Conservation Commission Minutes 09.17.19

Bradford Conservation Commission Secretary’s Report
September 17, 2019, 7pm at Brown Memorial Library

Present: George Beaton, J Ann Eldridge, Meg Fearnley, Patty Furness, and Brooks McCandlish.

Secretary’s Draft Report: The draft minutes of 8/20/2019 were reviewed. A motion was made by George to accept the report, seconded by Meg, and unanimously approved.

Treasurer’s Report: Necessary expenses before year end were discussed, including trail map printing, NHACC Conference fee reimbursement, and bog board replacement cost. Brooks made a motion to accept the report, Patty seconded, and all approved.

Correspondence: A complaint form was filed regarding a non-permitted dock on Lake Todd , and the owners were contacted by DES. Also, a letter of compliance was sent by DES to an East Washington Rd property owner.

NHACC Annual Conference: Registration is open for this event taking place on Saturday, November 2 at Pembroke Academy. George and Patty expressed interest in attending, and George will contact absent BCC members to invite.

Membership: Seth has expressed a desire to become an Alternate rather than a full member of the BCC. Thus, there is a need for a representative at the quarterly ASLPT Outreach committee meetings. George will check with Doug and Scott for any interest in attending the next meeting on October 7.

Class VI Roads: Doug met with 8 State House Reps in August at a site in the Mink Hills in Warner to discuss increased ATV use of roads and trails. Interest in our Adopt A Road program was expressed by the Warner Conservation Commission. In another matter, Ann sent the RSA dealing with building permits on Class VI roads to Karen at town offices. The BCC is working with the Select board to determine which, if any, of the Class VI roads be classified as emergency lanes.

Old Mountain Road: Ann met with a Bradford road agent, a NH Fish and Game officer, and some residents regarding the wetlands and stream issues on Old Mountain Rd. The current 20ft waiver used by town road agents impacts the stream and wetlands, so it was decided to approach the Planning Board to decrease the waiver to 16-18 ft.

Alder Plains Road:There are unregistered vehicles,unofficial signage, garbage and road obstructions noted on Alder Plains Rd in the Adopt A Road report. These potential violations will be presented to the Select Board.

Bradford Bog Boardwalk Workday: Boardwalk repair shindig will be Sunday, November 3 at 9am (rain/snow date 11/10). Announcement will be in the Bridge, Intertown Record, and the Stone Bridge news publication. We also will need a poster at the Bog.

Low State Forest Bridge: A bridge across a stream is in need of repair, solid enough to accommodate horse traffic. Advice is needed from Nathanial,

Kearsarge Area Trail Association: This group is currently doing trail construction for biking, hiking, running, etc. on the old Naughton Property behind the Community Center. They have requested our input and invited BCC members to walk trails with them. Ann will also refer them to the state publication regarding best management practices for trail construction and maintenance.

Landowner Workshop: The group expressed thanks to Seth for organizing an outstanding landowner workshop.

Potential Conservation Easement: Brooks and Andy from Ausbon Sargent walked the property recently.

With no further business, a motion was made by Meg to adjourn at 8:20 pm. Brooks seconded, and all were in favor.

Respectfully submitted,
Patty Furness, Secretary