Selectmen’s Agenda 11.18.19

6:00 PM Non-Public Session     per RSA 91-A:3II (l)   legal

7:00 PM Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call:


  1. Sentry Roofing

Regular Business:

  1. Review Minutes of the November 12th meeting
  2. Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest for review and signature
  3. Highway Department Update
  4. Review RSA 147
  5. Equipment Assessment (HW, FD)
  6. Town Hall Update – roof, finances
  7. Solar Update
  8. Economic Development Update
  9. Review Selectmen’s Quarterly Update for Bridge
  10. October Expenses
  11. Budget
  12. Health Insurance
  13. Evaluations/Increases
  14. Sign Tax Warrant
  15. Sign Abatement Request
  16. Sign Lien Search Agreement
  17. Sign Personnel Action Form

Public Input:

Pending Issues and Topics for Future Meetings:

  1. Contracts

Upcoming meetings:   December 5, 2019