Conservation Commission Minutes 10.15.19

Bradford Conservation Commission Report October 15, 2019, 7pm at Brown Memorial Library

Present: George Beaton, Nathanial Bruss, J Ann Eldridge, Meg Fearnley, Patty Furness, Scott MacLean,
Brooks McCandlish, Doug Southard.

Secretary’s Draft Report: The draft minutes of 9/17/2019 were reviewed. A motion was made by George to accept the report, seconded by Brooks, and unanimously approved.

Treasurer’s Report: The BCC proposed budget for 2020 was reviewed. Remaining funds in the current budget will be used towards trail map printing, NHACC conference fee reimbursement, bog boards, and bridge material on Knight’s Hill trail. Scott made a motion to accept the proposed 2020 budget, seconded by Patty, and unanimously accepted. A motion was made by Doug to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Brooks, and unanimously approved.

NHACC Annual Conference: George, Scott, Doug and Patty will attend a variety of workshops November 2 in Pembroke.

BCC Membership: A motion was made by Meg to offer a full membership position to Doug Southard. The motion was seconded by Scott and unanimously approved with great enthusiasm. A letter of request will be drafted by Ann and sent to the Select Board.

ASLPT Chair Meeting: Ann will be attending this biannual roundtable discussion on October 24. George requested that she suggest that easement monitors be granted a complementary yearly membership to ASLPT.

ASLPT Outreach Committee: Meg attended the recent quarterly meeting, and has volunteered to continue to be our representative. Topics of discussion included the status of potential conservation properties among towns.

Wetlands Permit: An expedited permit to rebuild a retaining wall on High Street was requested by the owners of the property. George and Seth investigated the situation, and Ann signed the permit.

Adopt A Road Program: The semi-annual road monitoring notices are being sent, with clarification of format and photos. Doug recommended that the Class VI map be color coded by travel condition, and that this be reviewed by the BCC, Road agent and Police/Fire departments. All were in agreement of this innovative idea. Also, Doug suggested further review of mud season and heavy hauling ordinances be made at a future date.

ATVs and Class VI Roads: Doug reported that HB 683, which provides prior notification to abutters before authorizing OHRV use on roads, has been introduced and is currently in committee.

Naughton Property Bike Trails: George and Ann met with members of the Kearsarge Area Trail Association and
advised that any trails near the pond be buffered. Doug reinforced the need for communication, coordination and
collaboration with any trail development, and using a notification program with the wetlands bureau when applicable.

Alder Plains Road: The Adopt a Road monitor noted multiple violations on a property on Alder Plains Road, and on
the adjacent lot. There was discussion of the town’s responsibility or liability, and contacting of the property owner. It
was decided to file another request for action to the Selectboard and an additional complaint form with DES for
impacts to wetlands.

Bradford Bog Boardwalk Repair Day: Notice was publicized in the Bridge, Intertown and Stone Bridge Post of this
workday on Sunday, November 3 at 9am (rain/snow date 11/10), encouraging volunteers to join this merry event.

Warner River Local Advisory Board: Scott reported that the Warner River management plan survey is complete, with
five towns participating. Permit applications were reviewed, and VWRAP studies continue to be done.

With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:25pm. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday November 19,
2019, 7pm at Brown Memorial Library.
Respectfully submitted, Patty Furness, Secretary