Selectmen’s Minutes 10.07.19

Meeting called to order at 7:00pm

Roll Call- John Pfeifle, Michael James, Jason Allen, Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator and Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer were in attendance

Pledge of Allegiance


  • Claire James was scheduled to attend to discuss demolition of the Old Dunfield Road Schoolhouse. Claire was unable to attend but provided Michael an update which he shared with the Board. The property was deeded to the Town in May of 2017 and is in derelict condition. The Historical Society has secured volunteers willing to clean up the site and demo the building with an intent to salvage what they can of the structure for future reconstruction. The Board agreed to donate one thirty-yard dumpster to support the clean-up effort once it begins. Karen has contacted the Municipal Association for advice as the property was deeded less than 3 years ago and the former owner has certain rights until May of 2020. The Board will assess any concerns prior to any demolition effort. The Board requested the Historical Society document the condition of the property with photographs.

Public Input:

  • There was no public input.

Regular Business: 

  • Minutes from the September 23rd, 2019 meeting were reviewed and accepted.

Motion: John Pfeifle motioned to approve the minutes.

Second: Jason Allen

Decision: 3-0 in favor

  • Account Payable and Payroll Manifest were reviewed and signed.
  • Steve Hall provided the Board with a work schedule and a brief update on Highway Department activity. Rick Churchill will start work with the Highway Department on October 15th, 2019. Horizon Engineering will be looking at Cochran Hill this week where a concern with water runoff has been identified. Steve reviewed salt usage and outlined a purchase plan for the remaining 2019 budget. This budget line will increase in 2020.

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to move forward with the recommended salt purchase agreement from Granite State Mineral.

Second: John Pfeifle

Decision: 3-0 in favor

Steve also discussed gravel demands. Steve has identified three vendors that could be utilized, all with varying product mixes. He proposed purchasing small quantities to determine which mix will work best for Bradford,

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to have Steve use his judgement on the mix of gravel purchases within his budget.

Second: John Pfeifle

Decision: 3-0 in favor

The Board discussed a request to install a crosswalk at the Kearsarge Regional Elementary School. The Board supported this suggestion and also felt there should be a crosswalk for the library as well. Various methodologies for raising awareness will be explored and the Board will determine whether a Public Hearing would be needed prior to installation.

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to proceed with identifying costs to install a crosswalk at KRES and the Brown Memorial Library.

Second: Michael James

Decision: 3-0 in favor

  • The Board reviewed a disposal contract proposal with Naughton & Sons to provided services for the Bradford Transfer Station over the next five years. Lois Kilnapp was in attendance and supported the contract. John expressed concern about the amount of cost increases built into the contract.

Motion: Michael James motioned to have John Pfeifle follow up with Naughton’s on pricing.

Second: John Pfeifle

Decision: 3-0 in favor

Lois asked whether there would be an ability to use the Revolving Recycling Fund for security. Karen will investigate whether this is possible.

  • Karen presented Committee Member names who expressed interest in participating on the Economic Development Committee.

Motion: Michael James motioned to appoint Barbra Bridgewater, Jim Bibbo, Stan Ovrevik, Laurie Colburn and Scott McCaskill to the Economic Development Committee, with Michael James participating as the Selectmen’s Representative.

Second: Jason Allen

Decision: 3-0 in favor

  • A review of the 2019 third quarter expenses of the General Budget was conducted. No specific concerns were raised. 31.3% of the budget remains to be expended.
  • A question was raised concerning where the proceeds from Highway Department equipment, which is being sold at auction, should be posted. Michael expressed interest in placing the funds in a Capital Reserve account for use by the Department that generates the revenue. Karen will research what options exist. She believes that those funds must be deposited into the General Fund.
  • The Board reviewed electric rate proposals for 2019-2020.

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to lock in rates with Nextera.

Second: Michael James

Decision: 3-0 in favor

  • The Board discussed a concern raised with possible hunting on Town property.

Motion: Michael James motioned to post No Hunting signs on the Naughton property, Tilly Wheeler Trail, and the Transfer Station.

Second: Jason Allen

Decision: 3-0 in favor

  • A review of final wording was accepted regarding an agreement with the Hallahan’s to secure an easement for work on the Bement Bridge.
  • Town Hall update: The Board will move forward with a proposal from John Belanger to insulate the basement ceiling. Karen is putting together a list of remaining activities that have been proposed, along with cost estimates, for the next Select Board meeting. Jason Allen proposed moving forward with the backfill activity now and having Steve break up the large rocks on the property. Karen will follow up with Nate Kimball on the backfill activity.
  • The Board reviewed a 5-year contract with Stryker for a service plan for the Lifepath CPR and heart monitoring device for the Rescue Squad. Karen will follow up on a question as to whether Stryker is the only local source option for this type of service plan.
  • The Board signed Personal Action Forms.
  • An annual junkyard license renewal for Max Enterprises was signed by the Board.
  • The Board discussed pending repair work for the Bradford Area Community Center. Quotes are underway.
  • John reminded the Board the next meeting would be held on October 21st, 2019 at 11:00am rather than 7:00pm.
  • Karen noted an appreciation event would be held for Dawn Rich from 5:00 to 7:00pm at the Appleseed on October 21st, 2019.
  • Karen updated the Board regarding a question concerning qualifications to update Town Property Tax maps. Per Sam Greene with the Department of Revenue, the process Bradford is using is appropriate.

Motion: John Pfeifle motioned to adjourn at 8:28pm.

Second: Michael James

Decision: 3-0 in favor

The next Selectmen’s meeting will be held on Monday October 21st, 2019 at 11:00am, at the Bradford Community Center

Minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn, Recording Secretary