Road – Lot line adjustment discussion. Sue Murphy inquired to the Board whether she is able to generate income from her existing 8 acre property, which has frontage on two streets. She presented a map of her property to the Board, along with adjacent properties. The Board reviewed the required road frontage for each possible lot. Carol Troy brought up the possibility to the Board that Jewett Road is a Class 6 road, which has building restrictions. Pam Bruss pointed out that Sue Murphy would only be able to get 1 additional lot from the property due to road frontage requirements, assuming that Jewett Road is a buildable road. Pam Bruss will email Sue Murphy pertaining to the question of whether or not Jewett Road is a Class 5 or Class 6 road.

Public Hearing:

A Public Hearing was opened at 7:38pm to review the addition of a conservation easement question to relevant Planning Board applications. The public notice was posted on the town of Bradford’s website, the town office, and at the post office. The public notice was posted 10 days prior to the Public Hearing. Andie Ormiston (Temporary Planning Board Secretary) was called to state to the Board which documents were edited, and where the conservation easement question was added. The documents changed included the Street Plat Application, Subdivision/Site Plan Driveway Access Approval, Notice of Voluntary Merger of Lots, and the Application for Site Plan Revision. The Site Plan application will be changed at a later date due to the inability to edit the online document. Steve Chase asked the Board how it will make a decision based on how the applicant answers. The Board discussed this and agreed they would need to review the restrictions on the specific property, and every application would be sent as a copy to the Conservation Commission for review, prior to a public hearing. This allows the Conservation Commission to advise the Planning Board on what their guidance is, based on the specific restrictions. Claire James asked the Board whether the conservation easement question would be added to the Site Plan Application, and Laurie Colburn clarified that the Site Plan Application is currently unable to be edited. Claire James asked the Board if there are any other additional subdivision related forms that need to be changed, and Laurie Colburn responded that the subdivision application includes the conservation easement, and other related subdivision application. Pam Bruss gave a review of the Public Hearing, which includes voting on the addition of a conservation easement question to relevant Planning Board applications, except for the Site Plan Application. The question is: Is there a conservation easement on this property? Yes ____ No ___ This question was added to the Street Plat Application, Subdivision/Site Plan Driveway Access Approval, Notice of Voluntary Merger of Lots, and the Application for Site Plan Revision.

Motion: Laurie Colburn motioned to approve the amended documents, which have an addition of a conservation easement question to relevant Planning Board applications.

Second: Carol Meise

Vote: 6-0 in favor

The Public Hearing was closed at 7:46pm.


• Follow up on Chestnut Hollow Road – Claire & Pam Claire James presented a warranty deed, for CNDJ Development LLC, filed with the Merrimack Country Registry of Deeds, and reviewed the Declaration of Private Road and Maintenance Agreement. The Board agreed the deed clears the town from having any responsibility, and when the property was built, the previous owners agreed to this deed, as did the current owners. Pam Bruss questioned how the current property owners will move forward, since the owners have a right to petition a change with the Selectman Board. If this change is petitioned and if asked, the Planning Board will provide the necessary information to the Selectmen’s Board. Pam Bruss will follow up with the owners of Chestnut Hollow Road. She will begin to draft a letter to the Selectman’s Board that allows the building inspector to review the lots.

• Master Plan – Review of Natural Resources & Transportation Chapters Claire James presented the Natural Resources and Transportation Chapters to the Planning Board. The Board reviewed the Master Plan Chapter on Transportation, and discussed grammatical errors and specific sections that need to be changed. The Board would like to reach out to The Central New Hampshire Regional Planning Office, to discuss certain sections that the Board does not feel applies to the Town of Bradford. The Planning Board agreed that pieces of the chapter are focused on the development of a larger town than Bradford, and as such will need be edited. Pam Bruss suggested that the Natural Resources Chapter will be reviewed at the following August meeting, which was agreed upon by Board members.

• Follow up on Map2/Lot 102 – 69 Center Road, USDA grant recipient Pam Bruss talked to the owners who were unclear as to why there needs to be oversight of the property. The Board discussed the issue of students visiting the property, for various educational purposes, and agreed that there needs to be a site walk. The Planning Board will ask for a public site walk of the property.

• Kennel licensing update from State Claire James explained that the only license in the Town of Bradford is for Hampshire Kennels, and it is unclear if a site plan application was filed. The state legislation requires a license for 50 or more puppies per year, and proposed legislation will require a license for 25 or more puppies per year. Claire James discussed with the Board members a complaint that was heard at the previous Selectmen’s meeting, regarding dogs barking at Hampshire Kennels. Claire James will check with to clarify their initial kennel license date, which would confirm whether or not a site plan application should be filed.

• Agricultural Zoning Review The Agricultural Zoning Review Subcommittee will meet on September 16th, at 7pm, at the Bradford Community Center.

• Review ADU Ordinances – Town and State Regulations Claire James and Laurie Colburn have not met to review the town and state regulations, but will do so in the beginning of September.

Pam Bruss read into record a complaint received by a Newbury resident, which discussed a plot of trees on Map 3, Lot 52-2A.

A letter addressed to Michael James, sent from FEMA, was read into record. This letter has information regarding a flood risk project in the Contoocook Watershed.

A letter and plan was also read into record, which details the existing property lines between the Harback and Manning properties, Map 16, Lot 25, and Map 16, Lot 27.

Planning Board Communications:

• The next Planning Board meeting will be August 27th, 2019 at 7:00pm


Motion: Laurie Colburn motioned to adjourn the meeting.

Second: Claire James

Decision: 6-0 in favor Meeting adjourned at 9:15

Minutes submitted by Andie Ormiston