Conservation Commission Minutes 05.18.10

Bradford Conservation Commission Meeting Notes

Date: May 18, 2010

Time: 7pm

Location: Brown Memorial Library

Present:  Meg Fearnley, Brooks McCandlish, J.A. Eldridge, Nathanial Bruss. Andrea LaMoreaux. Carol Meise and Perry  Teele absent.

Secretary’s minutes from April 20 meeting read and accepted with no changes.

Treasurer’s report: Brooks moved to accept minutes, JAE seconds. Approved.

Interest earned. Dues to NH Association of Conservation Commissions paid, $200.

Question of what does the town get for membership, answer is access to large body of information, updates on legislative and rules changes, notification of meetings and workshops, annual convention in Concord. Website presence.

DES correspondence: cc letter to Hill & Dale LLC re: changes to timing of project status reports for Alteration of Terrain.

Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust: seeking volunteers for land stewards. Workshop to be held in June, or they will come out for meeting if mutually convenient. They now have more easements to manage than they have trained monitors. This is an integral and necessary part of management.

Planning Board: seeks Conservation Commission input on review of town ordinances. Recommendations will be forthcoming as NRI is completed, need comments now.

LCHIP – Presumed to go forward. Due date is August 1 with a workshop in Concord on June15th..

Natural Resource Inventory: Carol and Ann continue to refine before presentation to the group. Introduction reviewed and tone refined.  Plans to approach Bradford Fish and Game and Snowmobile Club for input.

Shoreland issue: Andrea outlined a problem with the 2 year old project to control erosion at French’s Park. A Mooseplate Grant was received as well as funding from the Massasecum Lake Improvement Association and volunteer assistance. Fire team just realized that it encumbers access to the lake at that point for drills. Discussion of how to maintain the benefits of erosion control and allow occasional use by fire and rescue without endangering grant status of town/exacerbating difficult drainage issues and water quality of lake/incurring permit problems with CSPA and DES. Meeting with all involved on May 20.

Meeting adjourned 9pm   JA Eldridge