ZBA Minutes 11.06.19




Members: Brooks McCandlish Chair, Ken Parys Vice-Chair, Nathanial Bruss, Stephen Pierce and Alternate Bob Hodges (seated) were in attendance.

Denise Renk and Alternate Bill Duffy were absent.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.


  1. Richard and Sharon Hudson, 22 Massasecum Lake Road, Map 23/Lot 20 appeared to discuss an application they plan to present requesting a variance from setbacks to construct a garage on their property. The Board reviewed the application process and outlined various details, such as being specific on where measurement points are taken from, structural layouts and finished exterior appearance, which would be of interest in deciding on whether to grant a variance. The Board also outlined that the Hudson’s may want to conduct preparatory activity including gaining DES approval and conducting a property line survey prior to requesting a variance because any setback variance’s approved would be very specific and could become irrelevant if there were changes after it was granted.

Minutes from the September 4th, 2019 meeting were reviewed.

Motion: Stephen Pierce motioned to approve the minutes.

Second: Nathanial Bruss

Decision: 5-0 in favor

Zoning Board Communication:

  1. The Board discussed a draft Accessory Dwelling Unit Regulation proposal that the Planning Board is developing and are planning to bring to Town Meeting. Ken raised concerns about the informal manner in which the draft had been presented and a formalized handoff of information from Planning Board Chair to Zoning Board Chair will be documented.

Motion: Nathanial Bruss motioned that the Planning Board review the entire Zoning Ordinance to make sure there are no conflicts with other regulations.

Second: Ken Parys with an amendment to include there is no comment on the ADU specifics.

Amended Motion: Nathanial Bruss motioned that the Planning Board review the entire Zoning Ordinance to make sure there are no conflicts with other regulations. With regard to ADU’s specifically, the Board has no comment.

Decision: 5-0 in favor

  • Brooks reviewed a ZBA Checklist document for future applications submissions which includes a review of whether an application could have regional impact, per RSA 36:57, which would trigger abutter notifications for affected communities.
  • Brooks reviewed a Wetland Permit Application received as a courtesy notification to the Zoning Board of Adjustment.

Motion: Nathanial Bruss motioned to adjourn at 8:18pm.

Second: Bob Hodges

Decision: 5-0 in favor

Draft minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn, Recording Secretary